Chapter 38: Reunion of two hearts

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The lanterns, like miniature stars, float gracefully into the night, casting a soft glow over the royal courtyard. Jeonghan's gaze shifts from the mesmerizing display to the heartwarming scene unfolding beside him. Seokmin, with his gentle smile, offers a piece of sweet rice to Jisoo, whose eyes light up with gratitude as he accepts the gesture, returning the favor with a warm smile of her own.

Across the courtyard, Wonwoo and Mingyu share a moment of intimacy, their bond evident in the simple act of sharing their portion of the meal. Jeonghan's eyes then wander to Junhui, whose earnest expression reflects the affection he shares with his companion. The man standing beside Junhui, with his striking mullet haircut, exudes an air of quiet strength and elegance that captivates Jeonghan's attention.

As Jeonghan turns to his left, his gaze falls upon Seungcheol, standing tall and stoic amidst the festivities. His presence is a silent reassurance, yet Jeonghan can't help but wonder about the thoughts swirling in his mind. Is Seungcheol yearning for a return to the warmth and comfort of their shared moments, or does he harbor doubts and uncertainties about their future together?

"Why aren't you eating?" Jungwon's voice breaks the silence, drawing Seungcheol's attention. Jungwon looks up with curiosity, awaiting Jeonghan's response. Seungcheol's heart skips a beat at the tender scene unfolding before him, a pang of longing tugging at his soul.

"I already ate," Jeonghan's gentle caress on Jungwon's cheek belies the truth, causing a furrow to appear on the child's brow. "But didn't Appa say you're fasting for the king?" Jungwon's innocent question sends a ripple of emotions through Seungcheol, his hand clenching with the sudden surge of feelings.

Jeonghan's nervous chuckle breaks the tension, and he steals a glance at Seungcheol, who remains inscrutable, his emotions carefully guarded. "No, my dear, I had my meal earlier this morning," Jeonghan reassures, though the weight of Seungcheol's silent presence hangs heavy in the air, a silent reminder of the unspoken longing between them.

"Jungwon!" Mingyu's voice pierced the tension, causing Jeonghan to pivot and behold Mingyu and Wonwoo advancing towards them. Jungwon wriggled in Jeonghan's embrace, reaching out to Mingyu, who smiled, gathering the child into his arms.

"My sweet child," Mingyu murmured, planting kisses upon Jungwon's rosy cheeks as the little one nestled sleepily in his embrace. "Your majesty, the feast remains untouched," Wonwoo inquired, prompting Seungcheol to clear his throat, his gaze drifting away, ensnared by the weight of unspoken words. Jeonghan's eyes fell to the ground, a silent acknowledgment.

"Um... Won... that decision lies with them. Cease your intervention," Mingyu whispered into his husband's ear, who nodded in acquiescence. "We shall take our leave now," Wonwoo declared with a respectful bow before departing.

"Farewell, dear Wonie!" Jeonghan called out to the drowsy child, who roused momentarily to wave before succumbing to slumber once more.

Gradually, the venue emptied, with Junhui and Minghao departing alongside their son. The remaining guards retraced their steps to the palace gates. Jeonghan drew a deep breath, turning to Jisoo and Seokmin, who approached.

"Have you both not partaken of the feast?" Jisoo inquired, his gaze flitting to the untouched plates. He leveled a reproachful glance at Seungcheol, who averted his eyes.

"Are you truly content to stand as statues? Both of you are under the weather... why stand idly when you could nourish each other and break the fast?" Jisoo's voice rose, arms folded across his chest. Seokmin stood silently behind him.

"It's not--"

"Then what is it?" Jisoo interrupted, arching an eyebrow at Seungcheol, who sighed resignedly.

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