Chapter 7: Threads of Trust

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As the sun began its descent, casting a warm golden glow across the palace grounds, Jeonghan returned to his chamber before the onset of dusk. Seungcheol had abruptly concluded their tour when a soldier discreetly whispered urgent news into the king's ear, prompting a solemn shift in Seungcheol's countenance.

With a grave expression, Seungcheol informed Jeonghan that he could continue the tour with Jisoo, but Jeonghan, feigning weariness, gracefully declined, expressing a desire to retire for a brief respite.

Seungcheol, understanding Jeonghan's need for rest, acquiesced without contention. Soon, Jeonghan found himself escorted back to his chamber under the vigilant watch of Mingyu, who had assumed the role of his new guardian. The corridors of the palace were steeped in an aura of quietude as they made their way, the fading sunlight casting long shadows upon the marble floors.

"Pray tell, do you reside within the confines of the palace as well?" Jeonghan inquired, his voice carrying an air of regal curiosity as they traversed the grand halls.

"Yes, Your Highness. My entire lineage has long been tethered to these sacred walls," Mingyu replied with a hint of pride, his demeanor radiating loyalty and devotion. "My husband serves as an esteemed member of the royal advisory, and my son is also a denizen of this castle. Should you wish, you may encounter him attending Prince Jisoo's esteemed sewing classes."

A subtle smile graced Jeonghan's lips at the mention of family, an enduring bond revered even within the hallowed halls of the palace. "Your dedication to your kin is truly commendable," Jeonghan remarked, his tone suffused with genuine admiration.

As they approached the doorway leading to Seungcheol's chamber, Mingyu bowed with solemn reverence. "Your Highness, under any circumstance that you require my assistance, I shall be ever at your service," he pledged dutifully.

With a gracious nod, Jeonghan entered the sanctuary of his chamber, drawing the heavy curtains closed to shield himself from prying eyes. As he shed his outer robe and settled onto the plush bed, a sense of tranquility enveloped him, knowing that Mingyu stood steadfast outside, ever vigilant in his duty to protect the prince.

In the tranquil confines of his royal chamber, Prince Jeonghan's slumber was abruptly disrupted by the insistent tapping at his door. Startled from his restful repose, he stirred beneath the embrace of luxurious silk covers, his senses awakening to the dimly lit room.

With regal poise, Jeonghan reached for his robe, draping it around his form with practiced elegance, a silent proclamation of his dignity and station as a prince of the realm. As he approached the door, his heart quickened with a blend of curiosity and apprehension, the rhythmic knocking echoing like a drumbeat of urgency in the stillness of the night.

"Enter," he commanded, his voice resonating with authority. With a sense of relief, Jeonghan welcomed Prince Jisoo into his chamber, the familiar presence of his fellow prince bringing a measure of comfort amidst the uncertainty of the night.

"Prince Jisoo," Jeonghan acknowledged with a regal nod, his demeanor a portrait of composed patience amidst the intricate tapestry of palace politics. Though his heart still simmered with resentment towards Seungcheol, the prince had resolved to maintain a facade of civility in his interactions with the other inhabitants of Sel, recognizing that they bore him no ill will.

"Prince Jeonghan, did you find the tour of Sel Palace to your liking? Did it bring you enjoyment?" Jisoo inquired with genuine curiosity, his stance exuding a quiet confidence befitting his royal status. As he stood before the bed, Jeonghan graciously made space for him, a silent gesture of respect for their shared noble lineage.

"I did indeed. Seungcheol mentioned your sewing classes for the children of Sel. Is it true?" Jeonghan's inquiry was accompanied by a keen observance of Jisoo's countenance, noting the subtle shift as pride illuminated the prince's features like the soft glow of candlelight in a dimly lit chamber.

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