Chapter 2: Intrigued and brave

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The rhythm of the chariot mirrored the rapid pulsations of Jeonghan's heart, resounding loudly in his ears. He swallowed hard, feeling the beads of sweat tracing a path down his neck, all while stealing a glance at Seungcheol's imposing figure seated beside him, armed and ready.

"How swiftly fortunes change and kingdoms fall," Jeonghan mused, his gaze distant, recalling the moments before when he stood in his father's castle, witnessing the clash between his father and the merciless king of Sel, only to find himself now whisked away as a prized possession by the very same king.

Seungcheol cocked his head, his eyes scanning over Jeonghan's tense form, noting the prince's nervous demeanor as he fought the urge to flee from the chariot.

Indeed, Prince Yoon Jeonghan is a vision to behold, worthy of reverence and admiration, Seungcheol admitted softly, his gaze lingering on Jeonghan's slender figure draped in layers of navy blue garments, clutching a wooden staff adorned with pearls. Such beauty seems almost surreal, yet here it stands before me.

"Touch me not!" Jeonghan recoiled, swatting away Seungcheol's encroaching hand, moving swiftly to distance himself from the man who had torn apart his family and his kingdom, now intent on stealing him away as well. "I will never kneel before you, not in this life nor any other," Jeonghan declared, his eyes ablaze with defiance as he glared at the usurper who had brought ruin upon everything he held dear.

"Ah, my celestial jewel," Seungcheol chuckled, raising his hand to his chin in contemplation, a smirk tugging at the corners of his lips. "It is only a matter of time before you find yourself on bended knee before me. Your father may have surrendered his kingdom to me, but now, he has also surrendered you. You are mine."

Jeonghan's jaw clenched, his resolve steeling against Seungcheol's taunting words. "You may have taken my father's kingdom by force, but you will never take my dignity," he spat, his voice laced with defiance.

Seungcheol's smirk widened, his eyes glinting with amusement. "Oh, but dignity is such a fragile thing, easily shattered by the weight of power," he countered, his tone dripping with arrogance. "You will come to realize that resistance is futile, my dear prince. Embrace your fate, for you are destined to be by my side, ruling at my behest."

Jeonghan's fists clenched at his sides, his gaze narrowing at the man who dared to call himself king. "I will never bow to you, Seungcheol," he vowed, his voice trembling with suppressed rage. "I would sooner face death than submit to your tyranny."

Seungcheol's expression darkened, his patience wearing thin. "Stubborn fool," he growled, his hand darting out to seize Jeonghan's wrist in a vice-like grip. "You will learn the consequences of defying me, one way or another."

As the chariot continued its journey towards an uncertain future, Jeonghan braced himself for the trials ahead, determined to fight for his freedom and his kingdom until his last breath.

As the chariot rolled through the bustling streets of Sel, Jeonghan observed the kingdom's gleaming facade, despite its ruler's relentless pursuit of wealth and authority. His eyes sparkled with intrigue as he beheld the throngs of people gathered at the castle gates, unmistakably King Seungcheol's subjects. The imposing gates swung open, and the chariot swept through the crowd, Seungcheol's gaze unwavering as he scrutinized his subjects until the gates sealed shut behind them.

Within the chariot, Jeonghan couldn't escape the attention of curious onlookers, who whispered and gasped at the sight of another man beside the king. Their hushed speculation filled the air, only briefly silenced by the lowering of heads as the chariot passed.

"Who's that beside the king?"

"Could it be a peace offering from King Minjae?"

"He's quite striking."

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