Suprise! <3

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Pearl’s pov:

I was sitting on my bed staring at my phone. The dim screen patronizing me. I was waiting for the hotel to call me back. I had already booked a flight so if they didn’t have a room I’d have to stay the night in a rental car.  My plan was to fly to America where Gem lives. I wanted to surprise her.  We had been talking for about 4 months now. Sure that might not seem like a lot of time but with Gem it felt like 4 years. I was pulled out of my thoughts when my phone vibrated against my leg. I hurriedly answered it.

“Hello?” the voice on the other side responded. “Hello dear. We have a single twin bed room on the third floor with a balcony, does that work hun?” I smiled. “That’s perfect, thank you” I hung up and giggled, my feet kicking in the air. Once I realized what I was doing I stopped. I’m a grown ass adult not 16. I cleared my throat.

I was still so excited. To think I'm finally meeting her in person. “Oh crap! I need to start packing.” I said aloud in the empty room. Once I was done packing I changed from shorts and a T to leggings, jeans, long sleeves, and a heavy coat. I stepped out into the snowy land, hit in the face with a chilly breeze. The drive to the airport was only an hour, which isn’t that bad. I listened to the new episode of the imp and skizz podcast.  Once on the plane I plugged my earbuds in and fell asleep to some chill music. Laufy, an artist Gem suggested to me. Her music was quite relaxing. My eyes fluttered open when a flight attendant shook me awake. “The plane landed,” I smiled. “Thank you.” she nodded. I got off the plane.

My phone buzzed, It was Gem. shit. I answered it. “Hey Gem, what's up?” I looked around for a more quiet place. “Hey, just wanted to see what you were up to. It's kinda loud. Where are you?” Think of a lie. “Um, my neighborhood is holding a barbecue. A lot of people came.” “oh, okay. I’ll let you go then, love you.” I smiled. “Love you too” and with that I hung up. That was close.

(skipping to the hotel because i have no idea how airports work :0)

I flopped down on the bed. My stuff was resting on the chair and table. The trip was exhausting and I was ready for a shower. I forced myself to leave the comfort of the bed and go to the bathroom. I turned the handle on the tub’s faucet. The cold water rushed in before quickly heating up. I left for a moment while the tub filled with water. I rummaged through my bag for something I knew was there. Aha! Found it. I pulled out a lavender scented candle and a lavender bath bomb. I re-entered the bathroom and turned off the faucet. I quickly slipped into the warm water to escape the cold air that bit my skin. I’d have to turn on the heater when I got out.

After a half hour the water had started to cool down. I sighed and blew out the candle. Stepping out of the tub, I dressed in my robe. My wet hair was wrapped into a fluffy towel on my head. I giggle as pieces of my bangs stuck out. The cool air greeted me as I stepped out onto the balcony. I spoke aloud to myself into the night sky about my day. I headed back inside, changed into night wear, and fell asleep.

The next morning was just as busy. I got up at 4 in the morning and left for Gem’s place. She lived 3 hours away. I was hoping to get there by 7 but because of stupid traffic it was taking a little longer. The Imp and Skizz podcast was playing from my phone as I hummed a little tune from a song stuck in my head. I finally got onto Gem’s road when I got a call from Gem. “hey! How’d the barbecue go?” I held the phone to my ear, cramming it in between my shoulder and the side of my head. “It went well, you're up early.” a chuckle could be heard from the other side. “I had to feed my snails.” oh, when did she get snails? “Nice” I pulled into the apartment garage and turned off the car. “I gotta go but i’ll talk to you in a bit” she sighed. “Alright, love you.” “love you too.” I hung up and smiled, little did she know she would see my face in less than a minute.

Every step up to her floor got harder and harder as it finally hit me that I was actually meeting up with her. I would see her in person. Before I knew it I found myself at her door, my hand hovering over it. I took a shaky deep breath and knocked. Three hard knocks. “Oh for god’s sake, who is at my door this late. I swear if it’s the mailman I'll strangle him.” someone mumbled from the other side of the door, fumbling with the locks. I had to hold back a chuckle as she cursed the lock after finally getting it off. She opened the door and was instantly shocked. Her eyes widened, almost as if she didn’t think it was real.

“Hey.” I opened my arms and she had no hesitation running into them. “You idiot!” she laughed, nuzzling her face in my chest. She looked up at me, a huge grin on her face. “How long are you staying?” I smiled and ruffled her hair. “A whole month.” her face lit up. “A whole month!?” She took my hand and led me inside her apartment. “Come on! I wanna give you a tour.” She left me around the house showing every room and rambling about something related to it. “Can I make you some tea?” I nodded. She left for the kitchen as I sat down on the couch. She returned a few minutes later and set the mug on the coffee table. “Careful, it’s hot.” I smiled. “Did you put honey in it?” she chuckled and shook her head. “Maple syrup,” she corrected.

We talked for the rest of the day, catching up on life and plans for the future. “I should move in so i don’t have to pay 600 bucks just to come visit” she leaned on my shoulder. “You should.” After a minute or two of silence I opened my mouth to speak up. Gem however, had fallen asleep. I chuckled and scooped her up, taking her to her bed. “Night love” I whispered before giving her a kiss on the forehead. I set up a few pillows and blankets on her floor in the corner of the living room, making a small nest. I was quick to fall asleep as well.

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