A Peaceful Existence Now Ends

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A few weeks have passed since we finally was in this Village Alice's sister came to visit us a few times I kind of forgot her name but it's okay eventually I asked her her name since I never did before and her name was Selka zuberg nice to meet you names Arc I tell her but that was a while ago Selka came over to say hi a lot which I didn't mind at all she helped us out a lot after a while the war was going to begin very soon but in the meantime we'll have to continue living a peaceful life that all came to an end one day probably I'm guessing it was a few days after I hopped in here in the real world but in here it's been over 3 years at least time is super weird in this world to be honest I feel like years have passed when really only a probably about four or five weeks have pass it depends it's been over a month though so I hopefully I know that my body is okay in the real world I have a skilled nurse looking after me so I'm pretty sure I'm good and when I get out of here we'll see what happens after a while has passed though in this world I wonder exactly what's going to happen during this war am I going to have a chance to fight Vector I really hope so I want to see how powerful I am I've only scratched the surface of my skills I'm not even near my full out power yet that little Fireball I conjured would not even do that much damage however I could conjure a meteorite probably I wonder what I can do in this world I really want to try out a lot could I snap my fingers and cause a hole of a bottomless pit in the ground could I change the whole entire world with just one voice I really wish I knew I don't know my powers and I don't think I will for quite a while after a while I ran on out over to the Village to grab some food we were running out sure I got a bunch of dirty looks but I didn't really care I was doing a duty for some people that I cared about my friends we needed to eat after all Kirito can't feed himself since he barely can even move however Alice has been taking that as her own job as well my job is to get the money hers is to watch over both kirito and Eugeo by the way reason I keep saying her job is to take care of the both of them is because he's still unconscious he's alive but he's in a coma and I don't know how long it's going to be I guess we'll see when he finally awakes however he holds The Blood Rose near him and Kirito has the blue yes they split a while ago changing into two swords a red and a blue one of them is able to conjure Red Ice which is interesting the other one is blue ice as of regular interested now to say the least I wonder what the swords can do when they're fully powered up well I'll never know cuz I can never test them every time I try to grab one one of them tries to keep it near them which is understandable I don't try to take it from Kirito it's the only thing that he can remember at this point he thinks his friend is dead since he can't even see he's also blind yes in other words besides just losing his memories he's also lost almost all bodily functions he can move one arm and that's it other than that he's blind you can speak and breathe so that's basically good yeah I forgot to say that the thing is though he's not like but I remember hearing about he's definitely not a vegetable he can move he just cannot see his eyes are completely white and even his hair is changed a little his normal black hair has now become less shiny and more dull like it's just been completely snuffed out all color in his hair is basically gone at this point is what I'm seeing I tried to take The Blood Rose though and was met with much resistance he's holding it close he won't let it go very well it's fine I'll try not to take that sword but then I asked how Alice to hand me hers I want to try it out she said you won't be able to use it only I can she says I then immediately am able to use her sword looks like I can use it I tell her that's impossible well allow me to explain I'm not from this world I came here so you're a God is what you saying you could say that I tell her but I guess you'll find out soon enough after that we enjoyed a good life and everything started going downhill from there Kirito eventually did get his movement at least a little of it back however he still can barely speak the only thing you can say is hungry I'm hungry can I go to sleep that kind of thing other than that though he's completely out of it you can't remember how to move he can't remember how to eat himself he can't remember how to do anything he's also blind he can't see anything but he can breathe and he can still speak a little so I guess that's progress he's also got some function back to his body he's now able to move his other arm that is gone he feels no pain though since well he can't after a while Alice said she's going to take Kirito out for a walk I told her he's not a dog you know I mean for a stroll is what she's saying I made a joke and said that but yeah I understood what you meant sure want me to come with you can if you want so I do so I walk alongside her be honest with you on this one if we weren't in the middle of a game right now and she was real I probably ask her to go on a date with me but I know she's not real she's an NPC just like other people in this world but now I'm starting to see the people of this world as actual people and not NPCs but I know they're NPCs so why do I see it that way I don't know maybe this world is starting to change me make me more human like hell that would ever happen that wouldn't even ever happen I'm not human when you think about it I can kill without regret which ain't human I think when I came back in time I changed somehow my species whatever I am now is not human coming back in time I must have changed into something like a timewalker or something in other words I'm no longer human but I could never tell you for for truth if I actually am something else than human anyway back to the where we were I went on a tangent there after a while we went to an area where that dude was he asked a lady Alice he says oh great not this guy again could you please cut this tree down for me I will pay you handsomely it's a very big one so how's 100 col again not the currency of this world that's what I call it that sounds like a good deal I tell her I could do it if you want no I'll do it she tells me she then grabs the dark blue sword off the wheelchair of Kirito yes she asked him if she could borrow his sword he of course did not say a word I stood on in the back with my arms crossed after she sliced the tree I began to clap my hands but I heard something in the background I looked behind me and Kirito's on the floor reaching for something what are you doing then I look over where he's pointing and two boys have the blue rose in their hand hey You to give that back I tell them why should we they say cuz if you don't you're going to regret it I tell them they then drop it on the ground I walk over and grab the sword and then I shout to them then your parents ever teach you not to touch things that's not yours next time you might lose your arm I tell them of course Alice is looking at me with a very shocked Express you then picks up Kirito off the floor ground not floor sorry and I hand him the sword he go buddy I didn't pull his arm over so he can grab it since he can't see there you go I say as Alice looks at me like I just did something very nice you're different she tells me different in what way I ask her Kinder she says you've decided to come out here with me when other times you would say go by yourself really I'm that mean huh well that's the way I see you anyway she says to me that's understandable I guess I'm becoming more like a person now seen the fact that you know what my friends basically in a state where he can do nothing himself I feel like I might as well help him I tell her that's a nice thing to do she tells me yeah I suppose so I tell her we then go home and Kirito to get some sleep of course Alice is sleeping right next to him made sense though if he falls off there's no one there to pick him up and since he can't even move himself and make sense although he can move his body he cannot move his legs or anything to stand he is basically stuck in a state of unmovement later a dragon roar came from outside I ran out there to see a dragon fly down on top of it was the man in silver armor it was the Integrity Knight I still cannot get his name right it doesn't matter he asked me where is Lady Alice oh she's inside sleeping you can talk with me though no I want her he said to me very well hold on let me go get her I think go inside open the door and go near Alice I shake her awake hey there's a dude here wanting to see you she looks at and goes huh she's tired it made sense she didn't know it was going on she says oh hold on one second she then stands up and runs outside with me after that the Dragon it's up in the air and the Knight is on the ground he's telling us the world will be starting soon and they want her and me both there to fight that's understandable but what about our two friends inside they were basically unconscious they can come along he said then I tell him if you try to execute them you're dead he then swallowed the breath that he was holding the whole time understandable he says I've been look at him and say okay then how about tomorrow you come with a stretcher or something that we can carry both of them on and we'll get to the battlefield keep them safe understood I tell him he says of course I wouldn't think of harming them or letting them get harmed after that we go back inside and get some sleep Kirito fell off like I said he would I was picked them back up and put them back in the bed he fell back to sleep when we woke up the next morning we went on over to the Village it began goblins were everywhere a little later I was dealt with most of them while I dealt with some and then of course all the villagers trusted her I don't know what she did she must have convinced them by saying she's an Integrity Knight I guess that convinced him that we're not bad people whatever it don't matter it was just about to begin the war for the underworld but that's a story for the next time

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