the legendary sword in the ice

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We got to the sword but we had no idea how to get it out the golden sword shimmered in the light but we still couldn't figure out how to get it out of the ice eventually found out there was going to be a boss battle we had to go through it was kind of difficult and a few times we were thought we were going to literally get destroyed however we were able to get through it and eventually well now you're going to learn what happened all right so here we go we got into the frost King's Castle yes that's kind of weird but yes we did we got into the castle and eventually we did find where the room was after a few final mini bosses and everything it was pretty easy we got in before we did we found a girl a girl on the cage named Freya if this is the same as Norse mythology then this would actually be Thor I go into the code and find out Yep this is definitely Thor we just have to find mjolnir all right then well I'm not going to tell anyone about this I'll let it be a secret Klein is literally looking at her every 5 seconds it's kind of creepy I've been telling dude if that was a real woman she'd be running away from me right now don't say things like that man he says to me I'm serious you're too creepy you'll never have a girlfriend you do with every girl around him also says that a few minutes ago back on the little thingy this creature I guess someone asked I wonder what would happen if you fell from that height Evan said why don't we let our cat like girls do it they both shook their heads and said nope nope nope nope it was a little funny honestly and I thought it was hilarious but anyway back to where we were at now the frost Kings Castle a bunch of layers as well we were going to have to go through so much ice and mini bosses it was honestly too much for me to handle I think I blacked out a few times of from really just being bored out of my mind I think I laid down on the ice for a little bit and got a little frostbite why I didn't know there was a cold feature in this game bzzzzzb it's cold anyway after I warmed up a little did a few jumping jacks I was all right and that was time to get into the battle the boss was interesting he was Giant and impossible to kill wait what I see now I run over to a pile of gold and grab a hammer golden of course this must be mjolmere I then tossed to the woman and say hey I know your secret very good then and I hear a male's voice grabbing the hammer immediately turning into Thor the God of Thunder and well that's going to be it that's a story for the next time.

DKK that was kind of short I'm sorry guys but I had nothing else to do I don't want to have three parts since I have three pictures to show so I hope you guys don't mind this being a little shorter one it's kind of late and I'll do the last part tomorrow so see you on the next one we're also got Yuki coming up so prepare for sadness or not well you'll see that's a surprise see y'all later bye

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