An Old Enemy Returns For Revenge

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POV ARC I stood there just watching him as he grabbed Kirito by the arm and smacking him in the face saying damn you wake up come on Black Swordsman if you don't wake up I'm going to kill your girl he said I then see him use his meat cleaver and he shines it above Asuna,s head Last Chance Black Swordsman he says he then Bears the cleaver down on her head then he hears a grunt he looks behind him and sees Kirito reaching out for Asuna
So you are aware he says now come on wake up so I can defeat you get up so I can take you back into the dirt he says then he knocks over the chair that Kirito is sitting on and once he does that Kirito is now reaching for the blue rose however he can't reach it the man on in the cloak keeps kicking it away come on I'm not letting you have two swords grab that one and start up get up and fight me he wants revenge someone in the back of Asuna says who is this guy someone asked he's got to be a laughing coughing member is what Asuna said I'm continue watching I can't move at the moment if I jump in I might get hit with that Cleaver that would be the end of me I have to wait until there's an opening I said to myself
After that Kirito continuing to reach for his sword however he cannot get it then the man in the cloak kicks it back to him and says pathetic you truly are pathetic Black Swordsman I'm disappointed in you he says I feel my blood boil ready for me to jump in and kill him I want this man in this cloak dead or bowing at my feet at least I would kill him I said to myself I've killed thousands already I've literally killed thousands of goblins and many many people back in Sao one more on my conscience won't matter I say to myself however I can't jump in yet if I do I'll get hit with that Cleaver it ain't going to be fun if I'm cut in half how can I do anything if I'm in Two but I had to wait so I had to continue just being pissed off this whole time I just waited to see if I can see an opening so I could jump in and smash him in the face there was no opening yet so I waited and he just stood there continuously mocking kirito he's mocking my buddy and I can do nothing about it I said to myself I need to wait for an opening so I just stood there watching then I heard him say seriously if you don't get up right now you stupid boy I'm going to kill everyone here starting with her he points to asuna come on Black Swordsman wake your ass up damn you wake up she then screams he is awake he just doesn't know who you are or any of us and it's bodily functions are down and he's blind oh so he's not unconscious good at least he can hear me he can't speak either so basically he's a vegetable thank you very much laying in Flash you'll be the first to die now now I say he then hears it what he sees a flash go by him it's me I jumped in now I'm growling n rage grrrrrrrrrr how dare you you piece of shit I said to the cloaked man then laughed hahahahahahaha look who it is the Laughing Reaper oh wait I shouldn't call you that anymore you're now the Red Demon correct go to hell I tell him been there done that he says that game with you and it was hell he says and now I'm in my own personal hell having to deal with you again damn you Reaper he says to me I'm doing annihilate you I tell you mocked my friend what the Black Swordsman you had no friends back in Sao remember so you're from Sao I say to him I just thought you were some kind of bastard that needed to die just as every other bastard I've ever killed but that outfit reminds me of something you calling me the Laughing Reaper you must be a member of laughing coffin who are you you know who I am Arc I'm the one that got away Poh damn right I'm the Prince of hell he says you've been on the top of my kill list for a long time Arc you've also been on mine I tell him and you're at the top now I just need to kill you and I can mark you as dead on my list that ain't happening I've come for revenge and I want you and that Black Swordsman dead CALL BY HIS NAME ASSHOLE KIRITO I say.
Whatever I don't care what the kid's name is you're both dead anyway I'm not the one who's going to die here I tell him as I smile walking towards him I then summon the blade out of thin air and Clash it with his cleaver I'm going to cut you in half with this cleaver of mine he says not if I cut you in half first I tell him I'm screaming at him at this point I'm beyond pissed off I think I've been enraged at least a little too much at this point I believe I'm seeing red as I fight him I'm going to kill you I tell him you damn bastard I said call me whenever you want Arc it's not going to change nothing I'm dodging every one of your attacks he says then out of nowhere I see his Cleaver coming towards me I block it but it sends me flying into a wall I then spit out blood ahhhhhh I'm coughing up blood at this point I can't stop though I'll continue for my friends I say you had no friends in SAO he tells me why do you care now these aren't your friends they're just people people who going to die by my hand Arc you're dead I scream at him I think my voice distorted into a deep growl I was beyond pissed off at this point after knocking me into a wall a block fell on top of me he then picked up Kirito wake up kid either that or I kill him and you I want a good fight between you I haven't got my revenge yet oh hold off on killing you for now Kirito I'll be sure to put that name on your tombstone he says he slaps them in the face again wake up Kirito wake up you damn Black Swordsman I then scream at him let him go you asshole you damn bastard let him go he then speaks damn you're allowed shut up are you that eager to die he asked me are you I asked him I then pull The Rock off from me and I run at him at lightning speed he somehow was able to catch me though and hits me with his cleaver it stabs me straight through the chest look at that I got my Cleaver in your chest now you're going to die at this point I can only feel one thing my life slipping through my fingers I won't die I say to myself I won't die I say a little louder to myself I say it a third time ladder in my head I want dying to him I say I won't die to you out loud I'll kill you I tell him damn what a feisty one you are he says don't worry I'll make special care I kill you last so you can watch the misery that's going to happen here I've been telling him I'm going to send you into a Perpetual sleep so you can continue watching this for eternity look at it how you lost remember in every single one in your own personal hell I tell him like I said that game SAO would have been Paradise for me if you weren't there you made my life a living hell of a nightmare couldn't you were just staying out of my business why do you care if I killed play you're just like me you're a demon why do you care because I'm more human than you okay I'm seriously concerned now how are you still alive he asked me did you forget back in Sao I had regeneration I have it here too apparently I then slap him in the face with my fist sending him flying into a pillar knocking it on top of him as I grab his Cleaver out of my chest and throw it to the side I'm still spitting up blood and my wound is gushing blood out as it heals I won't let you end any more lives I say in a painful voice oh and you first I say as I'm groaning in pain this is impossible I can't lose he says he then throws The Rock off him with a huff I'm going to kill you now Arc forget about making you suffer you're a pain in my ass he says to me he then somehow uses some kind of telekinetic power to grab his Cleaver off the ground with not even anything but a thought and pull it back into his hand he runs at me with lightning speed as I did him earlier then we Clash once again sword to sword or I should say sword to cleaver then out of nowhere I see the cleaver hit me I don't know where it hit though next thing you know my sword is out of my hand he stabs me back in the chest again and sends me flying into a pillar this time the pillar falls on top of me and I'm stuck underneath I'm crushed beneath it spitting out blood I speak wake up Kirito in pain I say that as I'm fully being crushed underneath this pillar come on wake up he's going to kill everyone I tell a Kirito as I continue to reach my hand out hopefully see if he'll respond he then turns his head to me then the man in the cloak known as Poh the prince of hell then speaks finally you got something good you remember your friend don't you you remember the reaper don't you black swords now do you remember me let him go I tell him I'll kill you I say in pain as I'm continuously being crushed by a pillar I continuously scream let him go worry about yourself you're being killed right now he tells me then I hear Asuna speak why is Arc so worried he's never cared about Kirito before as she speaks she asked Alice this I don't know Alice said from what I know he's become more of a person since he's been here that's probably what it is he has more feelings he cares now seriously Arc why do you care the cloaked man poh asked me let me ask you something you're just like me you're a demon so why do you protect these people they'll shun you they'll destroy you they'll stab you in the back so why do you care because I'm human apparently you're not don't give me that because I'm human bullshit that doesn't work on me and you know it finally I heard movement behind him it was Kirito he grabbed on to the blue rose sword which was broken a while ago shoves it into the ground and you hear a voice a growling voice say armament freeze over the voice was a female in a way it sounded like cardinal when I heard that poh was frozen in ice after that I got the pillar off of me I threw it off of me regenerating all of the wounds that plagued my body at this point I then walk towards Kirito to help him up went out of nowhere I heard Ice Break behind me and I was stabbed through the chest spin up blood on to the floor next to Kirito after I helped him stand I then was slammed into the ground four times I may or may not have lost Consciousness twice but I stayed conscious then I kicked the man away from me poh that is and finish helping Kirito stand up the gaping hole in my chest still hurts though after he stands up he then regrows his arm some he's back I say he then gets his black coat back like when he was fighting the administrator it was plane to see the old Kirito was back I'm back Asuna he said all right I'm glad you're back I said to him now I guess I'm okay to go all out wait you weren't going all out hell no I wasn't even close I was just having fun with my food basically now it's time for me to kill this man oh go help sinon then why were you screaming my name he asked me I was trying to get you to remember so you can help me out there's another dude literally harassing sinon at this point I need you to help her I have some business with poh here I'm going to kill him forever this time the blue sword the blue rose regained its shape as well and became a sword again it's blade regrew kind of weird Eugeo is still alive though right he is alive yeah he's right over there hey Arc he said all right Kirito I need to help Asuna I have some unfinished business with our friend I then said system command chaos incision transforming into my original form from Sao the coat of flames my hair turned white my eyes turned silver my sword then changed to its flaming sword form Red Demon blade and then my knife appeared in my hand I'm back the Red Demon is here I say and now it's time for me to finish up some business everyone stares at me with amazement not realize that I was never even breaking a sweat against this guy if you thought I was powerful earlier you're about to see my full power as I smiled maniacally I was truly just toying around with him earlier the only reason I was staying where I am now is to wake up Kirito to help me out even just a little I already know everything that's going to happen from now on to the end because I'm from the future and I saw everything that happened in this world when I came to it coming back in time made everything Flash before my eyes seeing literally everything and now I know absolutely everything that's going to happen some things are different though for the fact there was a thing called ordinal scale but now we're in Underworld the final part of the and this is where you die Prince of hell I tell damn you Red Demon he said so you were just toying with me earlier he says I then tell him yes I was just toying with you now you'll see my true power you'll see the strongest player who ever did Sao in this world now with a newfound power call this chaos incision demon mode to be exact in other words I'm going all out now and this is where you die I ran at him with no weapon in my hand just my fists punching him in the face punching him in the chest I sent him flying into a pillars walls buildings continuously outspeeding him every single time grabbing him and throwing him up in the air and slamming him into the ground as fast as possible teleporting to him instantly and slam him onto a roof I wasn't pulling any shots now I was literally on The Killing Spree of a lifetime is what he was wishing he had however he's dead now I'm going to kill him right here and now I then teleported to him one more time and slammed him into the ground however then Darkness came around him and a new title appeared Lord of Darkness what in the world is this I can see you now ARC chaos God Arthur the king of Chaos I know who you are now meaning Arthur must be your real life name you got that right I'm glad you now know my actual name it's nice for you to know the name of the man who's going to kill you so screaming as you die I want to hear every little detail as I turn my head and begin to have a malicious smile upon my face I'm going to Wipe that smirk off your face he tells me that's not going to happen you don't got a chance to be able to do so I tell him I'm not going to give you one you're about to die I tell him no more fooling around I then pull out my sword chaos recollection and now it's time chaos straga I hear a voice that sounds like a demon come out of my throat it was deep guttural and demonic in every way disability was literally a demon perfect for the Red Demon to be honest it growled and screamed as I slashed him to pieces once I did he screamed no I can't die like thissssssssss.
Then silence it was sweet to hear his annoying voice was finally gone now I had to go and help Kirito defeat vector that will happen next time though.

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