Chapter 15: Scars on Souls

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In the regal chambers of their kingdom, Jeonghan awakens to the gentle caress of dawn's light filtering through the curtains. His eyes blink open, adjusting to the brightness as he finds himself sitting upright in bed. A soft smile graces his lips as he catches sight of Seungcheol, standing tall and proud by the window, the morning rays casting a golden halo around him.

With a mischievous twinkle in his eye, Jeonghan pads quietly across the room, his heart dancing with anticipation. As he nears Seungcheol, a giggle threatens to escape his lips, but before he can embrace him, Seungcheol's voice fills the air, warm and tender.

"Good morning, my rose. Did you sleep well?" Seungcheol turns to face Jeonghan, his smile as radiant as the dawn itself, and Jeonghan can't help but pout playfully. "How did you know I was behind you?"

Seungcheol chuckles, enfolding Jeonghan in his arms. "Would you dare to sneak up on the king, my dear? I'm always aware, especially when it concerns you. I prefer to keep all my senses attuned."

Jeonghan rolls his eyes in mock exasperation, but a softness lingers in his gaze as he leans into Seungcheol's embrace. "Can we have breakfast together, just the two of us, here in our chamber?" he asks, a hint of hope coloring his words.

"Of course, my rose. I'll have Mingyu inform the maids," Seungcheol replies, pressing a tender kiss to Jeonghan's lips before making his way to the door.

As Jeonghan waits on the couch, Seungcheol returns moments later, a smile lighting up his features at the sight of Jeonghan. "My rose..."

"Hmm?" Jeonghan hums, plucking a delicate flower from a nearby basket and turning towards Seungcheol.

"What are you doing?" Seungcheol inquires, his eyes soft with affection as he watches Jeonghan tuck the flowers into his hair.

"Making you even more beautiful," Jeonghan replies with a grin, and Seungcheol laughs, pulling him close and placing a tender kiss on Jeonghan's tummy, their love blossoming like the flowers in Seungcheol's hair.

Their love blossoms like the flowers adorning Seungcheol's hair, filling the chamber with an aura of warmth and affection fit for royalty. Seungcheol's arms wrap around Jeonghan, drawing him closer as they revel in the intimacy of the moment.

"You always have a way of making everything more beautiful," Seungcheol whispers, his voice a gentle melody that resonates within Jeonghan's heart.

Jeonghan's cheeks flush with a rosy hue, his gaze softening as he leans into Seungcheol's embrace. "And you, my king, make every moment feel like a fairytale," he replies, his words imbued with sincerity and adoration.

The air filled with the sweet fragrance of roses and the warmth of their shared affection. As they recline on the couch, their conversation drifts lazily between topics both trivial and profound, their laughter mingling with the soft strains of morning sunlight filtering through the windows.

Yet, amidst the tranquil atmosphere, a sudden spark ignites between them, an electric tension that crackles in the air. With a shared glance, their eyes lock, conveying a silent understanding that transcends words. In an instant, the space between them evaporates, and they are drawn together with an irresistible force, their lips meeting in a fervent kiss.

Passion surges between them, ignited by the flames of desire that have long smoldered beneath the surface. Their kisses are fervent and hungry, each touch igniting a firestorm of longing that consumes them both. Seungcheol's hands roam across Jeonghan's body, tracing the contours of his form with reverent touch, while Jeonghan's fingers tangle in Seungcheol's hair, pulling him closer with a desperate need.

In the resplendent chamber, amidst cascading tapestries and gleaming gold accents, they seek solace in each other's embrace, their hearts harmonizing like the grand symphony of the royal court. Amidst the luxurious tangle of sheets and intertwined limbs, they come to realize that their love transcends mere mortal bounds, embodying a majestic force of nature destined to endure for all time.

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