Chapter 31: Solace in separation

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Seungcheol stirred from his slumber, greeted not by the comforting embrace of warmth, but by the unsettling numbness creeping through his arms. His heart quickened as he surveyed the chamber, his eyes scanning the room until they settled upon the empty expanse of the bed. Panic seized him as he realized the absence of his beloved Jeonghan, only to find him perched at the edge of the bed, leaning against Seungcheol's knee, fast asleep.

A defeated sigh escaped Seungcheol's lips as he reached out to brush his fingers lightly through Jeonghan's tousled locks. How long had Jeonghan remained in this position, a silent sentinel by his side? The weight of the situation bore down upon him – torn between duty as the emperor of the Sel and the yearnings of his heart.

"My soul is adrift in turmoil," Seungcheol murmured softly, the words barely audible in the stillness of the chamber. To condemn Jeonghan as the laws of the realm dictated, or to heed the relentless call of love – a choice that weighed heavily upon his conscience.

As Seungcheol's gaze lingered upon Jeonghan's sleeping form, a gnawing suspicion crept into his mind. Could it be that Jeonghan's every action, every whispered vow of love, was but a charade? The thought twisted like a dagger in his heart, fueling the bitterness that threatened to consume him.

"Speak to me, my rose," Seungcheol implored, his voice a mere whisper as he sought answers from the slumbering figure before him. "Did fear and guilt grip your hand as you penned those words? Did you tremble at the thought of my discovery, even as you professed undying love?" A solitary tear traced a path down his cheek, his hand trembling as he withdrew from Jeonghan's touch.

With a heavy heart, Seungcheol rose from the bed, the silence of the chamber broken only by the soft rustle of fabric as Jeonghan stirred awake, his eyes fluttering open. The moment hung heavy with tension as Seungcheol confronted the man he once held dear.

"Seungcheol," Jeonghan breathed, concern etched upon his features as he reached out to touch Seungcheol's face, his fingers tracing the scars that marred his skin. "How do you fare?"

"I know not," Seungcheol replied, his voice a cold whisper as he averted his gaze, unable to meet Jeonghan's eyes with the venom that consumed him. "Are you injured?" Jeonghan persisted, seemingly oblivious to Seungcheol's inner turmoil.

"Yes," Seungcheol replied, locking eyes with Jeonghan as he grasped his wrist, eliciting a sharp intake of breath. "Here." He guided Jeonghan's hand to his chest, near his heart, watching as color drained from Jeonghan's face. "It pains me greatly, as though I have been stabbed, as though one whom I trusted with my life has betrayed me."

Jeonghan remained speechless, his gaze locked with Seungcheol's, the weight of their unspoken words hanging heavy in the air. Indeed, Seungcheol had every right to despise him now. He should condemn Jeonghan to the harshest of fates for his betrayal, for endangering innocent lives in pursuit of his vendetta.

"You must be pleased," Seungcheol taunted, releasing Jeonghan's hand as he glared at him with undisguised contempt. "You nearly succeeded in your vengeful quest."

"No," Jeonghan croaked, shaking his head desperately. "I did not..."

"Do not lie to me," Seungcheol thundered, advancing toward Jeonghan, who felt his knees buckle as he collapsed onto the couch. "I am not—" Jeonghan began, reaching out to Seungcheol.

"Do not touch me!" Seungcheol's voice reverberated through the chamber, the air thick with tension as their eyes locked in a silent battle of wills. What Seungcheol experienced in that moment was perhaps akin to what he felt upon discovering Jeonghan's treachery – if not worse, for it extended beyond personal betrayal to endanger his kingdom.

"Attend to yourself," Seungcheol declared, his voice cutting like a blade as he turned away from Jeonghan, unable to bear the sight of him any longer. "You are to return to the Yoon Empire."

The room fell into an oppressive silence, punctuated only by the labored breaths of Seungcheol and the shattered gaze of Jeonghan. Betrayal hung thick in the air, a tangible reminder of the chasm that now cleaved their once unbreakable bond, casting a pall over the chamber.

With heavy footfalls echoing through the chamber, Seungcheol departed, leaving Jeonghan to confront the desolation that enveloped him. He should rejoice – all that Prince Jeonghan had schemed for was coming to fruition. Seungcheol's downfall, his return to the Yoon Empire. Yet, amidst the triumph, his heart languished in a torment akin to being engulfed in flames, as if crushed in the very hands that once caressed his face in tender affection.

"I am sorry..." Jeonghan's whispered apology hung futile in the air, the words hollow and barren now that irreversible deeds had been committed. His heart ached with the agony of rejection, the bitter sting of being shunned by the one he loved, as he clutched at his chest, the ache mirroring the anguish of his soul.

Seungcheol's resolve faltered the moment he stepped beyond the threshold of the chamber. A broken sigh escaped his lips as he sank to his knees, the weight of his decision pressing down upon him like a leaden cloak.

"I beg forgiveness, my beloved rose," Seungcheol murmured, his voice laced with sorrow as he reached out a trembling finger to touch the door. Though broken and wounded, he could not bring himself to return to comfort Jeonghan, knowing full well that his presence now brought only pain. Hadn't Jeonghan sought solace in betrayal because Seungcheol's affections suffocated him?

"Perhaps this is the destiny we are destined to bear," Seungcheol lamented, tears staining his cheeks as he gazed skyward. "I yearn to set you free, fearful that my love will only consume you if you remain tethered to me."

"Go, my cherished rose," Seungcheol's voice cracked with emotion, the weight of his decision heavy upon his heart. "This king of Sel relinquishes his claim – return to your kingdom, where your heart may find solace once more."



Hoshi-ya I love you so much 😭❤️

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Hoshi-ya I love you so much 😭❤️

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