Chapter 15. Leave

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Claire's pov

We are standing on the parkinglot for a while before speaking. ''Frank? What are you doing here?'' I ask taking a step forward but Jamie tugs at my hand. ''I've come to see you, darling,'' he says and comes closer to me. I take a step back again, almost standing on Jamie's shoes. '

''Oh come on, Claire darling,'' he chuckles awkwardly reaching out for me. ''Please don't touch me,'' I say softly and Jamie places his hands on my shoulder. ''Claire, baby, please. Come to me, I'm your boyfriend,'' he says shooting Jamie a dirty look. Jamie stiffens behind and I put a hand on his to reassure him. ''I broke up with you, Frank. 2 days ago we called and I broke up with you,''

''And yet here you are fucking him!'' he says pointing at Jamie. ''Well you're mine!'' he continues and Jamie takes a step towards Frank, his muscles tense. ''She is NOT yours!'' he exclaims and I grab his arm and pull him back. ''Jamie, calm down please!'' I say softly and his eyes soften when he looks at me.

''Look Frank, I broke up with you because, well I found out I am married to Jamie and he and his family know the most about me so they are helping me finding Claire,'' I explain and he chuckles sarcastically. ''And part of 'helping you find Claire' consist of him fucking you? Fucking my girlfriend?!'' he shouts and I shout back out him. ''I am not fucking him! He's my husband, Frank, he is only trying to help me, please leave Frank, just go,''

Jamie is still standing behind me, his hands reach my shoulders and I let him touch me. Frank's eyes widen at the sight. ''No! I demand answers! What is happening here! When you left the states you were fine and happy! Now you are here, married, drunk, partying and kissing other men!'' he yells.

''No I demand answers Frank! You were supposed to find out who my family was! And you didn't find anyone! I am married and have huge family! How could you not found that?'' I snap back. ''I-uh I..'' he starts but Jamie interrupts him. ''When my wife died I put it in every news paper there is! I cried out her name a million times, I went to a protest to make sure people drive safely because I lost my wife to someone who drove wreckless! I've breen grieving for 3 years because of it all, and I could've had her back years ago! But no, because you didn't do what you had to do, I suffered for it!'' he roars but Frank just laughs.

''You really think any cares about that little sob story, Fraser?'' he laughs and I step forward. ''I care, Frank. Jamie has been nothing but kind and helpful, he lets me do what I want to do and what I like, but you never did that!''

''Oh come on Claire, you didn't mind that when you were with me, you loved being home!'' he exclaims and I laugh. ''I loved having alone time yeah! But not all the time, I wanted to go out, I wanted to visit countries! But you didn't allow me to!''

''Now you mention that, you never said that before!'' he says and I scoff. ''I thought I was happy, but I wasn't! I'm happy now, please Frank lets not fight,'' Jamie takes my hand I brings me to the car. Frank quickly grabs my other hand and tries to keep me away but Jamie steps in immediately. ''Don't fucking touch her,'' he hisses and Frank lets go of me.

I sit down in the passenger seat and Jamie walk back to where Frank is staying. I can't hear what they say but neither of them looks happy. Suddenly I get a nast feeling in my stomach and my heart beat speeds up. Something is about to go wrong. I step out of the car immediately and walk up to them. ''Both of you get in the car, Frank you can stay at the guest room, but tomorrow you are out!''

I walk back to the car and sit back down. Jamie sits down behind the wheel and Frank sits down beside me. The presence of Frank makes us both uncomfortable and seeing him now makes me feel very uneasy. The drive back to Lallybroch feels like forever and there is an awkward silence. When we arrive I immediately hurry in the house and almost bump into William on the way. Seeing him makes me feel safer knowing with all of the men around Frank couldn't hurt me if he wanted to.

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