A different kind of class

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Grains Pov:

I cleared my throat to get the class to quiet down. “Okay class, calm down.” The room went quiet as all the kids looked at me, waiting for further instruction. I nodded. “Today we’re going to start a new unit with hybrid history.” a few giggles and eyerolls were strewn across the room. One kid raised his hand. “Why do we have to learn about hybrid history?” before I could respond Tommy stood up. “Why do we have to learn about the American Revolution, huh?! Think before you open your mouth bitch” his wings ruffled in irritation. I glared at him. “Tommy, refrain from using that language in my classroom and sit down.” he rolled his eyes and sat down. I sighed. “Tommy is right, we learn about these things to make a change and not repeat history.”

Once I was sure I had everyone's attention I began. “Now, as you’re aware. Hybrids only got the right to vote a few years ago but the movement for equality started long before that back in…” I finished the end of the lesson right before the bell rang. “Don’t forget, the outline on the first chapter is due tomorrow!” I saw Tommy trying to sneak out. “Tommy” he winced before turning around. “Yes?” I sighed. “I understand your frustration but we do not swear or raise our voice in my classroom, you know this. Not everything can be solved with yelling.” his eyes averted to the floor, he hated being scolded. “Sorry…” I ruffled his hair. “Thank you Tommy. Let me call Mr.Goodtimes to tell him you were with me so you're not late” he nodded.

I picked up the phone and dialed his room number. He picked up. “Hello?” I smiled. “Hey Scar, I just wanted to let you know Tommy was with me, he’ll get to class in a few minutes.” “Alright, thanks for telling me. See you at our lunch date!” a rosy pink rose to my face. “Scar, you need to stop calling them that.” he sounded confused. “Why?” I sighed. “Because it's not a date. We’re just having lunch.” he seemed even more confused. “That's what a lunch date is, having lunch with your buddies.” I sighed and shook my head. “Nevermind, see you at lunch” I hung up the phone and turned to tommy. “Okay, go get to class. I have papers to grade.” just as Tommy turned around to leave the lockdown alarm sounded. Shit!” I took Tommy by the wrist and rushed him to Scar’s classroom.
Before he could protest I left. I could hear confused shouts from Scar behind me. ignoring them, I ran back to my room and changed. I closed my eyes, concentrating, my wings changed from their rainbow color to pink and black. I placed the mask on my face and ruffled up my hair. The window was already open so I jumped out and flew onto the room building. I pulled out my communicator. It was something that me and Hotguy shared to tell each other when there was danger or patrol times. I quickly texted him. “Hotguy, There’s a situation at Allen High. I need you here stat” he replied almost instantly. “I know. I’ll be there in a minute.” I shoved the communicator in my pocket.

I heard screams coming from the courtyard. Opening my wings, I flew over, landing in front of a group of kids. One had a bullet on her arm, she was human. She was standing in front of two other kids, protecting them. In an instant I pulled out my gun and shot the three armored soldiers in the legs. I took away their weapons and tied them up in rope. Turning around, I focused my attention on the students. I recognized them, they would hang out in my class sometimes. Tubbo and Ranboo, 10th graders and Aimsey, a 9th grader. Tubbo was a goat hybrid and Ranboo was an enderman hybrid. “Aimsey!” I rushed to her side. I sat them down and quickly treated their arm. “You three find shelter, I'll take care of this” they nodded.

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