Chapter 42: Live Forever

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Seungcheol tenderly pulls Jeonghan closer, his heart aching at the sight of tears staining Jeonghan's cheeks. Gently, he cups Jeonghan's face, his thumbs brushing away the dampness. "Stop crying," his voice carries a soft plea, filled with a mix of concern and affection that mirrors the depth of his emotions.

Jeonghan inhales deeply, his breath shuddering as he tries to regain his composure. With hurried motions, he wipes away the tears, yet the lingering sadness in his eyes betrays his attempts at strength. "I'm sorry—"

"Don't apologize," Seungcheol's touch is gentle, his fingertips tracing the contours of Jeonghan's cheeks. "Come, the darkness approaches swiftly." Leading Jeonghan towards their secluded spot, he guides him past the elegant carriage and their faithful horse, Shin, standing patiently.

"You all can return with the carriage," Seungcheol's command is firm yet gentle, directing the guard to retreat to the palace with the now-empty carriage.

"How am I supposed to manage now?" Jeonghan's voice carries a hint of uncertainty as he watches the retreating guards, a sense of vulnerability creeping into his demeanor. "I had plans to take you somewhere," Seungcheol's tone is gentle as he tucks a stray strand of Jeonghan's hair behind his ear.

"Come," Seungcheol's grasp on Jeonghan's wrist is tender as he leads him towards Shin, whose excitement is palpable in the rhythmic tapping of his hooves against the ground.

"Do you know how to mount?" Seungcheol's question is accompanied by a playful grin as he effortlessly leaps onto Shin's back, extending a hand to Jeonghan, inviting him to join.

"Remember, I too am a prince," Jeonghan's playful defiance is evident in his eyes as he meets Seungcheol's gaze with a challenging glare. As their bodies meet, a collision of warmth and intimacy, Seungcheol's arms envelop Jeonghan's waist protectively.

"Indeed, but to me, you are my queen, my rose," Seungcheol whispers, his breath brushing against Jeonghan's neck, igniting a shiver down his spine.

"Queens are traditionally reserved for women," Jeonghan counters, a playful glint dancing in his eyes.

"By whose decree?" Seungcheol's eyebrow arches in amusement, his gaze locking with Jeonghan's as they share a moment of playful banter amidst the serene surroundings.

"Says me," Jeonghan's response is accompanied by a smirk, his posture straightening as Seungcheol takes hold of the reins, urging Shin forward with a gentle nudge.

"In my eyes, a queen embodies the essence of nurturing and devotion, qualities that you possess in abundance. Thus, you are the queen to my rose," Seungcheol's words are spoken with a tender sincerity that melts away any lingering doubts in Jeonghan's heart.

"Whatever," Jeonghan's grumble is met with a soft chuckle from Seungcheol, who leans in to press a tender kiss against Jeonghan's neck, eliciting a playful glare in response.

"You're truly adorable when your nose scrunches in frustration," Seungcheol's teasing remark is met with a playful swat from Jeonghan, their laughter mingling with the rustle of leaves in the gentle breeze.

"Stop staring at me like that, or I might be tempted to indulge in some forbidden pleasures amidst this tranquil forest," Seungcheol's husky whisper sends a shiver down Jeonghan's spine, his cheeks flushing at the thought of their intimate rendezvous.

"Such impure thoughts," Jeonghan chides, though the mischievous twinkle in his eyes betrays his own desires as he playfully covers Seungcheol's mouth with his hand.

"You're the one who speaks with such audacity," Seungcheol's response is muffled by Jeonghan's hand, yet his eyes convey a playful challenge as they continue their journey through the enchanted forest, their love illuminating the darkness with its radiant glow.

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