Chapter 8: Forbidden fates

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With a regal flourish, Jeonghan parted the curtains, allowing the maids to enter the chamber bearing his new attire fit for royalty. The hanbok, a masterpiece of traditional craftsmanship, boasted layers of luxurious red and white silk, creating a striking contrast that symbolized the harmony of opposites. Each fold and pleat of the garment was meticulously tailored to perfection, draping elegantly over his frame like a cascade of silk.

But it was the outer robe that truly captivated the eye, adorned with intricate embroidery of delicate flowers in hues of gold and silver thread

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But it was the outer robe that truly captivated the eye, adorned with intricate embroidery of delicate flowers in hues of gold and silver thread. The blooms danced across the fabric, their petals seemingly caught in a perpetual breeze, casting a spell of enchantment upon the beholder. As Jeonghan donned the hanbok, its beauty seemed to transcend mere clothing, becoming a manifestation of the kingdom's rich cultural heritage and the timeless elegance of its royal lineage.

"Your Highness, the jewels and ornaments have arrived," announced the maid, her voice carrying a tone of deference as she presented a tray laden with treasures fit for a monarch.

Jeonghan inclined his head gracefully to acknowledge her, his gaze shifting to the other maid who bore the weighty tray adorned with an array of golden and diamond ornaments.

The necklace, resplendent with its intricate design and shimmering gemstones, caught the light and cast dazzling reflections throughout the chamber

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The necklace, resplendent with its intricate design and shimmering gemstones, caught the light and cast dazzling reflections throughout the chamber. Alongside it lay delicate chains, hairpins adorned with sparkling diamonds, and rings gleaming with the brilliance of the rarest jewels known to the realm.

As Jeonghan beheld the opulent display before him, a surge of delight coursed through his veins, his heart swelling with appreciation for the exquisite craftsmanship and unparalleled beauty of the treasures laid out before him.

Indeed, he had always harbored a fondness for jewels, and in this moment, surrounded by such splendor, that fondness bloomed into a deep-seated admiration fit for a prince of his stature.

After he was done wearing the layered hanbok the maids were helping him with his jewels and ornaments, with the traditional and handmade prepared blush and lip tint, Jeonghan stood infront of the mirror his hands clutching the robe sleeves in nervousness as he stared at himself.

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