Chapter 26: Betrayal and Love

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As the dawn's light gently filtered through the curtains, Jeonghan stirred from his slumber, his body protesting against the previous night's exertions under the rain-soaked sky. With a soft grunt, he gingerly shifted on the bed, his muscles aching in protest. Regret seeped into his thoughts as he reflected on his decision to engage in such strenuous activity amidst the downpour, a decision now marked by the soreness that permeated his body.

With a slow blink, he opened his eyes, the weight of exhaustion lingering in his movements. Sitting up, he reached to massage the tension from his neck, feeling the knots of stress that had accumulated overnight. His mind drifted back to the conversations of the previous evening, memories clouded by the haze of sleep.

"I fear becoming like my father.."

Seungcheol's words echoed in his mind like a haunting refrain, stirring a disquiet within him. The admission of fear, the vulnerability laid bare in the quiet moments shared between them, cast a shadow over the dawn's light. A knot tightened in Jeonghan's chest as he contemplated the implications of Seungcheol's confession.

The makeshift hairstick crafted by Seungcheol's hands lay within reach, a tangible reminder of their shared moments and the complexities of their relationship. Jeonghan's fingers traced its smooth surface, a silent acknowledgment of the bond that tethered them together.

Yet, as he grappled with the weight of his emotions, uncertainty clouded his thoughts. Was the path he was about to embark upon truly necessary? The dichotomy between duty and desire played out in the recesses of his mind, each facet of his identity vying for dominance.

In the grand tapestry of royal obligations and personal convictions, Jeonghan found himself at a crossroads. The prince within him clamored for adherence to tradition, while the whispers of his heart, entwined with Seungcheol's essence, pleaded for mercy and understanding.

The complexity of his emotions defied simple categorization. Did he love Seungcheol? The answer eluded him amidst the labyrinth of conflicting sentiments. Yet, the depth of his devotion was undeniable, a silent testament to the lengths he would go to for the one who held his heart.

Jeonghan stood up making his way over towards the chamber door. Mingyu's presence grazes him as the guard bows down to Jeonghan who nods. Jeonghan quitely makes his way over to the backyard garden. His hairs dancing in the air as he steps on the garden that was filled with tulipsa and roses.

"Where is His Majesty?" inquired Jeonghan, his tone bearing the weight of royal concern as he addressed Mingyu.

"His Majesty currently holds court within the courthouse, Your Highness. Troubles have breached the sanctity of our realm, besieging our shores. Many brave soldiers stationed at the western coast have fallen," informed Mingyu, his voice resonating with the gravity of the situation. Clutching a rose tightly in his hands, Jeonghan felt the thorns of responsibility pierce his heart, overshadowing the discomfort of his own physical wounds.

All fault lay upon his shoulders, yet remorse failed to find a place within him. His desires oscillated between a thirst for vengeance against Seungcheol, the one who had torn him from his kin, and an unquenchable yearning to caress his beloved's cheeks, to taste the sweetness of his lips.

Such was the intensity of Jeonghan's love that he longed to consume Seungcheol entirely, to merge their souls into one.

"Your Highness, your hand!" Mingyu's urgent plea interrupted Jeonghan's reverie as he reached for Jeonghan's hand, relieving him of the blood-stained rose. Jeonghan's gaze remained vacant, his mind consumed by thoughts of Seungcheol.

"It matters not," he whispered, his thoughts drifting amidst a tempest of emotions.

"No, let us seek medical attention-" Mingyu's voice wavered as Jeonghan's attention shifted abruptly to the presence of Seungcheol.

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