journey through ALO with ARC

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POV kazuto I got out of rehab about 2 months and found out that Asuna was in another hospital she was still very much out of it from Sao but we were feeling better when I got in there there was some guy telling her think about it immediately I walked in and he said she's not yours anymore after that I went to asuna's side and ask her what's going on my family agreed to an arranged marriage with him nobuyuki Sugo my heart then dropped at that moment realizing I would lose the girl in my dreams I asked Asuna if there was any way I could help her get out of it there's no way unless he could be found guilty for something few weeks later Arc came into the room that I was in I'm still in rehab but I'm doing a lot better I told him what happened and then kikuoka came in how you feeling you two he asked us both Arthur we're doing good and then Arthur's then said a few things that was apparently Arc's actual name and then he spoke to kikuoka and then he told us about the 300 Sao survivors that were trapped in a game called Alo

POV Arc okay so the three things I want you to do that will make me give you the seed here is number one one find me every single name of every single laughing coffin member so I can either in prison them or dispose of them properly wait are you talking about murder he said not exactly you see I was a murderer in the game and that carries over you know yeah of course if the police and the justice system doesn't want to deal with these murderers I'll deal with them myself that could be a number of ways one I could torture them or two I could kill them it's that simple I don't think I you're going to have to cover that up if I decide to kill them or No Deal on the seed he growls in frustration I need the seed Arthur I know you need it for the AI I already know and I'm giving it to you but I want those conditions met all right what's your second demand these aren't demands these are just things I need you to do all right what is the second thing the second thing is help me get to go arrested wait you mean it Arc that's right I'm not letting asuna marry that dick and you already know he's trapped the other Sao survivors he's guilty of thousands of crimes first of all he is literally kidnapped 400 wait no wait hold on 300 or 400 I'm confused it's 300 sao survivors I see okay exactly he's an asshole Kirito then laughs really yeah you're right Arc all right so what's the plan kikuoka asked it's easy me and Kirito ahhu you and kiriGaya that's right are going to hop into ALO and get these people out okay so what's the plan on that my buddy Kirito asked me that's simple we're going to get a few nerd we're going to get our nerve gears we're going to get the game and we're going to go inside there it's that simple you have our nerve gears right kikuoka yes yes I do here they're right here he then hands are bag with them in there all right so where are we going to do this I asked Kirito as we're walking outside the hospital since we're all better now he says how about you come to my house we can do that there all right I tell him we then walk to Kirito's house there I asked him your family home no they're on a trip do you have any family I ask him yeah got a sister well cousin she's out right now probably doing Kendo or she's in her room doing her own thing don't know let me knock and find out okay he knocks on her door suguha no one answered when he called out her name all right I guess she's not home I say to him he said yeah you're probably right so where am I going to go he tells me to go on to the sofa it should work fine I said okay he said I'll be in my room when we're done we'll get something to eat shouldn't take us long to figure out what's going on yeah all right hey make sure you use the same name as Sao got it I tell Kirito he says okay you too got it I tell him then we immediately say together link start

POV kirito in front of my face is this familiar load up screen of any game on the nerve gear it's a white screen with green blue dots all over it and a rainbow design going before those The Familiar load up screen glad to be back I said immediately as soon as I got into the character design screen I heard the voice of Arc hey there so what are you picking what how can I hear you I ask him simple remember I'm the owner oh that's right you're an admin you can talk to anyone can't you yep that's right since I have full control over Cardinal system I'm able to do anything so what race are you picking I want to pick the same one I'm going to choose the black one of course of course you choose that one the character select screen was interesting

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