Arc stops a war

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I told Leafa that the salamanders they decided to crush the meeting of the sylph cait sith she said what we need to hurry up and get there we then ran through sylph territory met with a friend of Leafa I made our way there when we got to the meeting the salamanders were already hot on our Trail we sped up and then crashed in between well I can explain this they looked at us like we were weird we both were spriggins so it was kind of bad why did you bring spriggins here Leafa because because uh well uh well uhhhh because we're mercenaries that were hired by her she's paying us a very high amount we're here to protect you so yeah they're salamanders coming then the general spoke what are spriggins doing here General eugene I told Kirito let me handle this I want to fight him so I immediately grab a sword out of my sheath from my back and go up and start fighting of course I'm way faster than this guy immediately crashing our swords together however his sword hits me wait what the an invisible sword no his sword blade moves in a weird thing it's emotion I can't actually can't comprehend however I do eventually figure it out his blade is materialized and dematerialize in almost instantly on strike so I need to predict it then he says a word The General it's over spriggan then I say no now it's fun finally striking him a few times on my own his sword no longer was able to block mine taking all the hits I didn't care it didn't hurt and Sao hurts way worse than this so it was really easy for me to take it on at that moment the sword finally dematerialized once again and rematerialized and well it hit me three times before I was able to strike back okay this is pissing me off I thought to myself immediately striking the general once again I won he fell on to unconsciousness sweet sweet unconsciousness wish I could be in that right now I'm so tired I said to myself as I fall to the ground boom is all everyone hears and dust flies up in the air the 2 leaders of both Clans both women by the way you know what that means Arc,s going back to his old funny tricks one of the leaders props me up on a rock and then I proceed to tease because I like the tease girls it's honestly hilarious and it's the easiest thing you can do some of them like it be honest with you I know from experience cuz of azria speaking of I wonder where she is I have not checked any of my laptops she's probably already home though it's been 3 months since I last spoke with anybody from the game or maybe she's trapped in here I guess I'll find out soon enough I get my favorite thing about girls right now they both have gone to me I think about a girls is there clingy very clingy to be exact nothing wrong with that you like a clingy girl especially when you can keep her all to yourself what am I talking about I guess it's from my past experiences in the future it doesn't matter we then made our way to the tree well we tried to we got trapped a few times by some interesting plot holes literally I fell into a hole that's fun I thought to myself as soon as I got out I decided to hack in the systems of the world tree to see if maybe I could try to disable some of the defenses or even see where everyone actually is so I looked and apparently there's some down below and some at top and one system is down below and one of those at the top so I have to release both at the same time that's going to be tricky since it's only me who can do it this is going to be hard I thought to myself releasing them both at the same time if I give Kirito a card he could probably do it however it might be difficult still then I wonder well hold on we got three here there's yui me and Kirito perfect just the amount we need Kirito and yui go up and I'll go below what do you mean below Arc the tree has two parts to it so I have to go down below to find some people and the rest are up at top I'm guessing 200 are up there and 100 are down here it's early tomorrow we have to do it at the same time got it after that we got in one problem well that's on Kirito side I had no trouble but let's go over to Kirito shall we.

POV kirito I finally got up to the world tree the entrance open the doors and ran in right before that though I asked Leafa if she was coming along no I think I'm good okay I went in and ran up to the top however wait wait hold on weren't there supposed to be guards brilliant arc you did it oh man there's a door yui can you open it she said no she could not I then tried to call Arc it didn't work and then the defense systems came online great just what I needed I got stabbed with more swords than I can count and for the first time in any MMO RPG I died.

POV Arc damn it Kirito what happened it's easy I died what do you mean you died it can't be that dif-difficult oh great you didn't go up fast enough the defense systems were off I can't turn them back off now I know sorry we'll have to figure some way to get up there okay let me see here Sunburst that should get us up there quick a little skill of mine I could probably use it what about me are girls voice came back from behind actually it was up above it was azria what are you doing here oh well see there's a problem she says to me see I wasn't exactly pulled in from Sao and immediately pulled out yeah what happened was I got trapped here in this form you look like a slime are you okay fine I'm just trapped in the cage I do have a card though here she throws her card down to me I catch it thanks I say immediately grabbing it I then run through the monsters as quick as possible as soon as I get out I finally ran to a cage where she is unlocking it I let her out she then disconnects logging out after that she's back in the real world now it's time for the final dude it's time to pay our good boy Oberon the fairy King a visit as I smile and laugh maliciously it's time to do this you ready can you tell let's free y'all 299 players

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