Bob tournament Arc meets death gun

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I sat down to have a drink and a guy came over to ask me if he could buy me one not knowing that I was a dude oh boy I have to deal with with a girl has to in a bar please refrain yourself from taking your knife and slicing his throat to Pieces please or myself please refrain yourself I say to myself over and over refrain from killing this person he's just trying to be nice and then again I could have a little fun I'm running out of money so I think I just ask him for a drink if he tries anything else though I'll beat him up yes I would enjoy one in a girl's voice I say all right later give me a list of round for the lady here I clench my teeth and disgust trying not to vomit from what he just said lady is she mocking me no wait hold on I'm a girl why am I doing this I'm so confused I'm going to kill you kikuoka I say to myself I smile a fake Smiles I thank you in a girl's voice I really am hating myself right now after that he leaves me alone apparently you can't get dates in this game thank goodness for that after that I get up and go to my next battle however I see someone in a cloak I leave them alone for now I'm pretty sure I'll see him again walking over to the next place I then get into the battle arena killing the dude instantly again wow machine guns really are slow pistols way faster I say to myself immediately bitten back out again and there he is again the cloaked figure and we speak are you the Reaper I look at him and ask what do you mean you are familiar hair your play style it reminds me of the reaper The Laughing Reaper oh shit he figured me out who's the Laughing Reaper I say in a confused girls voice oh you must not be him then plus you're a girl that wouldn't make any sense he was a dude glad in all black my guild members used to call him the Reaper The Laughing Reaper the players in the game did he's telling me a whole lot to be honest oh well I'm sorry about that I hope it wasn't too much for you I say in the most confused voice ever to just get him to go away from me might I ask though are you death gun not quite then he walks away I think it into my next Arena Battle and realize it's not him but it is someone similar they're wearing the same cloak as this guy did for fact that's death gun I'm sure of it I say to myself anyway let me get out of this for now and go back to the battle I kill the dude again with just a pistol honestly these pistols are too strong what is this one even called a magnum to be honest I don't know much about guns I'm guessing an M20 Magnum is good though that's a pistol right I'm really not too sure and I don't care guns aren't my specialty anyway knives and swords are and hacking of course which by the way let me hack in a new weapon for myself I don't think it will hurt anything here we go okay here we go let's see what this is ooh that's a nice pistol let me grab that one I've been grab a silver plated pistol with a good cock back and a muzzle also I put a silencer on it so I have a higher chance of being able to sneak up on players I also give myself a ton of points to put into speed if I'm going after a person named death gun and if he's a laughing coffin member well I'm going to need all the speed I can get after that can you tell and the other girl get out of their Arena and I'm back in another one I take out my silver pistol and immediately shoot the Dude down wow that was easy I say to myself looks like I'm qualification for the final round of the qualifications that makes no sense to be honest but whatever of course the finale would have to be between Me Death gun and the girl probably after that Kirito gets into the finale round with sinon however I also get in there as well so it's the three of us where the final three players of the rounds let's see who wins this I say I run around and waiting to find out who's going to get this we decide we can't beat each other where the strongest players so far anyway plus I'm the most skilled one of them all I could beat them both without them even knowing but I figured more to fight death gun the better so I say fine how about this I'll throw a bullet up in the air and if it falls down and lands on its side we shoot each other if it falls down and lands on its bottom though we grab a grenade and we blow each other up sound good so you want to tie between the three of us sinon says yes that's right so here we go I toss a bullet up in the air it's a large one so it will come down with a thud however I then do something that I'm not proud of I'm motion it down with a command and it lands on the bottom but let's talk about that we were ready we grabbed our weapons and we are ready to shoot each other but like I said I used the command and it landed on the butt what were the chances of that I said all right grab the grenade she tells me too I grab it I pulled the pin I hold it down and then I tell them to put their hand on it they both do and we blow tying us up for the very final round the true BoB it's time I finish death gun at least I thought that was how it was going to go I was wrong we were not in B.o.B yet we were still in the middle of the finals after qualification we are fully in for B.o.B but now we have to deal with a bunch of all out ready for this Battle Royale in other words a bunch of different players very good very bad all going against each other at once and you know what that means a stomping ground for a killer I'm already loving this game as it is killing with no consequences even better I think to myself defeating a Killer without any consequences even better wait hold on you can fight and kill in this game and stop a killer all at once even better I say to myself of course I'm just having fun at this point I take my pistol and immediately shoot everyone there's four players around me they all fall who know a pistol could take out people so quickly I thought to myself then I find Kirito and then I see him sinon is about to shoot him down hey there ahhhh he squeals out and I'm not even joking not like a little squeal like a girl now that I'll do that kind of squeal now I mean a little squeal like I literally scared the soul out of her don't do that well well if it isn't Sinon maybe I should start calling you the squealand sniper if that name sticks you're dead okay got it anyway let's do this what you said that guy over there with the mask and the cloak well he can go invisible from what I noticed so how about this when I tell you to you fire and I will grab him but I'll hit you too yeah that doesn't matter if you hit me so what I rather take him down with me so he can no longer kill anyone in this game what's just respond yes but he might lose his killing ability okay explain to me what you mean by killing ability he's killing people in real life you're serious yes remember that question I asked you earlier if you knew by pulling that trigger you would kill someone in real life that's what Kirito asked me oh yeah well he told me would you still do it probably not well yeah but I would wait you would yes I've killed before 250 that's my kill count if I have to kill again I will there's no choice in the matter I'll do it without a second thought you're insane she tells me yep I know I tell her I then grab Death gun and I'm about to get shot however it doesn't work he's able to pull me off and throw me into the lake and he escapes before she's able to shoot him so now we have a literal killer on her hands and it may be even harder to get rid of them he's already killed the dude in the white suit ahhh this is going to be a pain in the ass I think immediately I run to the final round and I am in it finally so is Kirito and the girl I'm kind of skipping a lot here cuz I can't remember most of it but I'm trying my best so give me a break this is not exactly like it was in my time when I remember doing this after you know everything happened to me everything is different this is going to change the future a whole shit ton whatever it don't matter after that I'm able to get around an area rocks I'm hiding waiting for someone to come so I can take them out this is a little later after I get to the final round this is all I can remember so yeah after that I'm able to move around easier I kill the dude who was coming in and it's all good then here come Kirito and the squealand sniper girl yes I think that name is going to stick with her for a little while at least anyway after that I finally deal with a few more enemies that are coming our way with a rifle yeah I'm not even using the scope you could say I'm using hacks but I'm not I'm just very good at with the guns after that we then wait we're going to look for death gun here I tell them I freak them out and she squeals again we got our squealand sniper here if that means sticks on killing you remember that yes I remember and then he comes where are you laughing Reaper Black Swordsman I know you're out here Kirito ARC it was him he knew me who was he is there any names you don't remember do you recognize any of these names there's two new ones she says did you already took down one so it has to be this one sterben also known as the German word for die German for death makes sense for death gun to have that name so Kirito figured that out correct yes by the way what is laughing Reaper Black Swordsman mean hahaha I begin to laugh that's easy he's calling us he says in our name from another game wait hold on May I have something what game are you from you sound like you know this guy and why do you care if he kills people that's easy this guy was part of a famous Guild you might have heard of them laughing coffin you don't mean from the game Sao do you that's right me and Kirito are both survivors of that game my name is Ark I'm known as the laugh and Reaper the floor clearer the unknown solo player the Red Demon a beater you may have heard of us and of course Kirito here he's known as the beater or the Black Swordsman the dual wielding swordsman is one of his newer names and the clearer of SAO I get it your past is very clearly waning on you you've had to have killed someone correct she looks at me and realizes I knew everything yeah let me guess bank robbery no post office it look like the guy deserved it he was going to kill everyone there including me and my mother then he deserved it it's that simple don't feel bad and don't be afraid of guns there's nothing to be afraid of be afraid of the person with the gun guns are nothing to fear gun violence happens every day you want to know why it happens though it's not the gun's fault it's the person who holds the gun guns are meant for protection action not threats did you get it I ask her yeah thanks I remember that all right let's do this then I run out I let sinon
Go to a tower and I have Kirito go to the left then I look and find out we're not his targets it's sinon
Damn it he's going for he must have someone in our apartment or you got to hurry I'll keep him distracted hurry up right I then log out immediately going straight to her house I I look up her name online thinking the girl named sinon on her atmosphere I find her identity is known as asada shino all right I tell Kirito I'm on my way to her immediately get in there I hear a struggle in the house and then break down the door and say sinon where are you out of nowhere a dude comes in tiny one actually way smaller than me I can deal with them I thought but I saw the syringe in his hand he was going to kill me with it I had to be careful immediately I grab onto him and toss him on to the floor trying to get him away from her I do so after that I was able to deal with them just a little longer however he eventually stabbed me I followed my knees and he's about to stab me one more to get rid of me forever then Here Comes sinon behind him cracks him in the head with a radio or mini fridge not too sure after that she opens my shirt and checks to make sure I didn't get stabbed I did however it didn't go all the way through I had a piece of metal that was a necklace but I always wore in the right place at the right time this time around could have happened way worse though and my dead I asked her now you're fine idiot so what's your name she asked me Arthur asada right wait how do you know my name it's easy I hacked into your atmosphere and found your name your Arc aren't you yep that's right I tell her don't worry I'll call kikuoka he'll come and get this guy I then sit with her and make sure she's okay I mean it makes sense she almost died just now so don't get mad at me anyway after that yes the police came and dealt with the dude he was a laughing coffin member and his accomplice was also caught the one in the game as well No More Death gun I hope after that she went back to school POV asada I got out of school and apparently Arthur nicknamed Arc in the game said he would pick me up at school so no nothing else would happen I think them for it after that those three Mean Girls who've been bothering me for months came in hey asada one of them said look what my brother gave me she then pulls out a pistol however it's not quite bothering me that much since I know it's just a model this isn't just a model by the way and then my heart races and I'm freaking out it's not a model wait then that's real oh no I think to myself immediately wondering if I'm going to die yet however she tries to shoot me with it when I say no I'm not giving you money however it doesn't work it doesn't click it's just a BB gun I thought wait what did Arc say to me again don't be afraid of the gun be afraid of the person who's holding it the gun can do nothing to you it's the person who can you're holding it wrong and the safety's on I think grab the gun from her and then shoot a can on the left side of me see that's how you use it and then place the safety back on for safety measure like I said not giving you no money see you around and the girl falls to her knees and I begin to smile realizing I conquered my fear or at least so far anyway after that I walk out and I see a crowd around some guy walking forward I hear him say oh hey asada no way Arthur's at my school oh boy what are you doing here I ask him hey asada a girl from behind me asked is that your boyfriend no of course I didn't move over to him and Whisper what are you doing here you told me to pick you up at school remember I was honestly really easy to find you just had to hack into your phone Anyway come on I want you to meet some people friends of mine okay fine why here seems like the easiest place and then hop on his motorcycle and we head on over to a cafe what is this don't worry this is where we're meeting them how old are you Arthur I asked him me I believe I'm 20 no 19 not too sure to be honest wait no it's 2025 so yeah I'm 20 years old you're an adult picking up a teenager at school hey I said I protect you from any other death guns right he did say that at one point however I didn't think he was going to pick me up at my school the next day kind of crazy you know you're crazy imagine the police caught you yeah that's the thing I could have just said I'm your escort they would believe it I'm a nice guy in this world however I'm a threat to the whole world that no one knows my name for real fine don't have one see I'm one of the best world hackers and I can hack into military bases and control anything hacking into your phone was nothing finding your school was awesome nothing it took me 2 seconds at most and I was already in the atmosphere that's a little harder maybe four or five seconds at most hacking in a weapon in game that can take me at least 2 minutes how can a military device probably 7 minutes to be honest I'm not too sure never tried it without permission of course I'll maybe try it one day though just for fun maybe I'll shoot a missile into the ocean or something might be fun anyway here you are that's Kirito right there you already I already know him I said that's Asuna his girlfriend at what she says excuse me not quite but you could say that that's Rica a girl who's crushing on him hey. and that's Rika also  known as Azria in a game that's Cam also known as Camelot hey there he says to me that's agil he's guy he's kind of old hey he said and last but not least that's silica she's small hey she says also known as the hamster tamer Dragon Arc dragon I told you then I'm going to tell you now I don't care what pea hamster Dragon doesn't matter to me it's a pet well that's Mighty rude of you Arc she says I have a question I asked him yeah what is it he says what do they call you by your game name and not your real life name Arthur oh that's easy they know me better by Arc since we were in Sao for so long oh you're all SAO survivors yep we all are work was crazy some red hair guy came in hey there Klein Arc told him oh hey Arc he says coming up to me I'm hiding behind Arc right now this guy creeps me out just a little hey there name's Klein how you doing good and you I asked him Klein stopped that you're scaring her who is she Arc is she your  girlfriend Arc then looks at him and knocks him in the head with his hand no she's not my girlfriend she's a girl I saved from a game that from laughing coffin another game huh was that the GGO one I heard about yeah that one I heard you were girls it was hilarious did you hear that from he then points at asuna you told him what we were doing sorry she says it was just funny to see Kirito as a girl for once hey he says you all seem like really good friends yeah I was wondering you want to join us or ask me I mean we went huh are you serious join you join you where in a game called ALO what do you say asada Arc ask me I guess I'll say Yes sounds fun great arc says then I tease him a little and say you'll help me won't you and a little voice that makes all the guys go wild I seen it in a show once so I thought it'd be fun to try it his face then turns red and says yeah okay of course he says to me great we got the best sniper in GGO the squealand sniper he teases me so easily I don't get offended though by it this seems like a good title for me I did squeal pretty loud in that part but come on he scared the living crap out of me what do you expect I tell him well I was expecting you not to squeal that's for sure shut up I tell him as my face turns red it's kind of funny actually I think I may like Arthur anyway we then get into Alo and I pick a cool character I don't honestly like it cat girl not really into it but it allows me to use a bow so yeah more my style it was called a cait sith a cat like race in this game interesting to say the least I pick it and it looks good so I'll leave it at this for now after this we head on to the next thing anyway after that we had a lot of fun and that's about it.

 and that's Rika also  known as Azria in a game that's Cam also known as Camelot hey there he says to me that's agil he's guy he's kind of old hey he said and last but not least that's silica she's small hey she says also known as the hamster tame...

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DKK well I hope you guys enjoyed and if you did well you know what to do honestly I figured having the last point where it's in the point of view of sinon would be kind of cool and also have her maybe like thur since he saved her I mean I wanted A...

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DKK well I hope you guys enjoyed and if you did well you know what to do honestly I figured having the last point where it's in the point of view of sinon would be kind of cool and also have her maybe like thur since he saved her I mean I wanted Arthur to have a little more girl contact in this than any other candy toe still got most of them crushing on them so to make it not too much of a harem show as it already is I decided to give him a character who likes him which is asada also known as sinon I figured that would be pretty cool so yeah I hope you guys liked it and if you did well you know what to do and that will be me out bye bye-bye oh before I go here's an image for you to understand how much this was a pain this image took me 3 hours just to find I'm not even joking

DKK well I hope you guys enjoyed and if you did well you know what to do honestly I figured having the last point where it's in the point of view of sinon would be kind of cool and also have her maybe like thur since he saved her I mean I wanted A...

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