a battle for the ages Arc vs zekken

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POV Arc I have some things to do outside of games for a while for a few days on end I haven't been able to log in at all however I am going to find out what kikuoka wants now recently he called me I went over to his place and we spoke for a while good evening Arthur he tells me it's more like morning but okay oh yes my mistake looks like I messed up good morning Arthur good morning now what do you need I have some things to do today other than playing games I hopefully you're not asking me to go on another mission no you sent me the seed but I don't understand how to activate it could you show me how yeah fine I can show you how to do it I show them how on the laptop and it works really well I was able to get it to use then he says I'll be adding some people that are pretty good at technology for this project want to join no thanks I tell him very well see you later Arthur I then head on to my college oh boy here we go I walk into my classroom and I mean like here we have a transfer student apparently huh wonder who this is she comes from another College oh it's a girl interesting then a girl walks in immediately I lose my mind it's Rica oh boy she came to my college oh boy I think to myself what are you doing here oh didn't you hear I transferred she tells me no I didn't know about that so Arthur you know her huh yes as a friend of mine her name is Rica pleasure to meet you she says to me haha you already know me I tell her yes I realize so are you going to be doing an Alo today she asked me oh I got to fight with a very strong opponent named zekken if I remember correctly sounds like a cool battle yeah it's definitely will be then some people there which are also from Sao know exactly who I am Hey look it's the Reaper he is in anything like I imagined him in real life oh really I say quiet down now the professor says come after classes I want to see actually how much the reaper is in real life compared to the in the game very well then after school Rica and me both head on over and meet with those three who were taunting me so you wanted me to come along I didn't think you actually do it you're more gullible than I thought what's he actually how strong you actually are real life you that is Arthur okay apparently these are bullies they wanted the bully me however it's not going to work you know I didn't even know they were bullies in college to be honest they're all over the place you should know that already we don't think you're all that we just want to prove it to ourselves easy enough then one of them throws a punch I grab it and slam them to the ground it's not going to work you're going to need to do a little better than that the other one comes up behind me I slap him and send him to the ground and the third one he pulls out a knife and then click my tongue and immediately run behind he can't see me I'm too fast my agility is beyond anyone else's usually he tried to stab me with a knife I grabbed his hand knocked it out and knocked him to the ground Rico was of course clapping her hands even better she said after that she kicked one in the gut and left along with me walking her home of course a bunch of dudes that were sitting up in their classes still we're looking down wondering why was I walking with such a pretty girl isn't that the news transfer student they all say yeah I think it's her what was your name again Rica Hannah massime yeah she's from another College apparently those two know each other after that I headed into Alo and then I saw Rica there too hey Azria how you doing I tell her doing good and you just we just got home so of course I'm doing fine yeah it's all good where you live by the way just asking believe it or not will you took me was the bus stop but actually I live right next to you right right wait right next to me like in apartments or something right across the street oh cool I say to her well then we'll have to meet up in real life again at some point I tell her I didn't get to Asuna and Kirito's place
I over here some girls talking yep I know he's very powerful it's was lisbeth I then walk in and say hey everyone how's it going everyone looks at me and says Arc nice to see you and I hear Asuna speaks has anyone fought this guy yet she asked then of course Kirito and the rest of them say yes can I ask well how powerful is this person very very very strong then Kirito says one word that makes me shake a little if they were in Sao they would have got the dual wielding skill with no issues That's How Strong we're talking I see well it shouldn't be too hard so you'll fight them tomorrow got it arc yep I'll schedule it the next day I arrive at an arena near a tree and I see a dude a salamander fall from the tree have nowhere a girl an imp comes down wait a minute you didn't tell me zekken was girl huhh must have slipped my mind kirito say that's not something you could just forget about and then as soon as there's one word that makes me shiver so that's why you went easy on her the words popped in my head stare I begin trying not to laugh as I imagine that however it doesn't happen that way the girl then says there's Yuki nice to meet you oh so her name is not even zekken got it I think walk in and say I'll be your opponent ooh never thought I'd get the fight with the reaper himself so she does know of me how do you know of me everyone in the game knows about you Arc the battle begins POV asuna a few days earlier off of alo I then walk downstairs to get myself a glass of water when the servant the maid comes over and says your mother is waiting for you in the kitchen I then hold my and then release it walking into the room hello mother I say to her then she says my name Asuna take a seat please you were in there playing that game again weren't you yes I was playing with my friends I tell her she doesn't like that you shouldn't be playing games at all you should be studying getting better yes I understand you're two years behind everyone else you should be already caught up going to college by now no the toys keeping you away get your studies done and maybe I'll think about letting you play again she tells me and also is there anything you would like to say she asked me yes I would like to ask a few things I say to her why are you trying to get me kicked out of the school I'm in it's not a good school they're just trying to control you make you feel bad for killing people but you should but you should do it on your own terms you had no choice but to kill in the game should never let you grab that nerve gear yes it was my choice though yes and it was your choice that almost cost you your life she tells me with no more remorse yeah I'm sorry about that I stay with my head down also have you figured out what you want to do yet she asked me no not yet I was thinking of maybe doing robotic Engineers Maybe or something similar to that no that will help you I then get mad what do you mean that won't help me lower that tone young lady she tells me sorry what do you mean that's not a good job for you you should be doing something else but it's what I want to do what you want to do doesn't matter she was telling me straight up that anything I want to do doesn't matter I should do something I don't like then I ask her well that is your duty yes my duty what is my duty I ask her your duty is to deal with things just as I have oh so just because we're rich now I can't do what I want to do anymore no that does not mean anything you should also find yourself a good boy to marry and no I don't mean that one that you've been spending time with in that game you may have been a couple in the game but you no longer that how about that nice Arthur boy if you want me to marry him no way I'll marry who I want I tell her that is not your choice he seems like a nice boy do you know him at all yes he's a friend in the game we're playing also even he plays yes I tell her very well have you got all your studies done yes I have then you may play for the next four days after that I want you back to study and do not disobey then I asked her why are you trying to do this to me what did I do wrong I kept saying in my head however I knew the truth I knew for a fact she just wanted the best for me however the best for me was what I want to do not what she wants me to do ask her a few more times why then she says what do you mean why I just want the best for you you know that yes but the best for me from what I see is what I want to do she then hits her fist on the table and says no the best for you is what I decide for you you don't know the world and you don't know how it works you've been trapped in a video game for the last 2 years and you're still in video games if you're so remorseful like everyone says why don't you just give up on the games I told her no butts you may play for four more days then you will study clear yes mother I say to her as I walk back to my room I say something she hears and I can't remember what I said though get back here she says but I walked to my room and lay down on my bed and begin to cry.

POV Arc as I get into a Battle Stance I'm about to battle with the Imp girl Yuki it's very interesting to say the least her fighting style seems primitive in a way but yeah at the same time it's very Advanced like she's been playing this game forever it's like she's always been in the game is that even possible I guess it is there is a device in hospitals wait does that mean she's in the hospital that's the only way she could be full dive all the time I believe it was called Madoka boy but I can't quite remember but it is a device that lets you full dive all the time kind of sounds like a cool version of the nerve gear to be honest one that won't kill you though after that my Battle Stance was interesting mine was a easy one more like what Kirito does but it was more fluent more powerful in my stance being a speed Health tank type really does help against the speed only type an imp is a speed and Magic type from what I know making sense cuz an imp is actually usually supposed to be a demon that's usually how it works however for the fact of me being a little demon in stats alone makes it easy enough for me to dodge however I do get cut a few times her sword is quick and agile kind of like a Rapier only it's a Broad Sword kind of weird the way her fighting style is she's more agile than me but I'm able to dodge still quickly finally end in the match with my final strike which I wish I could use it in this game but I can't it wasn't Abyss straga it was just a normal ermber strike and then I won I felt kind of bad though for the fact I know this girl is a patient at a hospital now no she didn't tell me not yet anyway but I knew it because she was full dive all the time the only way you can do that is it with a nerve gear that you're tapped into like Sao and you're being fed through an IV or you're in a hospital on that new device after winning she gives me the sword skill it's an 11 combo type one of her own creation I asked her why a Worthy successor she says okay so I want to ask Yuki is that your real name real life yes I used it I see okay can I come find you I'd rather you not too late I already found you oh okay I'll be there tomorrow sound good I'll meet up with you and we can say hi to each other sound good sure no problem she seemed unsure but I definitely was going to say hi well I'll see you tomorrow yep I then log out right then and there and then I go to bed waking up around about 10:00 in the morning I wake up find the hospital on my laptop that I hacked into the maps to find of course and I go there and find a doctor excuse me is Yuki konno here oh yes who are you names Arthur I think give him my full name anyway that doesn't matter you let me in and I said hello what's going on why is she in that I ask it's terrible she has a terrible disease that was transmitted from blood what is it it's a heart problem her family can't pay for it so it's just a matter of time I begin to get teary-eyed knowing that it's not going to be long before she passes I don't want that she's definitely a nice person from what I know and why is the machine the machine is the only thing that brings her Joy it's called Madoka boy again I'm sorry if I'm pronouncing this wrong I can't quite pronounce a Japanese word and then ask how much is it he then says the price and I realize it's everything I have is it worth it I didn't think about it and then decide to leave I said hello so I would think it over maybe get some more funds and then I might be able to save her life I wanted to try it and if I could do it well it would be nice it might even make her a very happy and everyone else around me as well I could do this I thought I then go to GGO to clear my head by doing some PKS after that I got off and went to bed a week later she's still alive and I have enough funds to do so but I don't know if I can do it or not again it's a 17% chance she survives should I really take the chance I think it over for a while and I leave that for the next time I need time to think I'll write again sometime soon.

DKK okay so previously Yuki had a different type of disease but I want to figure a way to maybe keep her alive so we're going to figure out if we can actually do so so I gave her just a heart disease this time that is curable but there's a 17% chance it even works so made it where her family can't afford it so in other words Arc going to do this I hope you guys enjoy this and if you do then the next time we should come back with even more fun I hope you guys enjoyed the little flashback scene with asuna again I can't really remember everything or the name of you know the device she's in or what Asuna,s mom even said nevertheless I hope you guys enjoyed and if you did well that's going to be it for me bye-bye

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