Chapter 34: Fractured bonds

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As Seungcheol observes Jisoo exiting the chamber, his presence concealed within the shadows of the curtains, his brother remains unaware, engrossed in conversation. Seungcheol, not intentionally eavesdropping, merely happened upon the scene as Jisoo entered. Nevertheless, he finds solace in Jisoo's apparent lack of animosity towards Jeonghan.

With a sigh, Seungcheol dismisses the soldiers and proceeds towards his chamber, where it's nearly time for his medication and treatment. Despite the slow pace of his healing scars, they are indeed making progress.

Upon entering, he finds Jeonghan seated on the couch, the untouched meal before him, his gaze distant and lost. Suppressing the urge to attend to Jeonghan's needs, Seungcheol clears his throat to announce his presence, observing Jeonghan's distracted gaze shifting towards him, though Jeonghan remains motionless, fixated on Seungcheol.

Resolute, Seungcheol discards his clothes and stands before the mirror to inspect his scars, feeling Jeonghan's soft black orbs upon him. Though Seungcheol forbids any physical contact, he senses Jeonghan's attention fixed solely on him.

"Do not touch me"

Seungcheol remembers his own words, acknowledging Jeonghan's reluctance to approach. He then reaches for the cutter to remove the bandages, preparing to replace them with fresh ones.

Jeonghan watches as Seungcheol struggles to tend to his wounds, his unhealed hands proving to be a hindrance. Despite his desire to assist, Jeonghan hesitates, uncertain of Seungcheol's willingness to accept his help.

Remaining silent upon Seungcheol's arrival, Jeonghan refrains from causing any further inconvenience. Yet, he cannot ignore Seungcheol's evident discomfort. Observing Seungcheol's pain, Jeonghan rises from his seat, setting aside the bowl he holds and approaches Seungcheol.

Seungcheol's panicked gaze darts around as Jeonghan stands behind him. "May I?" Jeonghan inquires softly, seeking permission to aid Seungcheol. Seungcheol averts his gaze, hesitating, before setting the cutter down, allowing Jeonghan to assist. Unaware of Seungcheol's admiring gaze through the mirror, Jeonghan focuses his attention on Seungcheol.

Despite their tumultuous history, Seungcheol finds himself unable to harbor animosity towards Jeonghan. He fights against the urge to touch Jeonghan, to tuck his hair behind his ears, clenching his fists to resist.

As Jeonghan tends to Seungcheol's wounds, Seungcheol feels a familiar longing. Though he punishes Jeonghan, it feels as though he's inflicting pain upon himself, denying himself the solace of Jeonghan's presence.

Jeonghan sets aside the cutter and retrieves the bowl of antiseptic liquid, delicately cleaning Seungcheol's cuts. As Seungcheol hisses in pain, Jeonghan apologizes, observing Seungcheol's attempts to conceal his discomfort.

Dipping the cloth once more, Jeonghan gently applies it to Seungcheol's wounds, watching as Seungcheol shivers at the burning sensation. Hesitantly, Jeonghan places his left hand over Seungcheol's clenched fist, witnessing the slight relaxation in Seungcheol's frame as he seeks comfort.

Though vulnerable, their connection remains potent. Seungcheol finds solace in Jeonghan's touch, even amidst pain. Yet, the soft caresses of Jeonghan's hands, once comforting, now feel distant, reminding Seungcheol of their strained relationship.

"Why don't you want to go back?" Seungcheol questions, his voice tinged with curiosity and perhaps a hint of frustration, as he seeks to understand Jeonghan's motives for staying behind. Isn't it peculiar? Jeonghan went through great lengths to return home, and now he desires to remain? Why?

Jeonghan hesitates, lifting his eyes to meet Seungcheol's gaze in the mirror. What could he possibly say? Admit that he doesn't want to leave because he loves Seungcheol? The notion seems absurd. If he truly loved Seungcheol, none of this betrayal would have occurred.

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