the cub begins to learn

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3rd person:

"There has to be something going on, I know I'm not crazy" Mumbo Said, tapping his finger on his knee in an impatient manner. Cub sighed. "What are you on about now?" Cub let out a long sigh. The smoke formed a cloud in front of his face before dissipating. "Grian" Cub raised an eyebrow. He took another puff of his cigarette. "Oh?" Mumbo glanced at him. "You should stop smoking, it's bad for you." He sighed and rolled his eyes before putting it out and flicking it into the road. "Now spill."

"He keeps sneeking around- well not anymore. He tells me when he's going out but it's at weird and random times and he never tells me where. I just feel like there's something he's not telling me..." Cub leaned his head back and looked up at the sky. "Is that necessarily a bad thing?" "What?" Cub placed his gaze on the mustashed man. "Is it bad he has a secret or two? Sometimes secrets are meant to be kept." Mumbo nodded. "I guess."

He pushed up his glasses and slapped Mumbo on the back. "Don't sweat it man, he'll tell you when he's ready... here" he handed him a pack of cigarettes a a lighter. "Guess I don't need em anymore." Though it was hard to see in the dim light under the lamp post, a soft blush spread to Mumbo’s cheeks. "Right" Cub waved him goodbye and started his walk back to his home.

Once he was far enough he quickly dialed Grian. "Hello?" He answered. "Grian! Be. Better. At. Your. Job!" There was clear confusion from the receiving line. "Mumbo is starting to catch on. He talks about it everytime I see him and I'm starting to think that's the only reason he wants to hang out with me!"

A laugh could be heard buzzing from the phone. "I'm sure he wants to hang out  to hang out with you. I'll try and be more careful but I don't know what else I can do. Can't I just tell him?" Cub gasped. "You of all people should know telling him would give him a heart attack. You'd be sending grey hairs straight into his mustache!" The other man was quiet. "Why did I decide to become a superhero... ugh!!!" Cub laughed. "Complain to your boyfriend not me."they talked a little longer, ended up scheduling grian for another therapy session, and hung up.

Mumbo’s pov:

I knew I should listen to Cub’s advise and leave it but I couldn't. I mean what if grian got hurt going out. What if he joined a gang, or worse. What if he's doing drugs! I gasped. "Or hooking up with scar!? No Mumbo. Even if he was it's none of your business. Hes a grown adult and can do whatever he wants."


I pulled out my phone and scrolled through grian and I's texts till I found Scar's number. I typed the didgets into the keypad and let the phone ring. "Hello? Who is this?" "Mumbo, Grian's roommate I have an important question." "It mumbo" He mumbled to someone unknown. "What's up?" He asked. I sighed. "You and grian aren't hookingup late at night right?" Scar nearly fell out his wheelchair on the other side of the phone. "E-exuse me?!" "I just need to be sure." Someone snatched the phone from his hands.

It was grian. "Not that it's any of your concern but we have not! I understand you worry mumbo but seriously?!" I cleared my throat. "Good... grian, I get I should lay off but I'm seriously worried. You've been going off who knows where so often and I don't know what to do. Can't you just tell me what's going on?" Grian sighed. "I-" "are we just gonna ignore he though we were having sex?" Scar interrupted.

"Scar! Shush"
"Come to Scar’s place, I'll text you the address "

He hung up the phone and not second later it buzzed with a notification. Sorry cub.

Cub's pov:

"Ahh-choo" ugh, must be allergies.

Scar's pov:

"Are you crazy?! Telling him our identities defeats the whole purpose of being a masked superhero. Too many people already know!" Grian placed a calming hand on my shoulder. "Relax, we can trust Mumbo." I shook my head in response. "You don't understand. Cub can take care of himself and so can everyone in the resistance but Mumbo. I don't consider him the fighting type. If someone where to get their hands on him who's to say they wouldn't torture the answer outta him?" He raised an eyebrow. "Oh please, Mumbo would rather do redstone underwater than put me in any danger."

"I just... don't want you to get hurt." He wrapped his arms around my neck and planted a soft and gentle kiss on my lips. "I won't. Besides I don't think you'd survive one day without me keeping you alive." I scoffed. He was right of course but still! The doorbell rang. "I'll get it" Grian chirped before moving to open the door. "Mumbo, I think it's time you get answers."

Omg look at me, actually writing a new chapter :0
Working on another one as we speak.

Stay hydrated and stay weird >:3

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