Chapter 29: Imperial bonds

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Seungcheol observes with a heavy heart as Jeonghan retreats from him, his graceful figure drawn inexorably towards Soonyoung, who stands with an arrogant smirk etched upon his features.

"Please, my beloved rose, do not forsake me," Seungcheol's voice wavers weakly, suffocated by the chains constricting around him, each link tightening its grip like the hands of fate.

Soonyoung's grip on Jeonghan remains unyielding as he speaks of their departure, his tone dripping with the arrogance of a conqueror claiming his spoils. "It is time we depart, my dear Jeonghan. The Kwon empire awaits my return."

Jeonghan's gaze shoots up to meet Soonyoung's, a flicker of defiance dancing in his eyes as he refuses to bow to his captor's commands. "End his life once we depart," he hears Soonyoung command, a cruel decree that sends shivers down his spine.

The audacity of Soonyoung's words ignites a flame of fury within Seungcheol, his voice laced with desperation as he struggles against his restraints. "Did you truly believe I would allow Choi Seungcheol to live while tearing away the love of his life?" Soonyoung's hand moves to caress Jeonghan's face, only to be met with a swift slap of defiance.

"Dare you lay a hand on me," Jeonghan's voice is choked off as Soonyoung's fingers tighten around his throat, cutting off his air supply. Seungcheol's heart clenches in agony as he witnesses the brutality unfolding before him, his own struggles intensifying against the guards restraining him.

"I will end your life if you dare touch him, Kwon Soonyoung," Seungcheol's threat is punctuated by the searing pain of another lash against his bare back, each strike a testament to his enduring defiance.

Soonyoung's whispered words against Jeonghan's lips send a shiver down Seungcheol's spine, his resolve unbroken despite the overwhelming odds stacked against him. "He will come for me, even if I spare his beloved," Soonyoung's voice drips with malice as he holds Jeonghan in a suffocating embrace, his grip unyielding.

Jeonghan's defiant retort echoes through the chamber, a declaration of unwavering courage in the face of despair. "He stands there, battered and broken, yet you tremble in fear. What makes you think you will escape his wrath once you have me in your grasp?"

"Once again, your useless chatter pollutes the air," Soonyoung's fingers clamp down on Jeonghan's jaw, inflicting a searing pain as he exerts his dominance with a cruel grip.

"If you possess the valor of a true man, then face him in honorable combat," Jeonghan's words emerge in a strained whisper, his defiance unyielding as he forcefully slaps away Soonyoung's oppressive hold, a gesture of defiance against his captor's tyranny.

A smirk twists upon Soonyoung's lips, his brow arching with sinister amusement as he reaches for his dagger, the glint of its deadly edge reflecting his malevolent intent. "Perhaps it is fitting to extinguish your life first," he taunts, his voice laced with malice as he inches closer with the blade poised for a lethal strike.

In the midst of impending peril, a fleeting notion of liberation teases Jeonghan's senses. If he were to vanish from this world, perhaps Seungcheol's burdens would dissipate alongside him. Yet, even in the throes of temptation, Jeonghan stands resolute, his spirit unbroken by the specter of death.

But before Soonyoung can enact his heinous design, a resounding cry pierces the stifling silence, echoing with a fervent plea that reverberates through the chamber. "No!" Seungcheol's voice resounds with a potent blend of anguish and determination, his love for Jeonghan radiating like a beacon amidst the encroaching darkness.

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