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I woke up the next day to find out there was a tournament happening in the next week or so so I went up and decided to schedule myself for the tournament I signed up for it and it would be a week before I would be able to fight anyone so then I went out and decided to kill some goblins in the meantime this really was another world I thought to myself look how easy it is to level up in my opinion at least I wish I leveled up however all I leveled up was my swordsmanship and my skills My Level went nowhere apparently levels don't exist in this world which I'm okay with however I'm not okay with the fact I don't know how powerful I am you could basically say I'm a God in this world which is honestly the truth I could Flex a little on these people and literally change the entire world that will I want though I Will Wait cuz I know exactly what's going to happen next time to go through the tournament okay so the people that are going to be in this tournament is a lot of people and I'm not going to basically tell you anything about any of these because I'm going to whoop them faster than they can even attack me like literally I'm going to throw their asses on the floor so quickly they're not even going to be able to do anything what a pain in the ass I thought I can't even Flex on anyone cuz if I do I'm going to be found out by the administrator and immediately taken over by the Integrity Knights to then be brainwashed and then serve in their army no thank you I say after that the tournament starts I see Kirito and the boy that I saw earlier still don't know his name by the way after that I was up I didn't put my name down or anything so they're like who's next and then I shout and say I am immediately thinking of a name I call myself arc not realizing Kirito knows that name all right then very well Arc get going I didn't get in and grab my weapon the person the dude that is a Noble by the way insults me a little so I have to throw him on his ass and show him who's boss I grab out my weapon and he smirks and says really you're going to grab a weapon like that and you don't even have a chance to use it and such a condescending tone going to be honest it pissed me off snarky asshole I say in my head I didn't say it out loud I wasn't going to be rude all right then well will you be singing a different tune when you're on your ass I ask him don't commoner he says to me don't underestimate me I tell him as he probably sees a demon coming out of nowhere behind me no doubt which I'll be fine with then I run at him splitting my blades in half and holding two together now what do you say as he's on his ass breathing and asking me for forgiveness not to kill him at least I wish he would he already knew he wasn't going to be killed it's against the law here and I'm definitely not getting destroyed by that administrator or seduced however she's definitely hot I'm not doing that after that the boy in blue is up well he's not in blue right now he's in like a black jumpsuit kind of interesting to say the least. not what I was wearing I was still wearing my coat with armor I saw him fight with his sword the blue rose it looked like it was called I looked inside of my yes you guessed it since I'm in a god-class account I'm basically an administrator or game master you could say basically I can go into GM mode and make sure no one can hurt me where's the fun in that there ain't none but I can look at other people's weapons basically an appraisal skill if you've ever Read isekai Manga you'll get that personally I've never actually Read isekai Manga but you know then I saw my buddy fight Kirito watching him fight was amazing his aincrad style was still the same at least that's what he called it which has a nice ring to it to be honest I looked at his sword as I appraised it with my eyes by the way it was called ??? It made no sense for it to be called that after the battle I came in and immediately fought mine and well it was honestly pretty quick I knocked the dude to his knees in less than 3 seconds at least one thing he wasn't being cocky he was ready for the worst yes that included death he fought like his life depended on it and in a way it kind of did I I could have easily killed them but I didn't I won't kill a defenseless man that's me of course I didn't walk over to Kirito I then scream Kirito he looks at me and goes oh hey Arc the boy in blue then asked do you know each other he asked yeah well you see I lost my memory so yeah but yes I saw his face just now I remembered him he's a a man from my past Kirito said to him I finally found out the name of the boy his name was Eugeo in other words it's spelled the same way it said eugeo eugeo that's your name I asked him yes and your name he asked names Arc nice to meet you then we hear a voice from the back saying you three did it you're being admitted into the school you're welcome a woman's voice said thank you I say not knowing who this woman is after that we then become students I have a unique outfit though it's not a normal gray and it's not a normal blue either it's my favorite purple red it's Unique and I asked it to be that way after a few years yes a few years in this game is like a few weeks outside try to be exact I've been in here for about 2 weeks now since it's been 2 years that may not make no sense but however my body is fined on the outside I got a nice nurse out there literally working out on me I wonder though is she taking advantage of this probably not if she is she's probably just looking at me at all times I'm a pretty good looking guy believe it or not I've caught a bunch of women staring at me a few times when I'm in the gym or something that's why I don't go to the gym anymore I stay at home and do the gym there at the moment though I'm trying to save a friend I don't care about myself at this moment if it kills me it kills me as long as he survives you see I ain't got no one my family barely ever visits me so they won't miss me that much I mean I will be missed but it won't be that much Kirito on the other hand he'll be missed very much by Asuna and of course all his friends so I can't let him die not now not ever not until it's his actual time after that and a few years have passed like I said we finally got put into more classes and then we got our own students kind of weird to be honest we graduated basically then I asked that but they said no you we did not graduate we're still in school okay I thought to myself after that we didn't go on to have our own students kirito and the other boy Eugeo both get two females in other words two girls I never got their names although I did end up asking them the red hair girl was Tiese Shtolienen I said okay nice to meet you names Arc the other girl brown hair was Ronye Arabel nice to meet you names Arc I tell her and if you're wondering no I do not have a student I'm not a master yet I'm still working on my swordsmanship apparently even though I'm literally this person who's literally invented this style that they're using now yeah that style Kirito uses That's My Style I use that style of Swordsman apparently though I can't use that here kind of sucks to be honest because we all have to be unique in some way fine then I'm using the Arc Style it's a style of quick so last related movements that literally draw blood every second can't use that here either apparently though because it's against the law to draw blood that kind of sucks to be honest after a few weeks I find out there's a noble that's literally giving Kirito and Eugeo students a hard time later I'm wondering why they're running around looking for him don't be fine don't worry then we walk into a room and see a letter we went to go apologize will be back soon that was 30 minutes ago they should have been back by now after that we then run into where this guy's room is I don't remember the Noble's name so I'll just give you an idea this asshole was literally trying to assault them just because he was a noble I had enough anyone who treats a woman that way will die at my feet I ran in there and then he shouted at me what are you doing you stupid comment or get out Evan Drew my sword at him and said you're a scumbag moronic asshole you know that just because you're a noble you think you can have your way with everyone well buddy that ain't going to work around me you're dead I tell him with a monstrous look in my he then says you draw a sword at a noble it's against the law then arrest me because you're dead I'm going to kill you right here without any Mercy he then throws himself at me with his sword I block it of course throwing him back into a wall he then breaks his limiters however I broke mine way long ago no I did not lose my eyeball in the process for I am not connected to This World by the consul itself or the world's rules I can outline them and Destroy them if I wanted to I could snap my fingers and freeze him in place it's that simple but I didn't I wanted to kill him so I did I cut every single one of his limbs off and then cut off something else but I'm not going to say that cuz I'm not too proud of that it made me feel a little weird and hurt a little but you get the idea when Kirito and his friend got here they looked and saw a bunch of blood and stuff on the floor yeah he's going to die in a few seconds I'm about to kill him I tell them then they look at me like I'm insane well it don't matter I then grab my glaive and stab him straight through the heart killing him of course the two girls are safe I cut them loose they're fine however their clothes are ripped I give them both my coat so they can wrap around I'm pretty tall so wrapping around the two teenagers is pretty easy I think go after the other guy and kill him as well that a weird face comes out of the ceiling saying now you will be punished for murder you have broken the law oh we who and of course the other two have their swords drawn too so that creature thinks kirito and Eugeo also did it well looks like we're going to be in prison you two I tell him later on the next day we find out there's an Integrity Knight here a gold-plated armor interesting I didn't think she be here what do you mean she they both asked me oh my dear boys this is who you're looking for what this is Alice say hi or should I say Alice synthesis 30 so you know me human yes I do I tell her then you know what's about happen yes I already know we're going to be put in jail and then executed later correct huh what is executed she asked me oh shit I realized they don't execute people here no I'm sorry I don't mean execute I mean brainwashed shut your mouth and come along as you say Madam I say to her of course I'm joking around I already know she can do nothing to me but to the two of them she can it doesn't matter we'll deal with it later we then get flown off on a dragon and put into a jail after that the guard stands nearby Kirito I told you about this do you remember alicization right that's right this is the beginning let's get started how do we do that watch and learn I didn't snap my fingers put in the guard over there to sleep after that I grab the bars and pull them in then I grab my glaze out of my pocket which I hid and Slash the chains after that we ran out and an Integrity knight met us in the garden he was cladding gray I can't remember his name though it doesn't matter because eventually kirito and Eugeo we're able to convince him to let us go however a red one on another Dragon came in with a bow I was able to freeze time to keep them from getting hurt after that it was the cardinal no not my Cardinal system a different one we then went into a library where she greeted me most of surely greetings Arthur what the they all say hey Cardinal you must know mind then I am not your Cardinal but I am the similar and I have her memories basically if you're wondering yes I introduced another Cardinal system to this world mind being that fact since she belongs to me it makes sense that this Cardinal would know her although after the spider sees me it jumps at me whoa whoa whoa Cardinal call your spider off I say I'm sorry she says the spider that is I need to talk but I didn't know you could talk that good that's a girl too interesting after that we then spoke for a while and eventually Kirito and Eugeo we're back in the tower ready to fight the administrator we had to go through 100 floors first reminds aincrad doesn't it I asked Kirito yes he said when we get the f50 we fight our first Integrity Knight he was wearing red well this is the first one we fought on our way up to the top anyway it probably isn't actually the first knight or anything like that although I'm not really too sure and I don't care he was kind of weak though his fire barely did anything to me however the other two had some trouble Kirito and his friend which I don't want to say the name of right now since I'm having a hard time remembering it if I don't say it I'll remember it if I do say it I'll forget it it's kind of a weird thing with me he hasn't impressed me that much so it's kind of in a way of saying that if you don't impress me I won't remember your name but as long as I don't say it very often I should remember it after that they had some trouble but we were okay I was there so it wasn't that hard after we beat him we decided not to kill him we froze him in ice so you couldn't do anything else now at the moment anyway after that we met another one this one was clouded in purple and I swear they all look the same other than their helmets I don't know this one honestly it looked like a dude but I couldn't tell however I think this one was a girl because it was Slimmer than the males after we fought them for a little while eventually tell him it fell off and yes I was correct it was female however I didn't hold back at all so I think I earned her respect because I didn't have to do anything to her we just walked back up the steps after that we fought another one this one was interesting it was another one crowded in looked like gold but not gold it wasn't Alice yet it was another one but I can't remember the name of this person oh well it don't matter after that we then got to Alice and well that's a story for another time.

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