Chapter 21: Whispers of Devotion

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Seungcheol, adorned in regal attire, steps into the ancient wood crafting chamber of the palace, where skilled artisans toil under flickering torchlight to fashion objects of beauty and utility. His keen eyes survey the vast expanse of the chamber, where the most esteemed woods are laid bare in the dimly lit dungeon.

"Welcome, Your Majesty," Seungcheol looks up to behold a craftsman standing before him, his demeanor respectful and deferential. "Is there aught you require to be wrought?" the craftsman asks, his voice echoing with reverence for the monarch.

Seungcheol inclines his head in acknowledgment, a touch of uncertainty coloring his royal countenance. "Indeed," he responds, his voice carrying the weight of royal decree. With measured steps, he approaches the array of woods, seeking the finest specimen.

"I seek to fashion a hair stick," Seungcheol declares, his tone decisive as he traces his fingers over the aged wood, seeking the perfect piece for his purpose. The craftsman nods, understanding the significance of the monarch's request.

"And what manner of material do you desire, Your Majesty?" the craftsman inquires, eager to fulfill the monarch's wishes.

Seungcheol pauses, his thoughts drifting to his beloved consort, Jeonghan, whose image fills his mind with tender affection. With solemn determination, he articulates his desires.

"A material of softest touch," he decrees, "to ensure it brings no discomfort to his hand."

"Ease of handling is paramount," Seungcheol continues, "so that he may adorn his hair without hindrance or frustration."

"A fragrance that soothes the soul," he adds, "to accompany him with every gentle gesture."

"Include a subtle loop," Seungcheol commands, "to nestle roses with each dawn, a symbol of our enduring love."

"And I shall wield the tools myself," Seungcheol proclaims, his voice resonating with regal authority, "to imbue it with the sanctity of our bond."

With his decree issued, Seungcheol watches as the craftsman bows deeply, accepting the noble task bestowed upon him by the monarch. In the ancient wood crafting chamber, amidst the scent of aged timber and the flickering glow of torches, the legacy of royal devotion is set to be immortalized in the form of a single, exquisitely carved hair stick.

"What wood do you desire for your majesty?" As the royal craftsman presents a bag of meticulously selected woods before him, Seungcheol, adorned in regal attire, assumes a posture of contemplation. With a dignified nod, he gestures for the artisan to proceed, his discerning gaze assessing each piece with meticulous care.

The first wood he examines is ebony, its deep, obsidian hue imbued with an aura of majestic elegance. Its polished surface gleams under the ambient glow of torchlight, exuding an opulence befitting the crown. Seungcheol's fingers trace the smooth grain, appreciating its regal luster and refined texture.

Next, he turns his attention to teakwood, renowned for its robustness and endurance—a timber worthy of royal patronage. Its rich, amber tones evoke visions of grand palaces and noble estates, symbolizing strength and stability in the face of adversity. Seungcheol admires the wood's solid construction, envisioning it as a testament to the monarchy's unwavering resolve.

Continuing his appraisal, Seungcheol considers rosewood, its delicate fragrance infusing the air with an intoxicating allure. Its intricate patterns speak of timeless sophistication and artistic refinement, resonating with the grace and elegance inherent in royal lineage. Seungcheol envisions the intricate designs he could carve into the wood, each stroke a tribute to the splendor of the throne.

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