30: Dakip

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I am walking back home alone at this moment. The place is very quiet, as everyone has gathered in the quadrangle of Babang Village. My pace slowed down, and I took a moment to observe the huts along my path.

All structures here are crafted from lightweight materials like wood, bark, woven leaves, or large stones, illuminated solely by lamps or torches. The use of modern materials is unfamiliar to them, who rely solely on traditional or ancient methods of living.

While staying here, I have learned and discovered a few things. Their lifestyle, way of communication, these common occurrences of monsters and unknown things-it all feels like a tale of fantasy. This realization serves as a constant reminder that I am indeed in a different world.

If I were to compare this town to our kingdom,it resembles a location I once stumbled upon while evading lessons at the palace-similar to Mediocris Village, the heart of Ghiannus City.

"Wait, now that I think about it...that seems to have something in common with Punong Polktuga's name, Ghianna... Ghiannus... Ghianna... Hmmm..."

Another thing that intrigues me about this place is their tools and artifacts. Some of these items are documented in the history books of our kingdom that I have seen and read. Also, the language of Malay, which was long abandoned in my world 1,000 years ago, was spoken by that mysterious man. How did that happen?

I have a theory in my mind-perhaps I have ventured back into the past of my world. However, this notion seems implausible considering the absence of any historical records or accounts from this era.

I was so focused on thinking about these things that I didn't realize that I was already at the front of my house. Raising my gaze, I beheld the broad window of my house above. My house is on the second floor, and despite its construction from lightweight materials, it exudes a sense of sturdiness and craftsmanship. The interior lay shrouded in darkness, devoid of any lamps, as Shika and I refrained from leaving them unattended to prevent any accidental fires in our absence.

I gazed at the brilliant glow emanating from the full moon, devoid of stars yet free from clouds in the night sky. You wouldn't even think that it might rain because of its beautiful light. Its enchanting form gave the impression of flawlessness at first glance, but deep down, I am aware... aware that it conceals imperfections under its borrowed light.

I wish I could be like the moon... shining brightly, even though she was alone.

She could shine in her own way, captivating all who gazed upon it-not only from its radiance but also from its imperfections.

"I wishhh.... I was like her..."

Even though the moon was seen from different places with different shapes and lights...

She will still be accepted, looked...

And loved.

I suddenly remembered the night before I left the palace. The mess of my birthday, my confusion, my worry about Papa, my leaving the palace, and Celer's strange behavior.

I turned to my back and looked at the most prominent structure-Miss Polktuga's office. Though distant from my residence, its elevated position atop a massive stone made it visible even from afar. Towering tall, it boasted an extensive staircase.

I don't know why I came here. Why now, when my father needs me?

Nunong Haikuri, I miss her too. When will she come back and pick me up? Did the cave open its portal? Can I really still go back to my world?

Will I live here forever?


Dad, my friends-I miss them all so much. I badly want to go home, but I don't know how. What is my purpose in this place? Each day that passes intensifies my yearning for my world. The sight of my friends' faces stirs up memories, but they also aid in diverting my mind from my anxiety.

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