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A few months have passed since I've been inside this world of alicization/underworld to be exact Kirito did not get fried by that light his flocked light is fine however he's lost all his memor and his right arm also something cool happened the blue rose split into two different swords the blue rose and The Blood Rose Eugeo who is also still alive is wielding the more powerful Blood Rose and he's off doing his own thing and Kirito is holding his sword and the blue rose for some reason it's not helping him remember anything but he's slowly but surely remembering something he doesn't even know who he is at this point or who I am it's kind of sad to see the least I see him everyday after coming back from doing a few things here and there Alice is still good by the way she's taking care of him I asked her why she's doing that she's explained to me that it's all because he helped her I can understand that then I asked her isn't he still your enemy though she said no he's not my friend and I'll take care of him as long as it takes I think she may be in love with him not too sure however I remember in the future I heard about her having a crush on him as the AI so it's possible her feelings all started here although I'm not too sure to say the least I did thank her though for doing so as I'm making money out in the village there's still despise me they still give me dirty looks but they won't try anything with me they know I could kill them instantly honestly I don't want to hurt the villagers they're nice people they're just really rude here allow me to explain what happened when we first came here a few days after the administrator got destroyed in other words after we killed her some of the Integrity Knights finally fell under the command of Alice most of them were looking at Kirito as he sat in a wheelchair since he also lost the use of his legs along with the loss of his arm upon losing his memory he also lost all bodily function of all his limbs the only thing he can do is speak now however he can still move he can only use one arm though so it's still kind of hard for him since he only has one arm and his legs are completely jelly basically other than that though he's fine so after they are threatened into execute him Alice decided to run to this Village when we got here I stayed on top of the dragon as she sat with and talked with the people of the village honestly it's a good idea she put she said to stay on the dragon she already knew I would probably kill them if they decided not to I have no problem with killing NPCs which are basically what these people are to me of course I won't do that without a good reason however this is my own ideals but never mind after a while I waited for Alice to come back she said we're not welcome I said what then I hopped off the dragon and she grabbed my arm wait what are you doing she asked me oh I'm going to go knock some sense into them that's all no leave it alone she tells me why we need to be here we can't go back to that Tower you heard the Integrity Knights they want to execute kirito I'll end up killing them if they try it you know that yes I know that I'm going to go knock some sense into them.

POV Alice I told Arc to stay on the dragon I would handle this I told him he said okay if you need help call me though I better not call him if I did call him he probably would kill them so no thank you I walked over and the village Chief spoke to me what are you doing here you're not allowed to be here and you know it yes I know but we need help we need to take refuge here for a little while listen really you might want to let me in cuz if you don't I got a friend over there who's literally not very happy right now do you think I care he says to me yes I understand please I beg you let me stay here along with my two friends three friends I forgot I had three no he tells me so I walk over to the dragon and tell he then says well what did they say they're not letting us in okay what just like that he then hops off the dragon and I grab his arm what are you doing I'm going to go knock some sense into him what I asked him you can't do that it's fine we'll find somewhere else to go no they're going to let us in now what are you going to do like I said I'm going to go knock some sense into him he said to me okay okay come on then so you're not going to let us in that's right Arc ask them okay then well yeah I have no choice then what are you about to do I asked him he didn't snaps his fingers and lightning falls from the sky to a tree how about now what the they all say okay well I guess that helps us in a way I guess it kind of terrified them though want me to do it again I'll do it he says he honestly has no chill seriously I asked him yeah well it got us in at least come on let's go they're still looking at us with glares let them look I don't care okay I tell him we then get into a house and we put Kirito in a bed so he can sleep it's night time now I'm going to go out and make some money Arc tells me I tell him okay see you soon before he leaves he gives Kirito the swords he go buddy hope you get well soon he says I wondered how long has he known this man for it must have been quite a long time if he's literally calling him buddy which I think in his language or in his way of speaking it means friend it makes sense they've probably been together for many many years before they came here I sent a rocking chair and start to rock back and forth wondering how my world came to this.

POV Arc so yeah that's what happened everyone was looking at us very much like we were despised a few of them called me a rotten child of vector who's Vector I kept asking myself and then I remembered all right he's the dark god of the underworld what does that make me then I'm known as the chaos God or God of chaos you could say so what does that make me am I stronger or am I weaker than him in the fact that I'm able to literally conjure anything out of thin air and my soul is not connected to this game then that means I must be the most powerful being in this whole story since I literally could change landscape at will and not have anything wrong with my brain or anything nothing happens it's like it's a Sandbox game for me so the way I guess you could say I'm stronger than vector so being a child of him doesn't make any sense since I'm way more powerful but I guess the child always succeeds the parent I'm definitely not though the whole point of the name child of vector is because you lose your memory and don't know who you are I know exactly who I am I'm Arthur also known as Arc the laughing Reaper the Red Demon of Aincrad a beater those are my titles and now I have God of chaos and king of Chaos well I guess that matters anyway back to the work I struck up a deal with and a bargain with a dude who wanted me just to cut trees down for him not a bad living he gives me a good amount of money for it if this was something I had to do everyday I could definitely do it destroying a tree in a single hit does not take me long at all a few days later he asked me to cut down a two trees at one time all right that's understandable but then he asked me to cut down a whole Forest that's unreasonable I tell him he didn't ask me what but I'll give you a ton of money for it very well if you're going to give me that I want 30 for every single tree he looks at me and says unreasonable my ass that's more unreasonable than you think he says yes that some reasonable but you want me to do hard labor for you for free basically one col for tree is not going to happen I tell him fine how about temperature there's like 77 trees here you're giving me more than that I tell him fine how's 20 okay that's more reasonable I can take that very well I think grab a sword my glaive split it in half and then start slicing every tree around me it's tiring work it's literally 77 trees at most if he has me do any more I'm going to punch him that's for sure I bring home about 170 col a day which is what I call it cuz I can't get into the currency system of this world I'm using the Sao currency it works better cuz I remember it easier Alice understands what I mean but no one else gets it after a few days things changed though we started hearing there was a war coming the war of the underworld was almost upon us in the meantime though we'll live a peaceful life I already knew what was coming and I knew the battle was going to be fierce in the meantime I'll live here with Kirito Alice and Eugeo besides I'm making a good amount of money anyway so I guess we'll see what happens soon but that's a story for the next time.

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