a new arrow? (and mumbo)

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Grian’s pov:
Scars embrace was warm and comforting. I jumped up and my wings fluffed up as a honk was heard behind me. I turned around to see Cub in his van. I placed a hand on my chest, trying to press my heart back into place as it had just about leaped out my chest. Scar smiled and rolled up to his van, taking my hand and leading him. “Hey Grian, thanks for taking care of Scar for me.” I nodded and smiled. “No problem.” i Helped him into his seat and set his wheelchair in the back, closing the doors. “See ya!” he waved through the window. I shot up into the sky and flew home, landing on the balcony.  I knocked on the window and was immediately met with Mumbo. He pulled me into a tight hug.
“Oh thank void your safe! You didn’t get hurt did you?” I shook my head. “I’m fine, trust me.” I stepped out of his grasp and spun. “See?” he nodded. “Sorry for overreacting mate, just please tell me next time that happens and you won't immediately be coming home.” I nodded, “I promise.” he smiled. “Now come on, I’m making dinner and I'm gonna need some help.“ My wings perked and my face lit up. I always loved cooking with Mumbo, he would always teach new techniques and recipes. I tailed him into the kitchen. It looked like we were trying something new today. “What are we making today?” he smiled. “It’s something my friend shared with me, pork belly tacos.” (this is an actual meal I’ve had before and it’s amazing.) I raised an eyebrow. “Then why do you have watermelon out?” he laughed.

“Trust me, I know it sounds weird but watermelon is necessary. Speaking of the watermelon, you wanna cut them up? I need 1x1 inch cubes.” A smile spread across my face, I nodded. I quickly got working on the watermelons after washing my hands. I used my thumb to measure the size of the cubes. After they were cut I covered them, keeping them fresh. Mumbo turned towards the bowl and smiled. “Alright, come here. I’ll teach you how to properly cook these.” I carefully watched his every move, observing every little detail. His hands paused and I looked at him confused. He chuckled. “Sorry you looked like you were stalking prey or something”

I hadn’t noticed my instinct was showing. I shook my head, getting rid of the feeling. “Sorry” he laughed. “Don’t worry about it, it happens quite a lot when you watch me cook.” my wings puffed up, embarrassed. “Really?” he smiled and nodded. I groaned in embarrassment. A soft chuckle could be heard from Mumbo. “It’s alright. It doesn't bother me.” I smiled, thankful for his understanding. The rest of the time cooking I spent washing what was already dirty and setting the table. Mumbo was curious about what I was doing during the lockdown. I made up a quick lie that seemed to convince him. If I told him I was Cuteguy he would freak out.

I checked the time on my phone and shot up. Mumbo looked up at me, shocked and confused. “You alright?” I nodded. “Yeah sorry, I'm kinda tired. I’ll see you in the morning. Night Mumbo.” I scraped the rest of my food into my mouth and headed to my bedroom, leaving Mumbo sitting there confused. I was late for patrol. I quickly got into my hero suit and puffed my wings back to the black and pink colors. Climbing onto the windowsill, I quickly opened the window and flew out. It wasn’t long before I saw Hotguy sitting on the roof of a tall building looking out into the sea of cars in the busy city night. A smile grew on my face and I landed, perching on his shoulder. I leaned over enough to where our eyes met. A smile crept onto his face. “Hey hotstuff” “hey birdy!” The two nicknames between us flowed smoother than water.

I hopped off his shoulders and sat next to him. “Sorry I’m late, I was having dinner” He shook his head. “Not at all, much hasn’t happened since the incident this morning” I noticed his new hero costume. “New suit?” I asked. He smiled. “Mhm, glad you noticed, thought i could use a new look” a sleeveless crop top turtleneck hugged the top half of his torso while a thin black mesh covered the bottom half, connecting to his leggings. His leg supports now had his iconic blue and orange accents to them. His arms were toned and muscled but not like scary bodybuilder muscle. More like sexy and attractive muscles. Once I realized I had been staring a little too long I focused my eyes back to his. “Looks nice”

A slight pink flushed to his face and his smile grew. “Thanks! That's not all I changed though, I have a new arrow type.” I cocked an eyebrow. “A new one? You already have fire, water, freeze, smoke bomb, light flash, and grappling hook. What else could there be?” He pulled out an arrow and handed it to me. I inspected it closely. It had two fake feathers like mine sticking out the end and a pink tip. A small camera could be seen poking out. “What's this?” I asked. I could tell it had some resemblance to me due to the color scheme and the feathers. “It’s a special arrow. It locks down on a target and shifts the feathers to fly different directions to hit its target. I based the look off of you.”
“I could tell. So it can’t miss basically.” he nodded. I smiled and handed it back to him. “Neat, I’m flattered” he chuckled, drawing one from my own throat. After one boring hour I began feeling myself drift to sleep. I shook my head, trying to shake the feeling but it wouldn’t go away. I sighed and before I could deny it, my exhaustion overcame me. My limp body slumped over and rested against Hotguy’s shoulder

Scar’s pov:

My focus shifted from the city below me to the bird beside me. His head was leaned against my shoulder and a soft snore came from him. I smiled, the sight making me a bit more relaxed. I leaned my head on his and closed my eyes, letting the distant sounds of cars driving by and his soft snores lull me to sleep. The exhaustion from the day finally kicked in and claimed me.

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