a rebelion?

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Shelby’s pov:

“So, when are you gonna visit him?” he hesitated, drawing a sigh from me. “You can’t live in my mind forever, besides he’d love to see you again.” Xornoth huffed. “Even if I’m a demon possessing his friend?” I chuckled. “Even if you're a demon possessing my mind.” he rolled his eyes. “Wait, someones coming.” I closed my eyes and exited my mind. I opened my eyes to see Owen approaching me. “Hey shelbs” I shook off the dizzy feeling being in my mind put me in. “Hey Owen, what's up?” he smiled, lending a hand to make sure I didn't fall.

I had told them I had low iron so I would get dizzy spells. Surprisingly they believed it. “Scott’s coming to introduce a new member.” my face lit up. “Really?! Who is it?” he shook his head. “Don’t know, he said it was a surprise.” I pouted. Owen rolled his eyes. He took my hand and started leading me to the meeting room. “Come on, he just got here.” he stopped dead in his tracks.
The sudden stop caused me to bump into him. “Hey!” I shut up when I saw the sheriff standing next to scott. “What is HE doing here?!” I spat.

Scott put his hands up to pacify the room. “I know,” he said. He waited till we were all listening to continue. “He wants to join. He had no idea what the government was doing. I trust him.” he took his hand to emphasize his point. The sheriff nodded. “I’ll help anyway I can.” he bowed in respect. I stepped up and slapped him on the back. “I'm okay with you joining woody.” “Jimmy,” he corrected. I looked at Ren. “whatcha say RenDog?” He smiled and raised his hand. “I believe we have a new member everyone.” the room filled with cheers. One however stood off to the side still not trusting jimmy. Ren left the crowd and pulled Doc away. I waved it off and overheard Scott whisper something to jimmy. “Told you they would love you” Jimmy blushed slightly and chuckled.
interesting. Jimmy might get to be Scott’s favorite if you don't hurry up~ I thought to Xornoth.
I could feel him rolling his eyes making me chuckle to myself. Katherine gave me a confused stare. I smiled and pointed to Scott and Jimmy’s hands interlocked. It seems they did it out of habit, not even noticing they were holding hands. “Oooo” she whispered. I nodded. A smile spread across her face. “Still up for that date shroom?” she asked. I blushed at the nickname and smirked. “You know it.” I could feel Xornoth roll his eyes again. ‘I’m gonna go possess someone else if you keep up this mushy shit’ he joked. I smirked.

Xornoth’s pov:

I carefully slipped out of shrub’s mind. I floated through the room, avoiding people even though I'd just pass right through them. I entered one room to find one specific man. He was muttering to himself about something. I focused and became physical. I tapped his shoulder. He was pulled out of his muttering and turned around. His eyes widened. “ACK!” I shushed him. “Shut up! You’ll get us caught.” he swallowed his fear, replaced by curiosity. “Who are you? You're quite handsome” he stated ”quite forward are we?” he shrugged. “Just speaking my mind” I chuckled and extended my hand out to him. “Name’s Xornoth.” he smiled and happily took my hand.


I nodded and plopped down on the bed. “So what are you doing here, are you a ghost?” he asked. “Demon.” I corrected. “I'm here cause shrub was being all lovey dovey with her friend and i got bored” he nodded before plopping down next to me.

“Soooo. Does this demon have  any family?" I smiled. “I have a brother, you know him actually” he looked at me, observing my features. I laughed. “You won’t be able to tell in my demon form” I closed my eyes once more and shifted my appearance to when I was alive. “Your scott’s brother!?” he exclaimed. I was surprised he got it so fast. “Do we look that alike?” he laughed and nodded. A sharp pain stabbed my head. “Agh. I gotta go, shrub’s calling me back. By joey.” he frowned, a little disappointed our time had been cut short. He then smiled. “Bye Xornoth~” I smirked and disappeared.

I returned to Shrub’s mind. She was already waiting there for me. She must’ve let her body take a nap. “So, who did you scare?” she asked. “I didn’t scare anyone. I did meet an interesting man though.” she raised an eyebrow. “His name is Joey.” she nearly jolted awake from the shock. “JOEY?!” she exclaimed. I nodded, not sure why she was so shocked. “What’s wrong with joey?” she shook her head. “Nothings wrong with him, per say. We just don’t have the best relationship…” oh. “Should I stop seeing him?” she shook her head. “No, you can hang out with him if you want to. It doesn’t bother me.” I smiled. “Thanks shrub” she smiled. “Of course.” and with that she woke up and left.

Doc’s pov

“You're kidding! Letting the sheriff in?! You’ve never even met him yet you trust Scott's word alone?!” Ren placed a calming hand on my shoulder in an attempt to calm my rage. “If we turn him away does it not defeat the great drop we hope to crush on their cruel and unjust minds.” I scoffed. “You speak riddles”

he rolled his eyes. “If we turn away the sheriff who was betrayed by the government, our morals mean nothing. He wanted to protect others too. Besides, why would another be working with the government willingly?” His points were valid. “I still don’t trust him.” Ren smiled softly. “It is not him you must trust.” he placed my hand on his chest. “Trust the purity that dwells in my heart, trust my trust in him.” I smiled and took my hand from his chest to cup his face. “You are insufferable,” I said, smiling. He placed his hand over mine and leaned into my touch. Our rings reflected the light off each other.

“Yet you've managed 10 years with me” I smiled once more and kissed his forehead. “Let's get back to the group” He nodded and took my hand, leading me back to everyone  else.

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