Recruiting The Other Tragic Little Gay Man

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Grian’s pov:

Scar re-entered the room, a smile plastered on his face. “Guess what!” he said. I shrugged and raised an eyebrow, humming in response. “I get to bring an extra teacher on the end of year field trip. You wanna go?” I smiled. I knew it was his favorite field trip of the year. He gets to take his class to Disneyland at the end of the year. I guess since last year they almost lost a kid they wanted two teachers with the class. “I’d love to.” Cub groaned. “Take your lovey dovey crap out my house,” he whined. Me and scar exchanged a glance before laughing. “Sorry.” With that we left, off to patrol

“Hey Scar, what do you think about solemates?” I asked. I knew it was a random question but we were just sitting on the roof peering into the city. He sighed. “I think they come in many different forms. Like a bestfriends, or a brother, orrrr.” He nudged me in the arm and smiled softly. “lovers.” I smiled. “I'd like to think we're solemates” I added. He smirked and took my hand, hoisting me up. “You dance?” my eyes widened. I quickly shook my head. “No, when I dance it's like I have two left feet. I promise you.”

He chuckled and took my hand in his, placing his other on my waist. “Just follow my lead, Cuteguy” I blushed, his tone when using the hero name sending shivers down my spine. He took a step to the left and I followed. One forward, one forward. Two to the right, two to the right. Soon enough me and Scar were in a synchronized dance. “Two left feet my ass, you're great at this!” I chuckled. “I have a great teacher I suppose.” He smiled and lifted me in the air, spinning me around. “Scar!” I couldn't help but laugh as we twirled around, my wings open.

Scar's pov:

I opened my eyes as I twirled Grian around. I took a good look at him. He was gorgeous. He looked like a goddess. His eyes shone but never as bright as that smile he wore, only for me. His wings stretched out fully, a few stray feathers falling out his wings. “You're beautiful,” I said, slowly setting him down.

His face flushed a rosy shade of pink “oh stop it” he chuckled. “why? I'm only telling the truth.” he hid his flushed face in my chest drawing a laugh from me. “Why are you so embarrassed?” I asked. When he looked up at me I nearly forgot how to breathe. “I’m just not used to compliments.” His arms draped over my shoulders and I let my hands rest on his waist. “I’ll have to fix that then Birdy.”

"I love your eyes, and that gorgeous smile. And the constellations of freckls of your face. And that laugh, sweeter than frosting" I said, kissing his nose. He chuckled.and looked away. His cheeks flushed. "Oh your ridiculous." Still I continued.

"And how your wings puffed up when your embarrassed. And how when you get really excited about something you chirp. Or how you know no limit to how much love you can give others." I knew I could go on for hours but was interrupted when Grian's phone buzzed in his pocket. "It's a curse at this point." He pushed his finger to my lips, shushing me. "Hello?" He answered. "Mhm. Yeah, let me ask him." He turned to me. "The person I told you about wants to meet up and discuss a plan" I nodded. "Alright then, let's go."

Jimmy’s pov:

I'd been pacing the floor for the past 10 minutes and Scott definitely noticed. "Petal? What's wrong?" The nickname was laced with honey. "What if this goes wrong? I mean what if it doesn't work and everyone gets hurt." Sympathy was painted across Scott's expression. He sat me down on a nearby couch. "It's more than that. Isn't it?" A sigh left me and I nodded. "I didn't even know grian existed till a couple years ago. He went through so much growing up and I couldn't help him... what if he gets hurt and I can't help him again?"

My voice cracked with emotion and fear. "Oh Jimmy... that was never your fault. I'm sure you'll be able to protect him the best you can. And-" he took my hand in his own and kissed the back of it. "You're not alone in this." A blush spread to my cheeks. "You two are gross." Tommy's voice appeared behind us. "Anyway, Grian and his boyfriend are here." Scott raised an eyebrow and glanced at me. "Are all of you gay?"

Grian's pov:

We entered the bunker and were met with a large creeper goat hybrid. He had a robotic eye and arm that kinda reminded me of bucky's. "Everyone is waiting in the meeting room." He led us through a maze of twists and turns and I swear the meeting room wasn't this complicated to get to last time. Eventually we did make it to the meeting room. Around the table were sat many people, some of who I recognized,
Jimmy, Scott, Tommy, Cleo, Bdubs, and Ren,
And others who I didn't.

Ren smiled as he stood up and began to speak. "Many of us have agreed that in order for this operation to work, we must have complete and utter trust in eachother. With that said, Hotguy it has been requested you reveal you citizens identity." Scar looked at me hesitantly. I gave him a nod. He flipped his bow into his cane and took off his mask before ruffling his hair. Tommy's jaw dropped to the floor. "Scar!?" He smiled. "I suppose since we're out of school I'll let that one pass."

Ren sat down again. "Alright everyone. Now that that's taken care of, let's get started." The rest of the room agreed and we began speaking plans to take down the government.

I'm so happy I was able to get this chapter out. I have more of a plan of what I wanna do now so hopefully I'll be able to get another chapter out.
Stay hydrated 🌊 and stay weird >:3

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