betrayl and storms

40 4 13

Jimmy’s pov:

I was looking over some new documents I had received on the Armored Soldiers. Something was off. Every useful bit of information was missing, almost as if it had been taken out. Faulty files? But why would the government give me faulty files? There was only one person I knew that could help me with this. I stood up from my chair and left my office. Tango waved to me from the front desk. “Hey sheriff. Going somewhere?” I nodded.

It was a long drive to his place and it wasn’t any better that it was raining as well. My eyes shifted around as I stopped at a red light. I noticed the superhero pair sitting atop a roof top under an umbrella while peering down into the city. I smiled knowing the city was being kept safe. After about an hour or so I was driving down Scott’s neighborhood

I hesitated at his door. He was home, I knew he was. His car was in the driveway. I shoved my hesitance aside and knocked on the door. Shuffling could be heard on the other side of the door. I was then met with an irritated face. His expression softened as he realized who it was. “Jimmy?” I smiled. “Hey scott, sorry to bother you so late.” he saw my uniform and immediately let me in.

we sat down on the couch “so what can i help you with? You're on duty "I nodded and pulled out the files. “There's something wrong with these files but i’m not sure what” he picked them up. “So you want me to check for foraging?” I nodded. He observed the papers, skimming through the words

“Well these are definitely fake. Not surprised.” I cocked an eyebrow. “What do you mean not surprised?” he looked up, guilt painted across his face. As if he said too much. “Spill it Smajor.” I said sternly. He sighed. “I wasn’t supposed to tell you since you're part of the government and they didn’t trust you. However, I trust you. The government is working with the emerald soldiers. They gave you fake files so you wouldn’t figure em out.” he looked up at me, sympathy strewn across his face.

“Sorry bud”

Scott’s pov:

Conflicting emotions traveled through Jimmy. I felt bad. He worked so hard to complete his dream. To be a sheriff and help others. Yet he ended up with a corrupt government. I gently placed a hand on his shoulder. “Hey, it’s not your fault.” he looked at me. “What am I supposed to do now? I can’t keep working for them” his eyes pleaded for an answer I didn’t possess or at least I thought I didn’t. “I have a suggestion. You might not like it.” he raised an eyebrow, suspicious. “What is it?” I pulled a pin from my pocket. “A rebelion i’m a part of. We’re working against the government. I could introduce you if you wanted to join.” his eyes widened before softening and then hardening again.

He looked up. “I’ll join” I smiled, it was nice to now be on the same side. I took his hand. “It’ll be okay,” he smiled. A loud crack of thunder pierced the tender moment. “You should stay the night. I don’t want you going out in that weather.” the wind thrashed against the windows. He nodded. I jumped as a window shattered behind us, now a large tree limb in my living room. “Christ!” Jimmy’s wings instinctively opened and wrapped around us. “I’ll set up a bed in the basement.” he nodded.

I rushed up to my room, avoiding shattered pots that had been knocked over when the ground shook. I stuffed several blankets into a laundry basket, as well as some pillows. Another window smashed near me. Several shards of glass flew into my arm. I winced. Ignoring the pain throbbing in my arm I headed back downstairs.

Jimmy took the basket, not noticing my arm and headed down into the basement. I followed him and sat down on the new makeshift bed. Jimmy turned my direction and saw my arm. “Oh god! Scott! What happened to your arm?!” “ah, another window shattered” he shot up and disappeared up the stairs. Not a minute later he came back with a first aid kit. He plopped down next to me and gently took my arm. He carefully plucked the glass from my arm. I bit down on my lip as pain radiated through my arm. “ACK!” I exclaimed as a cleaning ointment was rubbed on the wound. Jimmy winced to the sound of my pain. “Sorry!” “warning next time!” I grunted. He nodded and continued cleaning the wound.

Once he was done he wrapped my arm in bandages. “There, all better,” I smiled. “Thanks” he shivered. “Is your heater broken or something? It’s like 60 degrees here.” I laughed. “I don’t have one. I prefer the cold. Sorry, I don't usually have people over.” his wings wrapped around him…. I was about to offer my blanket before we heard another window shatter upstairs. “I hope it’s just the windows that get wrecked…” Jimmy nodded. “Do you know how to play ‘spit’?” I asked. It was a card game I played growing up. A smile spread across his face and he nodded. I quickly set the cards up in front of us. He plopped down across from me. We played a few rounds and surprisingly Jimmy won almost all of them.

I yawned before realizing how late it was. “We should probably head to bed.” he nodded. Jimmy fell asleep pretty quick. However, I couldn't fall asleep. The whirling of the wind on the surface kept me up. Every so often another window would shatter. Lightning tore through the sky and cracked the ground, a loud bang following. I finally fell asleep but that didn't last long. I was awoken by a horrible screeching sound coming from above. The screeching stopped when something was torn into the sky. I just hoped it was my roof. I was pulled out of my thoughts when I felt something wrap around me.
I turned my attention away from the staircase leading back to the surface, to beside me. Apparently the horrid sound had also woken Jimmy. His left wing instinctively wrapped around my side. His right was closed around him. I gently took his hand. “You okay?” He looked up at me, still a bit dazed and confused. “What are you doing up?” I chuckled in response. “Couldn’t sleep once I did, that horrible noise woke me up” he nodded before standing up and walking to the staircase.

“Uhh, scott. Come here…” I stood up and walked over to where he was standing. He pointed to a puddle that was forming on the floor. My eyes followed a tiny stream of water coming from the door at the top of the staircase. “Shit! That was my roof!”

I darted up the stairs, ignoring Jimmy's calls behind me. I opened the door to be met with whirling winds and a face full of rain. I slammed the door behind me. My attention was brought upward to my missing roof. I shook my head, refocusing my attention. I ran up to my room, avoiding the glass and debris in this house. I made it to my room and narrowly avoided a large tree limb from coming down on my head. It crashed onto my bed, breaking the frame in half. I opened my nightstand drawer and pulled out a small necklace with a poppy charm at the end of it.

Suddenly I was yanked backwards right before a support beam from out of nowhere pierced the floor where I had been standing. I was dragged away before eventually I turned around to see a panicked jimmy dodging debris and leading us back to the basement. He slammed the door shut and shoved a towel against the gap between the floor and the door, stopping the water.

His hands gripped my shoulder and forced me to look at him. “Are you out of your mind?!” I held up the necklace. “I had to make sure this didn’t get destroyed.” he recognized it almost instantly. “You risked your life for that necklace?!” he shouted, barely audible over the whipping of the wind. After my brother went missing, Jimmy gave it to me as a gift to let me know he was always there for me. “It means a lot to me… i didn’t wanna lose it” he sighed and pulled me into a tight hug. “Don’t ever do that again… idiot.” he smiled. I hugged him back, his embrace warm and comforting. Eventually we parted and sat next to each other on the blankets while waiting for the storm to pass. “I love you” I mumbled before exhaustion finally took over, drowning out the storm on the surface.

Hydrate bitch 🌊

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