2: Bagong Mundo

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I slowly opened my eyes and was blinded by the sunlight. I suddenly felt pain in my left arm when I tried to get up. I looked at it and saw a big wound.

" A-ahhh.."

I feel so weak.

"Where am I?"

My body is aching like I have been battered. I looked around and all I saw were sharp rocks and scattered water droplets. The last thing I remember is that I fell into a dark place then suddenly...... 

I wake up in here?

The place seems like a cave and it has a big hole above me that could fit 10 persons.


" Oh my! I almost forgot the war! Father! I need to save my father!"

I immediately got up and looked around for anything I could use to get out of here.

" That horse! He's dead to me!"

That horse nearly killed me. But I still love my horse though. He's my first horse and my pet best friend.

"How do I escape this place?" I grumbled.

My father is waiting for me. I fear that I may be too late.

"Help me, anyone!" I cried out and my voice echoed. I hope someone could hear me here. I want to see my father. I hope I'm still not too late. Please, please, please...


I was alerted when something big swiftly passed by above the hole.

What on earth was that?



I got anxious as my gaze caught another giant flying creature.

"What in the world?! What is that thing!?" I exclaimed nervously. Utterly bewildered and frightened by the peculiar flying entity. I concealed amidst the rocks and waited for the uncertain creature to show itself. As I expected, it headed towards the cave. I can hear its frightening growl, which causes me to shiver in fear.

I must see what that thing is.

Peering cautiously, I was utterly... completely astonished by what I witnessed.

" A d-dragon?"

I was left speechless. I only read about them and heard tales, yet here it is…

A dragon.


It approached the spot where I had been lying and sniffed the ground, scaring me further as it tasted a hint of my blood, exhibiting a menacing behavior.  I scowled. He seems hungry.

Oh my!

I must escape this place! Despite trembling with fear, I managed to move. Slowly, I rose to my feet and...


Oh, pitiful lady!

I had forgotten about the sword with me, and it hit the rock. This sound grabbed the dragon's attention, and he fixed a bizarre gaze on me.

“Oh my goodness!”

Swiftly, I darted into the cavern before the dragon could catch on me.

"Ahh!!!" I shrieked loudly, feeling as if my end was near!

The dragon pursued relentlessly, and were it not for some boulders impeding his path, he would likely have devoured me. The dragon persisted in the pursuit. My heart raced frantically; it felt like it outpaced my speed!!! My tattered garments snagged, hindering my pace and I feared that the dragon might catch me.

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