Chapter 40: Moonlit desires

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In the dimly lit chambers of the palace, Jeonghan gasps as his slender fingers weave into the silky strands of Seungcheol's hair, their footsteps echoing softly against the opulent floors. Despite the fine garments clinging to their bodies, the undeniable allure between them eclipses all else.

With a hunger born of passion and longing, Seungcheol's lips trail along the delicate curve of Jeonghan's pale neck, eliciting a melody of pleasured moans from his beloved. Jeonghan's attempts to maintain composure falter as Seungcheol's firm grasp tightens around his waist, their connection intensifying with each tender caress.

Their breaths intertwine in the air, heavy with anticipation, as they reluctantly part from their intimate embrace, yet remain ensnared in each other's gaze. Jeonghan's chest rises and falls with the rhythm of their desires, his ethereal beauty captivating Seungcheol's every sense.

With a silent understanding, they move as one towards the grandiose bed, shedding layers of finery with reverent hands until they stand before each other in vulnerable splendor, their love illuminated by the soft glow of candlelight dancing across the room.

Seungcheol whispers, "So intoxicating you are, my rose," as he lets his eyes roam over Jeonghan's naked form. From the pale skin to the junctions of his body and the curves that dip in all the right places, every single aspect of Jeonghan is utterly addictive.

"Is it wrong that I desire to break you and mend you myself?" Seungcheol's hand tightens around Jeonghan's waist, leaving marks as a reminder of who Jeonghan has submitted to.

"I am all yours to do with as you please," Jeonghan says, dragging his finger up Seungcheol's thigh, observing the muscles flex and tighten under his touch.

"My rose," Seungcheol mews as he lowers himself over Jeonghan, attacking his neck. Their bodies rub together, Seungcheol's hands sliding from Jeonghan's waist to his buttocks, cupping and squeezing the flesh.

"I will release myself deep within you, making you scream so loudly that all you will remember is me and only me," Seungcheol grinds his teeth as he nibbles on Jeonghan's collarbones, biting and creating the desired marks.

Seungcheol reaches for the oils present on the table beside them, every movement deliberate and calculated. Jeonghan's eyes follow Seungcheol's every action, captivated by the sight of the older man pouring an ample amount into his hands, the oil glistening as it cascades down his veins, causing Jeonghan to swallow nervously.

"Relax," Seungcheol's soothing voice breaks the tension as he takes hold of Jeonghan's thighs, kneading the flesh with just the right amount of pressure, eliciting a hiss of pleasure from Jeonghan. Seungcheol's hands move lower, reaching Jeonghan's entrance at the back.

A shiver runs down Jeonghan's spine as a cold finger brushes against his entrance, his gasp swallowed by Seungcheol's arms as he arches into the touch, his chest yearning to meet Seungcheol's. It's as if he's silently begging for Seungcheol to claim him.

"Look at you, my rose, so needy for me," Seungcheol whispers against Jeonghan's ear, pressing against his entrance as he watches Jeonghan struggle to catch his breath.

"May I enter?" Seungcheol's voice is a gentle request as he pushes his index finger inside, eliciting a sharp gasp from Jeonghan, who clutches at Seungcheol's hair.

Their movements halt as Seungcheol waits for Jeonghan to adjust. Despite his arousal, Seungcheol is careful not to cause Jeonghan any unnecessary pain.

"Shhh," Seungcheol murmurs, pressing his lips against Jeonghan's, who responds in a dazed state, his mind consumed by the sensation of Seungcheol's finger inside him. "Just three more," Seungcheol promises before adding his middle finger, drawing a moan from Jeonghan.

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