Chapter 4: Scarf of Lies

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Jeonghan, his regal demeanor unwavering, gazes solemnly at the door as Seungcheol exits the chamber. His heart races within his chest, breaths unevenly as he struggles to maintain his composure.

"I shall not permit him to wield such influence over me," Jeonghan murmurs with a hint of defiance, his tone laced with determination. With a graceful motion, he reaches for a wooden hair stick, deftly weaving his silken strands into a bun, securing them with practiced precision.

With the air of a monarch reclaiming his sovereignty, Jeonghan draws himself up to his full stature, the fire of resolve burning brightly in his eyes. With each step, he strides purposefully forward, a prince undaunted by the challenges that await beyond the chamber doors.

Soft knocks resonated once more, yet Jeonghan remained silent, hoping the unwanted visitor would depart. However, his hopes were dashed when the curtains parted, revealing Jisoo, accompanied by a maid bearing a tray laden with delicacies and fruits.

"Place it there," Jisoo commanded, indicating the couch table, and the maid obeyed without protest before swiftly exiting. Jeonghan glanced at Jisoo, his frustration evident as he moved towards the plush couch.

"I have no need for this; take it away," Jeonghan declared, his tone tinged with annoyance, as he settled onto the cushions.

"And why is that?" inquired Jisoo, maintaining his composure as he took a seat opposite Jeonghan.

"You would understand if you were abruptly torn from your homeland and compelled to dwell in the confines of a tyrant king," Jeonghan retorted bitterly, eyeing Jisoo with disdain.

"Listen, Jeonghan," Jisoo began, his gaze steady, "I realize recent events may have soured your perception of us and our kingdom. However, given time, you will acclimate, and if your father possessed the strength to challenge my brother, you would not find yourself here today."

Jeonghan's eyes flickered with a mixture of defiance and resignation, his frustration palpable. "Settle in? How can I settle into a life I never asked for, in a kingdom I never wanted to be a part of?" he exclaimed, his voice laced with bitterness.

Jisoo's expression softened, empathy gleaming in his eyes. "I understand your reluctance, Jeonghan. But sometimes, fate has a way of leading us down paths we never envisioned. And perhaps, amidst these unforeseen circumstances, you'll find opportunities for growth and new beginnings."

Jeonghan scoffed, his skepticism evident. "Growth and new beginnings? All I see is imprisonment and servitude."

"Your perception may change with time," Jisoo reassured him gently. "And while it may seem daunting now, know that you are not alone. We are here to support you, to guide you through this transition."

Jeonghan remained silent, his thoughts swirling tumultuously. Despite his defiance, a small spark of hope flickered within him, a glimmer of possibility amidst the darkness of uncertainty.

As Jisoo rose to leave, he placed a hand on Jeonghan's shoulder, offering a reassuring squeeze. "Give it time, Jeonghan. And remember, even in the darkest of nights, there is always a dawn waiting to break through." With those words of solace, Jisoo departed, leaving Jeonghan to ponder the journey that lay ahead.

"The only dawn for me shall rise when the King of Sel is brought low, his pride shattered, and his heart laid bare," Jeonghan murmured quietly to himself, his voice a mere echo in the grand chamber, as he observed the rhythmic dance of the curtains swaying with Jisoo's departure.

As midnight approached with hastened steps, Jeonghan battled against the relentless pull of exhaustion. Despite his best efforts to remain vigilant, the weight of the day pressed heavily upon him, each passing moment urging him closer to the embrace of sleep. Reluctantly, he yielded to the allure of the sumptuous silk sheets adorning the chamber bed, their softness a stark contrast to the turmoil raging within him.

As Jeonghan surrendered to the embrace of slumber, his mind continued to dwell on thoughts of rebellion and retribution. In his dreams, he envisioned himself as a warrior of old, standing resolute amidst the chaos of battle, his sword a gleaming beacon of defiance against the tyrant king, Seungcheol. It was a vision of victory and liberation, a testament to the indomitable spirit of a people yearning for freedom.

Yet even in the realm of dreams, Jeonghan remained steadfast in his resolve. For he knew that the road to redemption would be fraught with peril and sacrifice, but he was willing to brave it all in pursuit of justice for his kingdom. And so, with the weight of history upon his shoulders, Jeonghan succumbed to the call of sleep, his dreams filled with visions of a brighter future for his people.

Seungcheol steps into the chambers, his strides graceful as he beholds the glow of the lamps and candles valiantly battling the encroaching darkness, their flickering flames casting dancing shadows. His head tilts slightly as his gaze falls upon the lump on his bed beneath the luxurious silk crimson sheets—there lies Jeonghan, enveloped in the embrace of profound slumber, only his ebony locks peeking out from the covers drawn up to his neck.

Seungcheol's eyes then alight upon the untouched food tray resting on the couch table, a reminder of his request to Jisoo to provide sustenance for Jeonghan, now left undisturbed.

"How long do you intend to withstand me, my beloved?" Seungcheol murmurs softly as he plucks an apple from the tray and takes a bite. The sound of his footsteps echoes softly as he approaches the edge of the bed, bending down to meet Jeonghan's gaze.

"Know this, my cherished one, you are mine now. No matter your resistance, no matter your defiance, it shall avail you naught," Seungcheol declares, a smirk gracing his regal visage as he removes his crown and places it upon the cushioned table. With measured steps, he proceeds to his side of the bed, slipping beneath the covers with an air of sovereignty.

As Jeonghan's eyes flutter open, he remains motionless on his side, his breath slightly labored as he fixes his gaze upon the space where Seungcheol had stood moments before, his hands clenched beneath the silken sheets in silent determination.

"In pledging allegiance to my kingdom, I also vow to myself that I shall be the architect of your demise, Seungcheol," Jeonghan's thoughts resonate within him as he shifts onto his back, his eyes still closed, feigning slumber. With calculated precision, he angles his line of sight, stealing glances at Seungcheol's figure at rest, all the while his hands remain subtly tense beneath the coverlet.

"One can shatter an opponent by force, but with one of your stature, I must seek a subtler approach, weakening you from within until the bonds of loyalty unravel, and you find yourself adrift in the treacherous currents of betrayal," Jeonghan contemplates inwardly, his resolve steeling within him.

Turning towards Seungcheol, he extends his right hand and places it over Seungcheol's chest, a gesture seemingly of submission, yet beneath the facade lies a strategy unfolding, as he draws himself nearer to the imposing figure beside him. Despite his inner conflict, Jeonghan cannot deny the allure of Seungcheol's scent, its intoxicating presence stirring conflicting emotions within him.

"Let the depths of suffering reveal themselves to you, Choi Seungcheol," Jeonghan murmurs softly, his voice carrying an undercurrent of defiance as he inches closer, prepared to embark upon a clandestine journey fraught with peril and intrigue.



"The most potent path to destruction lies in the embrace of affection

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"The most potent path to destruction lies in the embrace of affection." What do you think of Jeonghan's plan? Will it succeed?

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