Chapter 18: Yielding to Love's Dominion

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The resounding knocks upon the chamber door sent a jolt of surprise through Jeonghan's frame, prompting him to swiftly conceal the letter and delicate peacock feather he had been using to write beneath the silken folds of his pillow. With measured steps, he approached the door, masking his inner turmoil with a facade of calm composure.

"Enter," Jeonghan's voice, though steady, betrayed the hint of unease that lingered beneath the surface, evident in the glistening beads of sweat that adorned his brow.

"Your highness, you are urgently required at the courthouse," Mingyu's voice, resolute yet tinged with urgency, echoed through the chamber as Jeonghan opened the door to behold Mingyu's solemn countenance. Beside him stood a soldier, his labored breaths a testament to the urgency of the matter at hand.

"What has transpired?" Jeonghan's concern was palpable, his heart quickening with apprehension as he stepped out of the chamber, closing the door behind him.

"His Majesty has discovered Prince Jisoo and Warrior Lee in a compromising situation," the soldier's words hung heavy in the air, sending a shiver of concern down Jeonghan's spine as he pondered the implications.

"Let us proceed," Jeonghan's voice, though steady, belied the turmoil within, his resolve unwavering as he led the way towards the courthouse, with Mingyu and the soldier trailing closely behind.

As they approached the courthouse, Jeonghan's heart raced with a flurry of thoughts, each step heavy with the weight of impending judgment. The tension in the air was palpable, reflected in the somber expressions and tear-stained faces of those gathered outside the courthouse, their sorrow mirroring the gravity of the situation.

"Your Highness," the guards bowed respectfully as Jeonghan approached, their solemn demeanor underscoring the urgency of the moment.

The grand doors of the courthouse swung open, revealing a scene that struck Jeonghan to his core. Seokmin, forced to kneel before Seungcheol, his face bloodied and bruised, his once noble attire now in disarray as guards held him in place. Jisoo, his features contorted with anguish, struggled against Seungcheol's grasp, tears streaming down his cheeks in an unending torrent of despair.

"Jisoo!" Jeonghan's voice cut through the tense atmosphere as he rushed to his brother's side, his heart breaking at the sight of Jisoo's torment.

"Jeonghan!" Jisoo's cry was raw with emotion as he broke free from Seungcheol's grip, seeking solace in Jeonghan's embrace.

"Shh," Jeonghan whispered soothingly, his touch a balm to Jisoo's shattered spirit as he held him close, offering what little comfort he could amidst the chaos.

"What is the meaning of this?" Jeonghan's gaze turned to Seungcheol, his voice a mixture of confusion and defiance, though the rage smoldering within the Emperor's eyes was impossible to ignore.

"Nothing more than a traitor receiving his just punishment," Seungcheol's words were cold and clipped, his gaze unwavering as he rose from his throne, a deadly resolve gleaming in his eyes as he retrieved his sword.

"Please, stop—" Jisoo's plea fell on deaf ears as he sank to his knees, his anguish echoing through the halls as he begged for mercy for his lover, Seokmin, who looked up at him with eyes filled with sorrow and resignation.

"Hold him," Seungcheol's command was met with swift obedience from the guards, their grip unyielding as they restrained Seokmin, preparing him for the Emperor's judgment.

Jeonghan watched in disbelief as Seungcheol prepared to mete out punishment, his heart heavy with a sense of injustice. Was this truly the fate that awaited those who dared to betray the kingdom of Sel?

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