Ch-1 : A peep into her daily life

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Aarvi's Pov-

Night is out in full swing . I was supposed to return after giving the croissants to Lily aunty ,our PG owner, but here I am ,walking alone on the streets. The streets were not busy because of the late hour but still every now and then some vehicle would pass me.

I reached a deserted park and sat down on one of the benches. The downpour had stopped a while ago and now the sky is clear of all the clouds. The night sky was aglow with bright city lights. The pale crescent moon shone like a silvery claw in the night sky. I  looked up at the blanket of stars that stretched to infinity. The occasional barking of faraway dogs broke the silence of the night. The sweet serenity of the night is like a sweet kiss . The deep darkness of the night softly ablaze by the moon and stars, it's calmness always calmed my mind and soul. I know it's dangerous for me to roam around at night but I needed it. I need this sweet serenity that I find in the sacred silence of the night to calm the chaos of my soul and detangle the mess of my mind.

Finally After a few minutes , I moved towards my pg where I shared a flat with Tanya, my crazy best friend.

As soon as I entered, I found Tanya standing there with her hands on her hips glaring at me.

" What took you so long? It hardly takes 5 mins to reach aunty's house! " She asked

" The weather was nice so I just roamed around a bit and lost the track of time. " I smiled sheepishly.

I knew she was pissed, not because I am late but because I was roaming alone at night. She has warned me multiple times not to do so but somewhere even she also knows that I need it.

"How many time do I have to tell you.... " She started but I cut her off "I'm sorry.. I just needed some fresh air to clear my mind.  I won't repeat it " She sighed.

I was glad she dropped the topic . I took the ice cream from the refrigerator and went to my room. I finished the ice cream and went to bed after a relaxing shower.


Next day I woke up due to My alarm . I followed my morning routine of freshning up, workout and showering. I wore my shorts and tee and went to the balcony with my guitar. It's just 6:50 in the morning and our college starts from 9 so there's plenty of time. I closed my eyes and played a few songs on my guitar for some time.

"Ahhhh.... I'm late, Vi... What to do.. Vi.. Vi!!!!! " I heard Tanya shout from the living room.

Guess she slept on the couch yesterday after her late night movie marathon. I got up and went inside only to see her panicking. I had no idea what happened to her.

"Why are you screaming? What happened now? "

"Vi, I'm late! Vi, We're late... It's already 8:50 ... How will we reach college in just 10 mins... It's impossible. Aahhhh, today's the last day  for the annual day audition's form submission.. I missed it ,Vi!! " Tanya started blabbering.

"It's just 7:15 dumbo... The wall clock's battery is dead so it's showing 8:50..."

"Really? "

"Check your phone "

She checked her phone .

"Ahh.. You're right"

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