three friends take on a death game

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It's been a few weeks and I still have not found the 11th floor boss room however I'm taking my time and three of us are looking for it that's right I stuck around in the party Azria and Camelot and me arc are on the party together we're taking down each and every floor at this rate I would say we get to floor 13 before I know it I got the floor 13 never beat the boss though 14 is where I never even knew what it was so we'll see what we get all right so the floor boss of floor 11 is known as the storm Griffin I tell them both of them say okay it wasn't much of a conversation we were going to take down this floor and head to the next one it was that easy so we ran into Labyrinth and it was a bit of a Twist and Turn but it was easy enough didn't need to do any grinding they were already very powerful just like me I even hacked in two weapons for them a sword and a dagger you see my friend Camelot which is now a friend of mine likes to use a sword and my other friend Azria likes to use a dagger so I hacked in the blood dagger and the sword of the Void at least that's what I call it the dagger was a crimson red that could heal yourself on every hit in other words it was life steal that's her play style so I gave her that Camelot on the other hand gave him the sword of the Void doing 1,000 damage in one hit that would be for level one player his level he does about at least around about 7K I would say that's with one strike azria on the other hand the blood dagger does about 5k damage in one hit with her level and then also hacked myself a weapon of Health Steel in this one would regain on one hit recover 9k HP that was a lot when you thought about it however it was just exactly what I needed the weapon was also a dagger this one was called or at least what I called it blood soul in other words it revives my soul it's kind of funny going through the boss the storm Griffin we honestly defeated it in a few hits my party was easily able to take it down any other player would struggle not us though we then moved on to the 12th floor Azria thought it was beautiful which I can understand this floor is like a treasure trove and there's plenty of water around so it's nice kind of like going to the beach I told her she chuckled and said yeah the boss of this floor was pretty easy this was the only floor I got to that before I got the 13 however I know with 13's boss is I was playing in a little while this boss on 12th floor was known as the hermit crab we're also known as the hard shelled crab at least that's what I called it and it was a hard head it was very annoying and it was a sponge when it came to taking a tax I remember having a hack at it for an hour at least just to kill it there was no time limit in beta so I can take as much time as I needed however in this one in the real game I only have 28 minutes so I have to be quick and kill this thing you're probably wondering why 28 minutes well I found that out in beta too if you don't defeat the hermit crab in that amount of time the whole Arena fills with water no you probably wondering why would it filled with water well it's because he keeps crashing into the walls which are filled with water and after 27 minutes the water will fall giving you only a minute to kill him so we had to act quick this thing was a damage sponge though arc what do we do Camelot asked me that's easy we're going to go through and fight the boss oh just like the last floor azria asked yeah pretty much I told her okay I understand she said all right then well let's enjoy this floor and run around it's like a beach so it should be fun to dip our toes in the water you get it both of them laughed yeah that's funny she says we did find the boss room after a few minutes of looking it didn't take long for us to finish the quest our levels were very high I ended up hacking more XP for them letting them get to level 50 me and the three of them were the highest level in the game so far with Kirito and Asuna slowly behind us around about level 37 it was kind of crazy how fast they were leveling up to but they were taking their times on Floors we were rushing right through and it made sense rushing through a floor is probably dangerous but I didn't care we were well equipped to fight our weapons easily regained Health in a single hit yes apparently I could put Health Steel on my sword so now I regain 560 HP every time I hit something with my sword and with a sword skill that also regains my health as dark strike I'm doing over 10K HP in a single hit along with regain in 5K HP with every hit that may be a lot but you don't realize these are legendary weapons I'm using and if I want a quick heal I can just use my dagger which would allow me with a single skill to regain 10K HP automatically that's out of my 40,000 HP I have yeah that's a lot we made it to the boss room and immediately started to fight the boss yes there was no more fooling around this thing was a damaged sponge and I was going to have a lot of difficulty what a pain in the ass that boss was the hermit crab was definitely a damaged sponge it was because his shell was blocking our damage to be exact my sword was doing 5K however this creature has 15K HP and when he goes to a second phase I did barely any damage to him 150 to be exact I then used my skill dark strike which did automatically 15K every level I gain it does a thousand more damage and every level I gain in proficiency that's 2,000 more damage so believe it or not this skill is doing now 70k in one hit that's a lot I know but there are bosses with HP that go to the millions later like for instance floor 14 I heard has over 2 million HP at least that's what I heard again I never completed floor 13 back in the beta I got close but the beta ended before I could which is fine cuz now I'm going to dance with whatever the boss is we continued on until eventually we made it to the HP bar on the hermit crab was down to zero after that I let azria get the last hit the minute she got the last hit she started cheering in the air woho she said
That was a good fight I asked her indeed it was she says okay where we going now Camelot asked where do you think the next floor yep floor 13 was a volcano like Valley you could say it was lava everywhere so I'm guessing the boss is a lava monster I thought and told them and they said yeah I'm betting on it they both said out of nowhere Here Comes Kirito and Asuna hey You to they look at me you got to be kidding me you're here too Arc yeah just got here don't tell me you killed the boss yeah you better be lucky I did that thing was a damaged sponge what do you mean I barely did any damage to it every time it's switched from its shell back to non shell it was very hard to kill azria got the last hit I pointed my thumb to her she got the last hit Kirito asked yep I sure did she says well meet you at floor 13 boss Kirito and Asuna yeah we'll see you there he said the three of us then made our way to the next boss however we did explore this floor and do a few quests in the meantime they weren't that fun they honestly were kind of annoying picking up the lava Stones those lava Golems dropped was really a pain even though we have virtual hands they burned made sense I mean there were lava course they're going to burn your hands even in a video game you'll need something to hold them with we found putting them in our inventory quickly works so we did so taking the 30 of them to the quest NPC it gave us a roundabout 15K XP it wasn't bad but it wasn't good either came out at XP I could get from a higher floor would probably level me up level 60 is a lot though when you think about it and recently I just reached level 62 Apparently after you kill bosses it gives you XP too so it does help my two party mates are now level 52 each Kirito and Asuna just reached level 40 not bad I was saying to them I saw them in my friends list since I friend them before leaving after that we got into the room of the boss yes I'm skipping a little bit ahead because I was getting bored of these mobs so after the quest and everything we made our way to the Labyrinth finding it right away it was inside of all volcano for goodness sakes after that it was pretty easy found the boss room went in okay allow me to explain the boss of floor 13 I like to call it the fourarmed lava demon that's what I like to call this it was a fourarmed lava demon or Monster I'm not too sure it was called azra kind of a crazy name but I can't remember exactly how it was spelled it was a long time ago when I'm writing this I'm already on floor 55 about to literally fight the wyvern of this floor but I'm going back so yeah here you go so we finished off the boss pretty easily the weapons we had really did some good we went on to floor 14 this was a beautiful floor to be honest even Azria could see she honestly admired this floor a lot she loved it in fact later on she ends up taking a vacation there the mobs are pretty easy and we don't have a hard time with them so taking a vacation in a forest floor sounds pretty good to me that's of course after we get the floor 55 but I'm not there yet cuz you see I'm back in time at the moment I'm going over exactly what happened on all the floors that I can remember that I didn't just go whoosh right through but yeah anyway the boss of this floor I like to call the half beast cuz I don't actually know the name of it rainbow sword monster I guess that's what you can call it or the forest Guardian I don't really care what you call this boss however it was a half beast it looked like a centaur almost but more like a man with a deers head and a deer's body it was kind of weird nevertheless this thing was actually pretty hard you had to destroy his crystals and even then it's defense was so high you were lucky to maybe get a thousand damage in however we were doing 3,000 damage he had exactly what I thought 2 million HP two bars 1 million and one and 1 million in the other making it 2 million it was crazy how powerful this creature was we eventually took it down and moved on when we got the floor 15 I didn't quite know what I was doing there was no boss actually I could even find so we took a few months and waited and when Asuna and the rest of the group got here we just waited for them they were all looking at us like we were weird how did we get here already even the assault team was surprised well that's what I'm calling them anyway we were already on the front lines destroying a bunch of low-level monsters in front of them low levels for us of course they were already level 23 they were giving some good XP to be honest 5,000 a single hit nice I said 5,000 XP for a single hit that honestly was amazing anyway I'm drowning on we moved on still could not find the room though.

DKK Okay guys this is where I'm going to have to start pulling things straight out of my head as a boss I have no clue what boss of floor 15 onward is until 20 so I'm going to make some things up and just make whatever boss I feel like would that be okay honestly I think it would because I have no clue what boss was on 15 16 17 18 and 19 actually I do know what 17 is because I play this game called integral Factor and they just introduced f17 it was a flaming wyvern I'm not using a wyvern though that's a unique boss to the 55th floor so I'm going to use a dragon I feel like that's better and honestly just seems cooler lava dragon that's what I'll use for f15 I was thinking of a cool aesthetic for the next floors I'm going to go through them lightning quick because I don't remember anything or even know anything about the floors so again I'm just going to pull a bunch of ideas out of my head and a hat and hopefully it goes well so yeah let's do f15 next that'll be the next part so anyway I hope you guys enjoy this and if you did then you might want to follow me if you haven't already vote the book if you haven't already and also follow the book if you haven't already with all that said I'm out bye-bye

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