Chapter 30: Fragrance of despise

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As Seungcheol tenderly cradled Jeonghan in his bloodied arms, the weight of his beloved's limp body felt heavier than any burden he had ever borne. With faltering steps, his legs weakened by the battle's toll, he carried Jeonghan back to the sanctity of their chamber, where safety and solace awaited. The soldier, ever loyal, hastened to open the chamber door, a silent sentinel allowing passage to his sovereign and his cherished charge.

Gently, as if handling a fragile blossom, Seungcheol laid Jeonghan upon the silken expanse of their bed, his trembling hands brushing back tousled locks, his own countenance stained with the crimson hue of battle. As he tenderly caressed Jeonghan's pallid features, a mask of concern mingled with a whisper of relief adorned his visage.

"Rest peacefully, my rose," Seungcheol murmured softly, tucking the covers snugly around Jeonghan's form before rising to seek respite upon the nearby couch. Weariness weighed upon him like lead, his throat parched from the rigors of combat. The events of the day had unfolded with dizzying speed, a whirlwind of chaos culminating in the clash with Soonyoung, a foe turned traitor whose treachery had stained the kingdom's soil.

"Your Majesty," a voice intruded upon Seungcheol's solitude, drawing his gaze to the figures of Junhui and Mingyu, accompanied by the herbalist who had tended to their wounds. Junhui's demeanor bespoke a detachment born of duty, his interruption met with a glower from Seungcheol that was swiftly disregarded.

"He is there—"

"He is safe," Junhui interjected, his tone brusque yet authoritative. "Our concern lies with you now."

The herbalist, her countenance marked by wisdom earned through the passage of years, approached Seungcheol with measured steps, her presence a balm to his troubled soul. With Junhui's assistance, Seungcheol settled once more upon the couch, his frame betraying the toll exacted by the battle's brutality.

"The wounds run deep, Majesty," the herbalist intoned gravely, her gentle ministrations cleansing the blood-stained canvas of Seungcheol's bare back. A sharp intake of breath escaped Seungcheol's lips as her touch traced the tender welts left by the enemy's lash.

"When will he awaken?" Seungcheol inquired, his gaze drawn inexorably to Jeonghan's prone form upon the bed.

"In time, Your Majesty," the herbalist reassured, her fingers seeking the pulse of life within Jeonghan's wrist. "It is but a shock, a fleeting interlude in the symphony of his existence."

A sigh of relief escaped Seungcheol's lips as he absorbed her words, a flicker of hope igniting within his breast. Yet, the path to healing stretched before them, a journey fraught with pain and uncertainty.

"Attend to yourself, Majesty," the herbalist admonished gently, offering a bowl of verdant paste and a plate laden with healing tinctures. "Let others tend to your wounds, lest they fester and hinder your recovery."

With a nod of gratitude, Seungcheol accepted her counsel, his eyes alight with determination tempered by the weight of responsibility. As the herbalist departed, her parting words lingered in the air, a benediction upon the weary monarch.

"Take heed, Your Majesty," she implored, her voice a whisper upon the wind. "For the kingdom's strength lies not only in its sovereign's valor, but in his wisdom to tend to his own well-being."

With a solemn nod, Seungcheol vowed to honor her words, to safeguard not only the realm he cherished, but the fragile bond that bound him to his beloved Jeonghan. And as he gazed upon the slumbering figure of his beloved, bathed in the soft glow of twilight, he knew that their tale was far from over—a saga of love, courage, and redemption, yet to be written upon the tapestry of their lives.

As Junhui's voice pierced through the veil of Seungcheol's contemplation, the weight of his advisor's words settled upon him like a heavy cloak. "What are your plans now? Going to just take him back?" Junhui's inquiry, laced with concern, demanded a response from the monarch who found himself adrift in a sea of uncertainty.

"I don't know," Seungcheol confessed, his voice betraying the tumult of emotions swirling within. Indeed, he found himself at a crossroads, torn between the dictates of duty and the whispers of his heart. What fate awaited Jeonghan, the one who had once been both ally and adversary? The answer eluded him, obscured by the shadows of doubt that clouded his mind.

The weight of responsibility bore down upon Seungcheol's shoulders, a burden too heavy to bear alone. Yet, in the midst of his turmoil, Junhui's voice offered a beacon of solace, a reminder that redemption was not beyond reach. "A second chance is not as bad as it seems," Junhui's words, tempered with compassion, offered a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness.

With a nod of gratitude, Seungcheol watched as Junhui departed, leaving him to wrestle with the echoes of his own uncertainty. Alone in the silence of their chamber, Seungcheol closed his eyes, seeking respite from the storm that raged within.

Sleep, elusive yet merciful, enveloped Seungcheol in its embrace, drawing him into its comforting embrace. His wearied frame succumbed to its siren song, finding solace in the embrace of dreams.

Meanwhile, Jeonghan stirred from his slumber, his heart pounding within his chest as consciousness reclaimed him. "Seungcheol!" his voice, tinged with fear and longing, echoed through the chamber, seeking solace in the presence of his beloved.

Drawing strength from within, Jeonghan descended from the bed, his steps faltering yet determined as he approached Seungcheol's sleeping form. Gently, he took Seungcheol's bruised hands in his own, his touch tender yet hesitant.

"You are hurt," Jeonghan murmured softly, his gaze tracing the scars that marred Seungcheol's once unblemished skin. A pang of guilt gripped his heart, a reminder of the pain he had inflicted upon the one he held dear.

"I'm sorry," Jeonghan whispered, his voice trembling with remorse as he rested his forehead against Seungcheol's knees. "This is all my fault. I shouldn't have betrayed you. Please forgive me."

Tears welled in Jeonghan's eyes, their shimmering trails a testament to the depth of his regret. "I know what I did is unacceptable, and I am ready to face the consequences for it," he confessed, his voice barely above a whisper. "Just... don't cast me aside. Let me remain by your side, I beg of you."

In the quiet of the chamber, Jeonghan poured out his heart, laying bare his soul before the one who held the power to grant him mercy or mete out judgment. And as he awaited Seungcheol's response, his heart braced for the weight of his beloved's decision.



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