Chapter 37: To my other half

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Seungcheol made his entrance onto the terrace venue with a regal grace that commanded attention. His eyes, sharp and discerning, swept over the assembled subjects, taking in every detail of their presence. The guards, loyal to their sovereign, bowed deeply in deference, yet Seungcheol, yearning for a moment of anonymity, dismissed their formalities with a casual wave, signaling his desire to blend in with the crowd, to be among his people not as their king, but as one of them.

His gaze was quickly ensnared by the sight of his brother and Seokmin, bathed in the soft, flickering light of lanterns that adorned their surroundings, casting an otherworldly glow upon the terrace. Across the expanse, Mingyu and Wonwoo, accompanied by their son Jungwon, held court in another corner, engaged in what appeared to be a familial exchange tinged with parental authority. At the farthest reaches of the terrace, Minghao and Junhui, accompanied by their son Minjun, shared a quiet moment amidst the gentle hum of conversation, their familial bond evident in their serene countenances.

Despite the lingering specter of past tribulations, there lingered a palpable sense of healing among the assembled throng. Seungcheol, intimately acquainted with the scars of recent events that still marred his own heart, sighed heavily as he surveyed the crowd, his gaze eventually settling upon Jeonghan.

Jeonghan stood apart, solitary yet resolute, his eyes fixed upon the moon, a silent sentinel amidst the bustling congregation. Seungcheol's brow furrowed in contemplation; was Jeonghan observing a fast? The sight of Jeonghan, adorned in resplendent robes of crimson, a solitary rose nestled amidst his dark tresses, stirred within Seungcheol a tempest of conflicting emotions – admiration tempered by the knowledge of the boundaries that must be upheld between them.

With a command, Seungcheol released his guards, granting them leave to enjoy the evening with their own loved ones. Left to his own devices, Seungcheol wrestled with the decision to approach Jeonghan, his resolve warring with the fear of succumbing to the tumultuous emotions that Jeonghan ignited within him.

Summoning his courage, Seungcheol strode purposefully towards Jeonghan, his crimson garments billowing in the evening breeze like a regal banner. His steps faltered slightly as he drew nearer, his fists clenching with a mixture of apprehension and longing. Clearing his throat in a bid to gain Jeonghan's attention, Seungcheol's attempt was met with a knowing smile from the enigmatic figure before him.

"You seem to be troubled by a malady, my king. Shall I summon the maids to prepare an herbal remedy?" Jeonghan's playful jest elicited a faint smirk from Seungcheol, though beneath the veneer of amusement lay a tempest of emotions that threatened to engulf him.

"Why are you here?" Seungcheol inquired, his gaze flickering towards the lantern that adorned Jeonghan's side.

"I could pose the same question to you," Jeonghan countered, his tone laced with subtle amusement.

"I am here for the welfare of my people," Seungcheol asserted, his voice tinged with a sense of duty and responsibility that underscored his royal bearing.

"Ah," Jeonghan acknowledged with feigned understanding, "and I am here for Jungwon, who fasts in my honor," he added, a serene smile playing upon his lips as he revealed the familial tie that bound them.

"Mingyu's progeny?" Seungcheol queried, receiving a confirming nod from Jeonghan, though the implication of a subtle rivalry did not escape him.

"Cease your scrutiny," Jeonghan chided gently, his eyes dancing with amusement as he noted Seungcheol's lingering gaze towards Jungwon.

"I am not," Seungcheol protested weakly, though his attention soon drifted skyward, the approaching midnight hour heralding the culmination of the evening's festivities. As more guests arrived, Seungcheol couldn't help but feel a swell of pride and affection for his people, their resilience and unity serving as a testament to the enduring spirit of the kingdom of Sel.

"Behold, mere moments linger before the grandeur of midnight," Jeonghan implored of Jisoo, who stood adorned with a resplendent lantern, whilst Seokmin, his demeanor adorned with a subtle smile, stood gallant at his side. "Where, pray tell, is your lantern?" inquired Jisoo of Jeonghan, who turned with regal grace to gesture towards the lanterns arranged meticulously upon the table, shimmering in the soft glow of candlelight.

"Wonie! Come forth, dear one!" Jeonghan beckoned Jungwon, his keen eye catching the child near the terrace's edge, where they would soon release the lanterns to dance upon the ethereal canvas of the night sky. Seungcheol observed with quiet dignity as Jeonghan cradled Jungwon tenderly in his arms, making his stately approach towards their gathering. With noble poise, he seized the matchstick, igniting the lantern's candle, and witnessed with silent reverence as the gentle breeze breathed life into it, transforming it into a celestial vessel of wonder and hope.

"Are you to ascend the lantern, with the King?" queried Jungwon, his gaze alighting upon the lanterns held aloft by Seungcheol, as he turned to Jeonghan with wide-eyed wonder. Seungcheol suppressed a regal smirk, relishing the subtle interplay of their royal camaraderie.

"Indeed," Seungcheol proclaimed on behalf of Jeonghan, eliciting a dignified glare from his esteemed counterpart. Swear by the divine, if Seungcheol were to bring forth a tear from the child's eyes... "He shall ascend with me... not thee," Seungcheol declared, hoisting the lantern aloft with noble resolve.

"It matters not, for my affection for him pales in comparison to that which I hold for you," Jeonghan whispered with royal grace into Jungwon's ear, eliciting a melodious giggle from the young prince. "Shall we release it forthwith?" Seungcheol inquired, his gaze narrowed in princely contemplation as he observed their whispered exchange.

"Grasp firmly here," Jeonghan directed, guiding Jungwon's hand to the secure embrace of the lantern's frame, intertwining his own noble hand with the innocence of youth. Seungcheol, with princely authority, grasped the other side with dignified poise.

"To my other half," Jeonghan proclaimed with noble reverence, tightening his grip upon the lantern, casting his gaze skyward in a gesture of regal contemplation.

"To the one whose unwavering devotion hath ever sought naught but the zenith of prosperity for mine own self, who hath stood as stalwart sentinel through the darkest tempests and brightest dawns, to you with whom I would share eternity," Seungcheol declared, encircling Jeonghan from behind with princely grace. Now it was Jungwon's hand, followed by Jeonghan's, and then Seungcheol's, forming a triumvirate of regal unity.

"I wish thee longevity, may celestial blessings descend upon thee as the gentle rain, and may the divine transmute thy sorrows into mine own, bestowing upon you the bounty of joy eternal," Jeonghan intoned with solemn grace.

With regal dignity, they released the lantern into the boundless expanse of the night sky. Jungwon applauded with innocent glee as Jeonghan bestowed upon him a princely kiss upon his cherubic cheek. Seungcheol beheld the tableau with princely reverence, a smile gracing his countenance as he rested his hand upon Jeonghan's noble shoulder.

"To the Emperor of Sel, Choi Seungcheol, from his Rose, Yoon Jeonghan," echoed the whispered refrain of Jeonghan's devotion, resounding through the hallowed halls of their hearts.



Boring? I don't have anything to fill in that's why 🥲

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Boring? I don't have anything to fill in that's why 🥲

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