Chapter 35: Peace in your presence

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It has been two weeks since the upheaval unfolded within the courts of Sel. Despite attempts to return to normalcy, the populace remains ensnared by fear and post-traumatic distress. Security measures within Sel, particularly around the Emperor's guards, have been heightened in response.

Simultaneously, a palpable distance has emerged between Jeonghan and Seungcheol. Jeonghan can only catch a glimpse of Seungcheol in the morning as he admires his face upon waking. Afterwards, Seungcheol is absent for the entire day, not even returning for lunch. He only reappears at night when Jeonghan pretends to sleep. Seungcheol silently sits by a chair near Jeonghan's bedside, refusing to utter a single word before eventually retiring to sleep.

Today follows the same pattern. Through half-closed eyes, Jeonghan watches as Seungcheol drags a chair near the bed frame and settles beside him. Seungcheol's frame relaxes as he sits, emitting a tired sigh.

"I saw you in the garden today," Seungcheol speaks, unaware of Jeonghan's attentive presence, as he begins to pour out his heart. "You looked peaceful and beautiful, sitting under the red canopy, crafting flower crowns," he chuckles.

"I know it may come as a surprise, but I am always watching you," Seungcheol breathes. "With my eyes at first, then with my heart."

"It angers me that despite everything you've done, I cannot summon even a thread of hate towards you," Seungcheol grits his teeth. "You shattered my trust, my faith, nearly led me to my demise, and yet... I yearn to kiss you, to whisper about your beautiful eyes that shine like stars, your soft hair that dances so gracefully, and your smile that brightens my darkest days."

Jeonghan's heart races as he unconsciously clenches his fist, still feigning sleep with closed eyes. Seungcheol's broken self is laid bare, his vulnerability transparent as he relinquishes his facade.

"Goodnight," Seungcheol whispers as he rises from the chair, walking over to his side of the bed before sliding beneath the covers.

The rhythmic beats of their hearts echo in the chamber. Jeonghan's eyes flutter open as the candle lights extinguish. A breathy sigh escapes his lips as he turns onto his side, facing Seungcheol's broad back. This nightly ritual of watching Seungcheol sleep has become routine for Jeonghan, an act not borne of perversion, but of longing and affection.

In the quiet of the night, with only the gentle flicker of candlelight to illuminate the chamber, Jeonghan extends his hand towards Seungcheol's form, their proximity a tangible reminder of the chasm that has separated them.

"I am acutely aware that my transgressions can never be erased," he murmurs, his words a whispered plea carried on the currents of his breath. "But I pledge to you, Seungcheol, to rectify the wrongs of the past. I yearn for your presence once more, and I am prepared to traverse the depths of despair to regain your trust."

With bated breath, Jeonghan lets his words linger in the air, afraid that Seungcheol might perceive his vulnerability. As sleep beckons with its soothing embrace, his hand remains suspended mere inches from Seungcheol's, a silent testament to his unwavering resolve.

And so, enveloped by the nocturnal symphony that lulls them into slumber, the night bears witness to their silent reconciliation, a prelude to the dawn of a new chapter in their shared tale.

Morning comes by fast; Jeonghan wakes up to find the bed empty, just like always. A sigh escapes his lips as he sits on the silk sheets, admiring the morning rays casting inside the chamber.

His gaze flickers over the roses kept in the bowl of rose water. The roses that Jeonghan adorns his hair with are always present there, every morning. He knows who keeps them. Jeonghan then decides to get up and freshen up, wet hair being kissed by the sun rays as he tucks the rose into his hair.

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