Chapter 3: Resistance untill death

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As Jisoo ambled alongside him, A silent reverie enveloped him as he guided Jeonghan towards Seungcheol's opulent chambers. Nestled at the furthest reaches of the castle, the chamber boasted resplendent decor and a panoramic view stretching from the Moon Empire to the Sel Kingdom, where the grand river flowed, a spectacle teeming with the fauna and subjects of Sel.

"Here," Jisoo announced, parting the rich curtains and ushering Jeonghan into the sanctum.

Jeonghan's eyes wandered, beholding the room's dual-toned theme and exquisite artwork. Though Jeonghan's own chambers were no less grandiose, the blend of hues, intricate artistry, and the vast window commanded admiration.

"You may rest here, and I shall dispatch the maids to prepare a warm bath for you," Jisoo offered with a gentle smile, yet Jeonghan remained unmoved, standing amidst the splendor, his gaze fixed upon Jisoo.

"Can you arrange for my return to my palace?"

"I cannot—"

"Then I require none of your assistance," Jeonghan interjected, turning away from Jisoo, who sighed softly before withdrawing from the chamber, drawing the curtains closed, though leaving the door ajar.

"It would be wise to cease opposing my brother; he is not a man of patience," Jisoo's counsel lingered in the air, punctuated by receding footsteps. Jeonghan exhaled heavily, sinking onto the plush couch that adorned the room. His hands instinctively reached for the wooden hair stick, freeing his locks to cascade over his shoulders.

Amidst the gentle hum of nocturnal crickets, tears traced silent paths down Jeonghan's cheeks, illuminated by the golden glow of the room's lamplight. Unperturbed, he made no attempt to stem their flow.

Far from his homeland and kin, Jeonghan found himself ensnared within the labyrinthine machinations of the Sel Empire's king, a sovereign whose whims veered towards madness. Though thoughts of escape flickered within his mind, he knew it to be a futile endeavor; Seungcheol's relentless hounds would swiftly track him should he dare to venture beyond the castle walls.

Jeonghan's resolve hardened as he gazed upon the imposing portrait adorning the chamber's wall, a testament to Seungcheol's regal authority. The painting depicted Seungcheol, resplendent in garments adorned with intricate gold lace, a jewel-studded crown resting upon his head, and a majestic blue gem at its center, symbolizing his sovereignty.

With clenched teeth and steely determination, Jeonghan vowed, "I shall never yield to him, not even in the very essence of my being. He shall never hold dominion over me, not in this life nor the next."

In a display of defiance, Jeonghan hurled a wooden hair stick towards the heart of Seungcheol's likeness, a gesture laden with both rebellion and unwavering determination. The stick found its mark, embedding itself firmly in the canvas just over Seungcheol's left chest, a silent proclamation of Jeonghan's unyielding defiance and his unshakeable commitment to defy the ruler's authority, even at the cost of his own life.

"In the annals of history, it shall be inscribed that I, Jeonghan, shall be the architect of your downfall," declared Jeonghan, his voice resonating with the weight of centuries of royal defiance. Standing before the towering portrait of Seungcheol, bedecked in the regalia of his kingship, Jeonghan's resolve burned brighter than the fiercest of flames.

In the sanctum of regal halls, a symphony of knocks disrupted the serene atmosphere, prompting Jeonghan to pivot sharply towards the door, his disdain palpable as he approached with regal poise. The lush curtains draped around him served as a barrier between him and the unwelcome intruder beyond.

"State your presence," Jeonghan's voice, infused with aristocratic authority, demanded of the unseen visitor.

"It is I, the honored maid of your court, here to attend to your needs, Your Highness," the dulcet tones of the lady's voice drifted through the air, mingling with Jeonghan's skepticism.

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