Chapter 12: Touch to be Longed

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In the opulent chambers of the palace, Jeonghan, bearing an air of regal grace, enters with a basket brimming with the most exquisite roses, their petals perfuming the air with an intoxicating fragrance. With measured steps, he places the blooms upon a polished wooden table, a tableau of vibrant color against the rich tapestries that adorn the walls.

Weary from the weight of the day's duties, Jeonghan sinks into the plushness of the couch, his noble brow creased with fatigue. With a heavy sigh, he indulges in the simple pleasure of massaging his weary feet, the cares of the kingdom momentarily forgotten in the tranquility of his private chambers. As strands of his lustrous hair cascade freely from their once-tied confines, he exhales, releasing the tension of the day, a monarch finding solace in the quietude of his domain.

"Mingyu!" As the regal call of his name resonates through the chambers, Mingyu, ever attentive to his liege's needs, responds with swift obedience, his footsteps echoing against the polished marble floors. "Yes, your highness?" his voice, a reverent cadence befitting his station, carries through the door.

With a noble grace, Jeonghan rises from his seat, the weight of the day evident in the lines of fatigue etched upon his noble countenance. As he sheds the weight of his ceremonial robe, a garment as resplendent as the night sky adorned with stars, he reveals the sovereign beneath, a figure of both majesty and vulnerability.

Turning to his faithful attendant, Jeonghan requests with a regal yet gentle tone, "Can you instruct the maids to prepare a bath for me? My weary body longs for respite from the burdens of the day." Mingyu, bowing low in deference, swiftly departs to fulfill his liege's command, leaving the monarch to his solitude.

Alone in the sanctum of his chambers, Jeonghan strides with purpose toward the window, a portal to the world beyond the confines of the palace walls. With a practiced hand, he unlatches the ornate casement, inviting the gentle embrace of the evening breeze into his sanctuary. The soft hues of the sunset bathe the room in a warm, ethereal glow, casting long shadows that dance upon the walls like courtiers in a royal ball.

As he reclines upon the plushness of his regal bed, the cares of state and duty melting away, Jeonghan surrenders himself to the serenity of the moment. The cool embrace of the evening air envelops him like a cloak of tranquility, soothing his weary soul and granting him a fleeting respite from the weight of his crown.

As the curtains of the bath house are drawn aside, Jeonghan's attention is seized by the presence of another. He sits upright on the bed, his hair cascading over his shoulders, his eyes widening at the sight of Seungcheol standing at the door, his naked chest adorned with glistening water.

"Ah, greetings, my cherished rose," Seungcheol murmurs, enveloping himself in a crimson red silk robe with an effortless grace, paying no heed to further attire as he draws nearer to Jeonghan, who remains transfixed, his cheeks flushed with warmth.

"You were indulging in the bath?" Jeonghan stammers, edging back slightly as Seungcheol settles beside him on the bed.

"Yes, indeed. Is there cause for concern?" Seungcheol inquires, his brow furrowing with confusion. Jeonghan swallows nervously, captivated by the rivulets of water trailing down Seungcheol's neck to his chest, disappearing into the fabric of his robe.

"My dear rose, is something amiss?" Seungcheol questions softly, drawing close to Jeonghan's face. Jeonghan vigorously shakes his head, lips pressed together in a nervous gesture.

"Then pray tell, why does a rosy hue grace your cheeks?" Seungcheol queries, his hand lifting to delicately trace the contours of Jeonghan's flushed face, eliciting a shiver of pleasure from Jeonghan at the icy touch.

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