Arc Journey to Find the holy sword Excalibur

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2025 November 5th it's been several months since GGO has happened and the incident is completely confidential kikuoka made sure it I recently heard of a quest called journey to find a sword I honestly do not care about the sword however I did end up hacking into the server to see if I could figure out what the sword looked like finding out it's the holy sword Excalibur well I know damn well Kirito is going to want this out of nowhere I get a call from Kirito hey Arc hop on ALO we're going to go find a new sword for me I knew it I said to myself well I guess we'll find out what happens seen.

POV kirito I'm at home eating some breakfast when Suguha shows me some interesting news she says check this out I then look and realize whoa the holy sword Excalibur I say out loud there's a journey and a quest to find it yeah wait is that what that golden sword is we saw up in that ice Global while back yeah it was just me you and that was it we searched all the way through it probably didn't find much did we nope and that was in yeltenheim correct yeah that's correct I said to her then we should go back and find it yeah I'll I'll invite Arc and I'll invite everyone else and I'll leave Asuna for you hey what do you mean she's your girlfriend my face then turns red realizing what she just said no she's not oh she's not I didn't know that well I mean she is what I started to stutter trying to get my words out however I just could not say it okay fine you're right she's my girlfriend have you met her parents yet no I put my head down in shame well you have to meet him eventually I mean you do plan on marrying or don't you my sister is completely fooling around and joking with me right now it's kind of funny she knows her cousins and she still acts like I'm her brother kind of nice I have to be honest after that I decided to log into Alo but before that I called arc come on pick up hey this is Arthur nice to meet you and the reaper is back high just kidding this is a recording leave a message thanks I'll get back to it if I feel like it yeah whatever Arc when you get this message let me know let me try one more time okay come on pick up I hear a click and a voice on the other side says hello hey Arc it's me Kirito I didn't hear him leaning on his sofa oh hey Kirito what do you need I just heard there's an a sword I knew it huh what do you mean nothing go ahead the holy sword Excalibur yep surely new what do you mean I hopped in Alo earlier and hacked and found the sword Excalibur was in my inventory all along what I have one already apparently I got it when I beat Sugo although I thought I didn't keep it oh well I did keep it so cool I think it's the golden one by the way oh that was Excalibur yeah damn I should have kept the one I found then yeah you probably should have can even dual wield in the game though not really I can mod it if you want he tells me wait you can mod it yeah I'll mod it so you can dual wield sound good. all right let's do it okay buddy I'll see you later I'll be in a little while have some fun without me for now yeah what you got to do I got to meet up with kikuoka got some things to talk over oh okay well hurry in then okay yep see you later he then hangs up on me kikuoka huh still can't fully trust that guy however I've been doing good with him so it's all right well I guess I got to go alo here I come I lay on my bed and say link start putting my atmosphere on I finally log into ALO man this looks more and more like Sword Art Online everyday I say Asuna comes over and says oh hey Kirito oh hey what are you doing in here I was supposed to call you I was already on I see where's Arc she asked me he had some things to do he'll be on a little later okay she says after a couple hours I got a message from Arc saying he's ready and well I wonder what he was doing.

POV Arc what do you want kikuoka I keep saying to myself over and over I honestly did not want to speak with him again however I had no choice it was time all right let's do it 4:00 p.m. sound good I tell him I'm on the phone I said to myself what do you want but however I didn't ask him that I said hello what do you need I need to talk with you all right how's 4:00 p.m. I asked him 4:00 p.m. y 4 p.m. I got some things to do with friends it'll be easier if I see now it's just wanted to talk I ain't got nothing for you all right then now will be good I'm free got it see you in a little bit make it make it quick though I got to get on at 2:00 p.m. of course what time is it now it's 11:00 I tell him 11:00 in the morning I woke up 2 hours ago 9:00 is it nice not being in school yeah well it's not very nice being in college where they think you're insane yeah I get that whatever it doesn't matter I'll be over there in a minute okay see you there soon Arthur I didn't walk over to kikuoka's place I've been knock on the door and then I'm patted down once more you know I don't call bring any weapons here I'm sorry Arthur it's precautionary measures yeah yeah okay also make sure you don't have a laptop dude I already promised you I wasn't going to hack you so don't worry all right then I won't be a patent you down for a laptop anymore but still precautionary measures have to pat down for a weapon I'm sorry all right it's fine I said I was kind of pissed however I got over it quick after that I spoke with him what he wanted to know is where's the seed you promised me it I sent it to you did you not get it yet well it could take a while see Cardinal had to send it to you I could not so yeah check your laptop should be right there what would be the file name it would be called 11.c215 seed okay I got it thanks what do I do with it now well you're going to create alicization so go ahead and go do that still I'm surprised you know about the AI yeah I know everything don't ask me how future stuff in fact that's how I got back from the future to here really are you ever planning on going back no way my future's been destroyed I wasn't able to do nothing the whole world was annihilated by nuclear bombs at some point I don't care anymore about the future I'm going to make this world better knowing things from the future may help me make it better though so letting you know do not let your ai,S go Rogue got it yep we got it anyway thanks for talking with me see it only took up an hour of your time yeah now I got to go and get some food and then head into Alo mind if I join you sure no problem I did tell you to meet me there and if you wanted to speak good and proper of course I'll come over right away see you yep and then walk back home well drive back home on my motorcycle honestly the nice black motorcycle and fast too getting home I finally shut my door lock it take my coat off and lay down onto my sofa I cover my eyes for a few minutes and then I wake back up again saying okay time to go get food it's around about 12:30 p.m. when this happens I go out and around about 1:30 p.m. I get back got just enough food to last for a month nice the way I eat it should only be lasting for 3 weeks but that's good enough for me I don't need to buy much for myself see I don't eat much as it is I don't have to eat much since I barely do anything anymore I still exercise here and there and I'm still very strong but not by much I'll probably start exercising better when I get some more funds kikuoka should be sending me some money here pretty soon for the GGO thing I did for him a few months ago well several months ago now I still haven't got the money off the contact him about that later but I got ALO things to do I then get to my bedroom lay on my bed and put my ammosphere on yep that's right I bought one it was like a few months ago I decided nerve gear was getting a little boring and all that clunkiness was giving me a neck ache atmosphere a little better so yeah after I got in I immediately logged in and well there was a girl on top of me it was sinon excuse me could you get off me she then looks and goes huh and then freaks out what are you doing under me I don't know did you sit on my seat by any chance I might have she says to me oh boy speaking of that what are you doing even at my home this is my home in ALO I have no clue I just saw a house and walked in it nope that's a lie I knew it was his home however I wanted to see him I think I seriously do like Arthur but whatever all right you going to explain yeah I just wanted to say hi oh well you could have just said hi wait hold on why were you sitting in my chair then this is where I always log out I'm sorry she tells me I understand it's fine anyway we got things to do let's go right we didn't fly over to Kirito and Asuna hey guys I'm here and I got her nice we're going to bring everyone along even Klein really we're bringing him along what's wrong with him I don't know it just seems like he's way too into this game to be honest can you be doing some work no he's off for a whole week so he's got plenty of time to do what he wants and what about you work you know college and all that they're trying to get me to admit that I feel bad about killing people in Sao do you feel bad no of course not the ones I killed deserved it oh yeah I bet I mean there were laughing coffin members and they were killing other people yep that's true so what about that new thing what new thing the message you sent out a lot of players have heard of it and well he then points to a to a hill nearby no way that's the reaper someone says oh shit I think got some more SAO survivors you helped out Arc they're going to think I'm a dick I say to myself hey how you doing I say to them it really is the Laughing Reaper Arc the Red Demon you got some cool names Arc I heard from a girl behind me sinon I know I begin to laugh but it gets stuck in my throat I don't know I'm so lost all right what's going on here these guys you save from two laughing coffin members back in SAO really I'm glad see I told you he wasn't terrifying yeah well he sure did seem terrifying when we first met him the other guy told the other guy I didn't know their names and they didn't tell me they just said nice to meet you demon and I'll see you later demon so I'm the Red Demon now I already knew that but I was expecting to hear see you later Reaper oh well anyway so what are guys doing now we're about to go find Excalibur I'm waiting for Leafa to login Asuna said okay everyone I heard a female voice from the back it was azria she was looking good she decided to go with an imp she looked like she was doing well today too she doesn't go to school with me anymore since we're out of high school and now we're in colleges so she goes to a different College I'm going to the SAO College where they're trying to make me not insane then I heard her say how's college going uhhah terrible I say I'm so sorry for that she says to me what are they trying to do they're trying to make me feel bad for killing people in Sao says don't make me more human if I feel bad what am I not human now I ask her of course you are you're the most human person I know don't they know everyone's had to kill people in there though we all had to survive and we had to kill each other to survive yeah that's what I keep telling my parents too Kirito said really what are they saying they're saying I should feel bad what's the fact is I do I never wanted to kill anyone in the game but I had no choice and you arc I didn't care they were in my way of living they were trying to kill me so I killed them first it was that simple yes I feel a little bad about it I'm human of course I'm going to feel bad I don't want to get me down because I knew I had to do what I had to do and it was either that or die and be honest I'm not ready to die and I wasn't then either I still have to fix this timeline remember right so you do feel bad right of course I do I'm human those damn assholes that are trying to make me feel even worse they're saying if I really feel remorseful I should stop playing MMORPGs forever what a dumb stupid joke that is yeah I get it I mean seriously damn I'm so sick of it I feel bad okay I do killing people I honestly didn't want to but I had no choice it was either that or they kill me it's called survival if those people then in that place that kept trying to make me feel bad would know what it's like to survive on your own will and trying to survive against people who want to kill you only know the difference between self-defense and pure just killing because of hatred I was defending myself defending my life so I didn't get buzzed out of existence by the nerve gear remember when I died against the boss of floor 100 yeah well I hacked my nerve gear to stop it from frying my brain I had 7 minutes if we didn't defeat that boss in 7 minutes I would have been dead dead I did and I was able to get back to town to regenerate and I was good to go that's great arc anyway we're going to keep chatting or we going to go get the sword I don't think you need to I then pull a sword out of my pocket and show him the Excalibur okay seriously you had to have hacked that in I did I'm not giving it to you though this is mine there's a few good enchantments on this that is completely good to me and only me I'm not even going to use it until you get yours so don't worry but I'm not the black freaking swordsman so you know yes I got the idea Arc anyway you ready to go oh hell yeah what's he going come on we then run down a bunch of stairs seriously Kirito come on this is the quickest way it would have took us years to get down here or at least a week at most yeah but it's still a pain in the butt sinon says I got your pain in the butt Kirito says as he grabs her tail she screams in a weird surprise but also shocked I can't tell then she starts flashing at him with her claws you do that again you're going to get an arrow up your pie ho incline says dude you got balls of steel yeah good job Kirito if you didn't know grabbing a Beast girls tail is basically like grabbing a girl's breast huh he says then I tell him straight up you basically just groped her oh no ah yeah I'm so sorry I have no clue like that that's the way it is in every fiction Kirito when there's a beast girl boy you got to read some manga I tell him yeah I probably should I mean this game was based on probably fictional manga with Beast creatures and fairies on top of that it's also based on Norse mythology we're going to a place called yotinheim if I remember correctly yochenheim was where Frost Giants live and a weird creature that looks like a jellyfish and elephant I forgot what they're called though you mean that thing yeah that thing let's just say I didn't do that to sinon okay that sounds like a good idea I tell him she's over it now though I think right right right yeah yeah whatever she says be honest no I'm not over yet I didn't grab her back and tell her just get over it he didn't know and she says it's so weird yeah I'm pretty sure it did I don't have a tail so I wouldn't know she looks at me and gives me a weird look what are you looking at nothing then I realize what I think she was thinking however I'm not going to say it okay I get it but I'm not going to say it what nothing nothing at all by the way when's we going to get the squealand sniper back you're pushing it she says oh am I what do I grab you till next would you like that I'm teasing her though yet she ends up saying go ahead watch me throw a fire arrow up your pie ho yeah I should be able to I could hack it out of existence before you could I'm still teasing her and then she says very well in a weird voice I think she was thinking of something I don't know I'm really not understanding and I never understand women to begin with anyway I guess it makes sense I don't understand how they act but I think she may or may not have a crush on me can't tell to be honest if she does well then I'm well I don't know what to do I don't know how to reciprocate her feelings I feel nothing No Remorse for killing people I feel no love for anyone really it's possible I will never ever again my feelings were completely nerfed the minute I came to this time I feel remorse for killing people but not that much and I could care less killing back in my time was a thing I had to do everyday so it doesn't even matter to me it was either kill or be killed so I killed and it doesn't bother me anymore I think my feelings have just been completely burned off by the amount of years that I had to kill for I could get them back maybe however then I felt something in my heart I think I'm broke I don't know how though I may be broken I can't tell and I don't care anyway let's get this sword and be done with it after we get to the bottom we find this weird elephant creature like we did and then we hop on it are we really about the fly on this thing I ask then I get a dirty look from Leafa it's not a thing it's a fluffy little creature fluffy maybe little no I tell her I didn't get a Rapier to my throat once again look at this The Voice Commander no the true commander of the Knights of the blood of lightning flash Asuna is back I get a stab through my throat yeah it hurts but I don't die from it my health is pretty high oh you know that hurts right she then turns her head and goes huha I'm really start signing now all right all right pull your Rapier out please I'm having a hard time breathing here I tell her and go sit next to Kirito don't come anywhere near me anymore Asuna for the rest of this ride you got it I wouldn't be caught dead next to you she said that's a little hard isn't it I'm still joking however I get another sword to my throat this time and this time it's Kirito what you mad I'm messing with your girlfriend I'd say to him Arc if you say that again you're dead are you going to kill me you might need me for the battle that's coming up what do you mean battle coming up oh well you guess you didn't read the forms the battle that's coming up is literally against the frost King himself yeah it's not going to be easy this guy is literally powerful beyond belief I believe he's even stronger than Oberon the strongest boss in the whole game kind of crazy right oh and for 18 on a new aincrad really surprising yeah put the sword away please I ask him fine you then puts it away thank you I did not need my throat slashed today I say to them soon we land and well that's a story for the next time.

DKK okay I'm not quite too sure yet if I want to do this but I kind of want asada also known as sinon have a crush on Arc but I'm not too sure yet believe it or not yeah what Kirito did is actually basically another form of groping I'm not joking I looked it up for Beast women in fiction and yes their tail is basically like their boobs I'm not even joking it's true look it up I guarantee it's supposed to be an erotic thing it's kind of crazy I'm not going to say anymore of this cuz I don't want to get banned it's usually common in anime but here's the thing for an animal in real life tugging really hard hurts and if you tug softly it's weird and I don't get with just raising it does that you just say sorry cuz they look at you I pulled the cat's tail before and they really do not like it however for some reason when the female cats do it they meow at me the males though they hiss it's weird and dogs well you pull their tail they don't care if you put too hard to get angry and try to bite you nothing happens when you do it to the girls either they bite you as the same in fact they're more soda bite you I just never understood about anime and stuff and well saos no different they have one of those scenes in there and I had to perform it since that's Canon so I had to do it I hope you enjoy the next episode though and I hope this explanation was happy for you honestly don't understand it truly myself why the tail and ears are so sensitive in a anime be honest with you cuz you touch the dog's ears yeah they're sensitive for sure it doesn't make them feel the weirdness and Anime though to be honest however Kitty on the other hand you touch their ears it is something because they're being submissive in other words they're being very kind to you you put on them though they might get angry so if you ever scratch any pregnant Kitty go behind they their ears like that they'll put their head down and they'll give you a chance to pet but yeah other than that I don't really understand it and if you understand it more than I do please give me a comment on this and let me know if I'm wrong about fiction cuz honestly I never understood it but apparently it's the same be honest I don't know and when the next episode will be fun in the Excalibur probably don't know yet might be three episodes before we find it who knows I hope you guys enjoy it and see you on the next one bye-bye

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