taking flight

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Scar's pov:
"Do you trust me?" Grian asked. We were standing outside the cafe and I was being held in Grain's arms. I was hesitant at first but I nodded. His wings opened and he jumped up into the sky. The wind from his wings blew the hair out of my face. My grip around him tightened. "Holy crap!" He looked down at me and smiled. "Still trapped?" I shook my head and returned his smile."Not at all!" The wind blew away the small tears forming in the corner of my eyes. We flew around the city for a while and it felt amazing. Feeling the wind rush through my hair and whistle in my ears was exhilarating. Eventually we landed back in front of the cafe and Grian sat me down in my wheelchair.

"Thank you, that was awesome. Warning next time please however." he closed his wings as a laugh escaped his lips. "Sorry, I'm glad you enjoyed it though.. Flying helps me when I'm feeling down so I figured it might help you. I smiled, that was so thoughtful. "Thank yo-" I was interrupted by my phone buzzing. I slipped my phone out my pocket and raised it to my ear, answering. "Hello?" "Scar! Are you okay?! Where are you?" It was cub, my older brother who I was roommates with. "I'm out with Grian. I'm outside the local cafe." I could hear a sigh over the phone. "Okay, I'm on my way right now." I nodded even though I knew he couldn't see it. "Alright" Grian was rocking back and forth from his toes onto his heels. "I'm assuming Cub is on his way to pick you up." I smiled and nodded. "I'm shocked your roommate hasn't called you ye-" Grian's phone buzzed. What was with phones interrupting me today?

Grian picked up the phone and brought it up to his ear. "Hello?" "Grian!? Where are you!? Are you hurt?! Did the school release you?!" He pulled the phone away from his ear, the other side was bursting with questions. A look of annoyance was painted on his face. "Mumbo, chill. I'm fine. I'm with Scar right now, his brother is coming to pick him up and then I'll head home." He could almost hear him loosen up. He hung up and placed the phone back in his pocket. His hand rose to his face as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "You okay." he nodded and sat down on the bench next to me. "I understand why he worries after what happened when we were growing up but he needs to understand I'm not a child. I can take care of myself."

Grian and I had known each other for the past 6 months but he never talked about his childhood. "If you don't mind me asking, what happened?" He seemed hesitant. "I wouldn't wanna dump all of that on you..." it made me sad that's how he felt about it. "Not at all. Let's hear it." Grian took a deep breath as he prepared himself for what seemed like a sensitive topic. "When I was growing up I was abused by my parents. Eventually they just ditched me with some money in highschool. I managed to pull through with Mumbo's help but in 10th grade I made two friends. Taurtis and... Sam. Eventually me and Taurtis got together but sam... he killed him and then he..." he took a deep breath as he fought tears. I placed a hand on his shoulder. He looked at me and smiled softly before continuing.

"He forced me to pretend to be him. Everytime i didn't obey him he would..." it seemed the words couldn't come to him. Instead he slightly lifted up his shirt revealing thousands of scars across his stomach. "He would.. R me on saturdays. Eventually Mumbo found out and called the police on him. He got a life sentence and I moved in with Mumbo. I've been living with him since." The whole story made me physically sick. It made me want to vomit knowing someone could be that horrid and sick. No words felt like enough to express how much Grian didn't deserve that, so instead I took his hand and squeezed it. "You deserve the world and I'm so proud of you for getting through that." he smiled and squeezed my hand back. "Thanks Scar..." he knelt down and hugged me. I smiled and hugged him back.

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