Chapter 36: True love and affection

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As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm, orangish-pink glow over the Sel Castle, Jeonghan made his way back to his chamber. The evening air was alive with the anticipation of the upcoming ritual, lending an air of excitement to the castle's atmosphere. Though it was Jeonghan's first time experiencing such an event, he couldn't help but feel the same bubbling excitement as everyone else.

"Jeonghan?" The velvety voice of Jisoo greeted him as he stepped into the chamber, clad in crimson red attire accented with hints of black, exuding an aura of regal elegance.

"Hey," Jeonghan replied warmly, rising from the couch to approach Jisoo. "You look absolutely stunning today." With a playful pinch to Jisoo's blushing cheeks, Jeonghan couldn't help but admire the way the color complemented his friend's complexion.

"Do you think Seokmin will like this?" Jisoo's voice wavered with insecurity as he nervously traced his fingers over his clothing. "Why wouldn't he? You look absolutely marvelous. The red suits you so well," Jeonghan reassured him with a genuine smile.

"Why aren't you dressed yet?" Jisoo inquired, noticing Jeonghan still in his morning attire. "What do you mean?" Jeonghan brushed off the suggestion, examining his robe layer as he glanced at himself in the mirror.

"Are you fasting?" Jisoo's question caught Jeonghan off guard, and he hesitated before reluctantly averting his gaze. "Come on, tell me," Jisoo urged gently, concern etched in his features.

"Then you should also dress up and join us on the terrace," Jisoo continued, taking Jeonghan's wrist in a firm yet reassuring grip. "Why?" Jeonghan questioned, curiosity piqued.

"To break the fast, silly," Jisoo explained with a soft chuckle. "As midnight nears, it's a tradition for the people and couples of Sel to break their fast together. It's believed to strengthen the bonds between everyone."

Jeonghan nodded, understanding the significance of the ritual. "So now, get dressed and come with me," Jisoo insisted, his gaze gentle yet firm.

"No—" Jeonghan hesitated, a flicker of uncertainty clouding his expression. He had kept the fast, yes, but what if Seungcheol didn't approve? What if Seungcheol grew angry with him? What if—

"Are you afraid of Seungcheol?" Jisoo's keen observation cut through Jeonghan's swirling thoughts, prompting him to gulp nervously and nod hesitantly.

"Don't be," Jisoo reassured him, his touch gentle as he tenderly petted Jeonghan's head. "You know he could never be angry with you. And for the ritual, you're supposed to break the fast with Seungcheol. Otherwise, it could result in something... undesirable," Jisoo added, injecting a hint of falsehood to his words, watching as color drained from Jeonghan's face.

"No— I'll come," Jeonghan acquiesced, his resolve firming as he began to prepare himself for the evening's festivities.

As Jeonghan made his final preparations, the blanket of the night sky had already unfurled its majestic expanse above the Sel Castle. The glow of bright lights and flickering candles adorned the terrace, casting a celestial radiance that mirrored the twinkling stars and the luminous moon, creating an ethereal atmosphere as Jeonghan and Jisoo emerged from the chamber.

"Mingyu, is Wonwoo also attending?" Jisoo inquired, his voice carrying a regal undertone as he addressed Mingyu, who nodded with a respectful bow. "Yes, Prince Jisoo. In fact, he may already be present at the venue," Mingyu responded with deference.

"And what about Jungwon?" Jeonghan inquired about his son, his tone softened by paternal affection. Mingyu chuckled lightly before responding, "Yes, Your Highness, and please keep this from him, but he has observed a fast in your honor, abstaining from food until now."

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