Chapter 22: Die for you

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"Hm? A visit to the town?" Jisoo nodded regally as he placed the ornate tray laden with refreshments on the grand table, settling beside Jeonghan on the opulent couch. "But why me?" Jeonghan inquired, his plush black locks cascading as he turned to face Jisoo.

It had been a week since the incident involving Seokmin and Jisoo, and although Seungcheol still maintained a distance, he occasionally checked up on Jisoo. Jeonghan was grateful that Seungcheol had let the matter rest with just a word from him. As Seungcheol was occupied in the courthouse, Jeonghan found respite in the chamber, where Jisoo decided to pay him a visit for a brief tea break.

Jisoo harbored deep gratitude towards Jeonghan, recognizing him as the reason Seungcheol had spared him from harsher punishment. "Since you are Seungcheol's esteemed consort, it is customary for you to attend such small events," Jisoo explained, prompting a frown from Jeonghan.

"Esteemed consort?" Jeonghan questioned, his cheeks flushing slightly as he shifted in his seat. "What? No! You know that's not true," he dismissed Jisoo's notion, who couldn't help but snicker.

"Well, one could argue otherwise," Jisoo teased, bumping his shoulder playfully against Jeonghan's, who pushed him away in embarrassment. "The entire realm believes that you have Seungcheol wrapped around your finger, and recent events only serve to confirm these rumors."

"You know that's not true," Jeonghan asserted, clearing his throat. "And as for recent matters, your brother holds affection for you deeper than he displays," Jeonghan added, reaching out to grasp Jisoo's hand in a comforting gesture. Jisoo nodded, his gaze dropping to the floor as he reciprocated the hold, his eyes glistening with emotion.

"Even if he doesn't outwardly support you, I stand by you," Jeonghan declared softly, gently stroking Jisoo's hand. "And I sensed there was a connection between you two from the night of the royal dinner," Jeonghan continued, flicking Jisoo's shoulder teasingly. "Seokmin's is a noble man; do not let him slip away," Jeonghan advised, to which Jisoo nodded in agreement.

"He truly is," Jisoo affirmed, his voice carrying a hint of admiration.

As the heavy curtains of the chamber fluttered with Seungcheol's entrance, he paused mid-sentence, his regal countenance softened by the tender sight of Jeonghan and Jisoo engaged in conversation upon the elegant couch.

"I'll take my leave," Jisoo announced, rising gracefully and clearing his throat as he gathered the tray, casting a lingering glance at his brother before exiting the chamber with quiet dignity.

Seungcheol approached with measured steps, his presence commanding yet imbued with a gentle reverence as he settled beside Jeonghan, who nestled into his embrace with a yearning that mirrored his own. "Were you occupied?" Seungcheol inquired, his voice a deep, resonant melody that echoed with warmth.

"Nothing of significance," Jeonghan replied, a hint of bashfulness coloring his features as he traced imaginary patterns over Seungcheol's chest with delicate fingers.

"Jisoo mentioned something about a visit to the town," Jeonghan continued, tilting his head to gaze up at Seungcheol, their faces mere inches apart, their eyes locked in a silent exchange of understanding.

"The crop festival," Seungcheol affirmed, his hand lingering at Jeonghan's waist as he explained the tradition with an air of reverence and authority. Drawing upon the rich tapestry of their kingdom's history, he illuminated the significance of the first crop rain festival with intricate detail and profound insight.

"The first crop rain festival," Seungcheol began, his voice carrying the weight of centuries-old tradition, "is a sacred rite that honors the timeless bond between our people and the celestial realm." He spoke of ancient rituals passed down through generations, of prayers whispered in the language of the earth and offerings made with humble gratitude.

"As the lifeblood of our agrarian society, the fields rely on the benevolence of the heavens for sustenance," Seungcheol continued, his words weaving a tapestry of reverence for the land and its sacred bounty. "Thus, we gather beneath the open sky to beseech the divine for their blessing, welcoming the first rains as a sacred gift bestowed upon us by the gods themselves."

He spoke of the farmers, their hands calloused from toil, their spirits buoyed by hope as they danced amidst the freshly-plowed fields, offering prayers of thanksgiving and songs of praise to the heavens above.

"In the gentle patter of raindrops upon the earth, we find solace and renewal," Seungcheol concluded, his gaze alight with a profound sense of reverence. "For in that moment, we are reminded of our interconnectedness with the natural world and the boundless grace that sustains us all."

Jeonghan listened with bated breath, his heart stirred by the depth of Seungcheol's wisdom and the timeless beauty of their kingdom's traditions. In that sacred chamber, surrounded by the echoes of history and the warmth of their shared love, he felt a profound sense of gratitude for the legacy they had inherited and the promise of a future bathed in the eternal blessings of the first crop rain.

"That's magnificent," Jeonghan praised in awe, his voice filled with reverence. "My father never organizes anything quite like this," he added with a slight pout, leaning back against the plush cushions of the couch.

Seungcheol chuckled softly, his gaze tender as he reached up to lightly squeeze Jeonghan's pouty lips. "It's alright, my roses
," he reassured, his hand sliding around Jeonghan's neck as he drew him closer. "You can enjoy it here with me."

Their lips met halfway, a tender collision of desire and longing as their hands sought each other's warmth beneath the fabric of their clothes. Jeonghan's breath caught in his throat as Seungcheol's kisses trailed down his neck, leaving a trail of gentle marks that branded him as his own.

"Let's stop before someone comes," Jeonghan whispered with a gasp, his voice heavy with desire as Seungcheol's kisses continued to ignite a fire within him.

Seungcheol hummed in agreement, pulling Jeonghan into his lap with a possessive grip around his waist. Their bodies pressed together in an intimate embrace, their hearts beating as one in the quiet sanctuary of their love.

"You are so addictive, my rose," Seungcheol murmured against Jeonghan's neck, his words a sweet melody that reverberated through their shared space.

Hovering over Seungcheol's lips, Jeonghan smirked, his gaze smoldering with desire as he leaned down to tease Seungcheol's bottom lip with his teeth. "So exotic that I wouldn't mind losing myself within you," Seungcheol confessed, his voice filled with a raw intensity that sent shivers down Jeonghan's spine.

"What if it costs you your life?" The question slipped from Jeonghan's lips unconsciously, his gaze locked with Seungcheol's as he searched for any hint of hesitation.

But Seungcheol's smile remained unwavering as he gently tucked Jeonghan's fallen strands behind his ears. "I would gladly give my life for you," he declared, his eyes reflecting the depth of his love and devotion.

Jeonghan's breath caught in his throat at Seungcheol's unwavering declaration, his heart swelling with a mixture of awe and overwhelming love. He had always known of Seungcheol's devotion, but hearing it spoken aloud filled him with a profound sense of gratitude and humility.

"You would give your life for me?" Jeonghan whispered, his voice barely above a hush as he searched Seungcheol's eyes for any trace of doubt.

Seungcheol's gaze never wavered as he nodded solemnly, his hand cupping Jeonghan's cheek with tender affection. "Without hesitation," he affirmed, his voice unwavering in its conviction.

"Because my rose," Seungcheol says his breath just above a whisper, "my love transcends the mere realm of sentiment; it is a sacred devotion—a pledge to stand steadfastly by your side through the tempests of life, to illuminate the shadows with the radiance of my affection, and to enshrine your essence in the annals of eternity."



I have my chem paper, wish me luck 😭

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