Chapter 20: Secrets coloured white

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In the dimly lit chamber of the royal palace, Jeonghan's gaze tenderly caresses the serene countenance of Seungcheol, whose slumbering form exudes an air of tranquility. Cradled within Seungcheol's protective embrace, Jeonghan's heart quickens with a myriad of emotions, his thoughts consumed by the weight of Seungcheol's haunting question: "Would you betray me?"

A tumult of conflicting sentiments swirls within Jeonghan's soul. The Jeonghan of yesteryears, torn from his homeland and thrust into this palace against his will, would have readily answered in the affirmative. Yet now, a hesitation lingers, an uncertainty that defies explanation.

A soft fluttering at the window breaks through the silence, jolting Jeonghan from his reverie. With silent steps akin to a ghost, he navigates the room, his movements graceful and deliberate. Casting a fleeting glance over his shoulder to ensure Seungcheol remains undisturbed, Jeonghan unlatches the window, welcoming a dove into the sanctum.

With practiced ease, Jeonghan conceals the clandestine object beneath his garments, his touch gentle yet purposeful. As the dove takes flight once more, carrying its clandestine cargo, Jeonghan exhales a silent breath of relief. With the window sealed once more, he retreats to the solitude of the chamber.

His heart pounds an erratic rhythm, the adrenaline of clandestine action coursing through his veins. Seeking solace in the cool embrace of water, Jeonghan quenches his thirst, each gulp a fleeting respite from the tumult within.

Returning to the bed, Jeonghan settles upon the plush cushions, his fingers instinctively tracing the hidden treasure nestled against his skin. In the quiet of the chamber, a pair of strong arms envelop him, drawing him close to Seungcheol's steadfast warmth.

As sleep claims him once more, Jeonghan surrenders to the comforting embrace, his worries momentarily assuaged by the presence of his beloved prince. In the hushed stillness of the night, he finds sanctuary in Seungcheol's embrace, his heart finally at peace as dreams embrace his weary soul.

The chamber was bathed in a resplendent glow as the morning sun cast its golden rays through the intricately designed windows, illuminating the regal surroundings. Stirred from his slumber by the gentle warmth, Prince Jeonghan blinked against the brightness, his eyes drawn to the striking silhouette of Seungcheol standing at the window, a commanding presence amidst the dawn's embrace.

A soft smile graced Jeonghan's lips as he propped himself up on his elbows, the sight of Seungcheol filling his heart with a warmth that transcended the confines of their forbidden love. Despite the knowledge of the barriers that separated them, Jeonghan couldn't help but revel in the beauty of Seungcheol's presence, a beacon of solace amidst the opulence of the chamber.

As Seungcheol turned, his gaze met Jeonghan's, and for a fleeting moment, Jeonghan caught a glimpse of something deeper within Seungcheol's eyes, a flicker of emptiness swiftly replaced by the comforting familiarity of his smile.

"Did you sleep well, my rose?" Seungcheol's voice, smooth as silk, washed over Jeonghan, each word a tender caress as he brushed a stray lock of Jeonghan's hair with gentle reverence, sending shivers down Jeonghan's spine.

"I did. And you?" Jeonghan's voice was soft, a mere whisper as he nestled into Seungcheol's embrace, finding solace in the warmth of their proximity.

Seungcheol pressed a tender kiss to Jeonghan's forehead, a silent promise of his unwavering affection, before reluctantly pulling away, duty calling him beyond the sanctuary of their chamber. Jeonghan watched him depart, a heaviness settling in his heart at the thought of the dangers that awaited Seungcheol beyond the palace walls.

"Come back to me this afternoon, won't you?" Jeonghan's voice, barely audible, hung in the air like a delicate plea, a silent prayer for Seungcheol's return.

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