Ch-2: Increased heartbeat

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Aarvi's Pov-

The buzzing sound of my alarm interrupted my sleep and groaning I got out of bed to get ready for yet another day.

I followed my morning routine and went towards the kitchen to see Tanya watching something very attentively on her phone.

"Good morning" I wished her.

"Good morning. Here" She wished me back sliding my smoothie towards me.

"Thanks. What are you watching so keenly? " I asked her

"Nothing yaar.... I was just watching the past auditions for the dance club of our college. " She shrugged

"Oh... And why aren't you ready yet? It's already 8:30" I asked looking at her as she's still sitting in her pj's.

"I have the important lectures from the 2nd half so I'll be coming later. "

" Oh, ok then I'll be leaving . I've some work in the library. "I said

" Cool.... Bye" Responding to her I made my way towards college.

It's been 3 years since I got admission in Trinity College. It's one of the most famous and prestigious colleges. I'm a scholarship student. When I first came to the college I thought it would be filled with all those arrogant and snobby students. But I was wrong. I met a lot of great people here though I also have met a few snobby ones but it's fine.

I entered the college premises and moved towards the library to return the book that I borrowed a few weeks back. The library remains empty during this time as there's still 20 mins left for the college to start so very few students come early and those are mostly the one's who have morning sports practices or any kind of rehearsals.

I was just about to move out of the library when I heard some soft whistling . I don't why but I moved towards the voice . When I reached the philosophy section of the library I saw a guy.

He had a broad back and his fitted shirt easily showed his muscles. He had long hairs which reached his shoulders and was twisted in a man bun. I found him searching for some books while whistling. I called him, " Excuse me!"

But he didn't respond because he was wearing headphones so I went near him and gently tapped his shoulder. Feeling the tap he took off his headphones and turned towards me. My eyes locked with his and  for some reason my heartbeat increased. His eyes were a beautiful shade of brown but I couldn't make out the exact shade. The rest of his face was covered by a black mask. Some free locks of hair were falling on his forehead due to the light breeze coming from the window.

I realized that I've been looking at him for some time so I just turned my head away and asked " Umm... Are you looking for a book? I mean I know where most of the books are kept so maybe I can help you in locating it. "

"Yeah actually I was looking for a book but I just couldn't find it. " He replied. Oh boy !!!his deep voice just did something to me.

"Can you tell me the name of the book Or maybe the author? " I asked him.

"Hmm..... Its " Letters from a stoic" He replied.

"Oh it's probably on the first shelf. " I murmured to myself and moved towards the shelf. I reached the shelf and smiled when I saw the book exactly where I thought it would be.
I picked it and gave it to him,"Here".

He thanked me and I gave him a small smile in return. He was engrossed in the book so I decided to go. I had just reached the stairs when my phone rang. I took it out of my pocket and found that its Dev calling me. I answered it and moved towards my class .

"Hello? "

"Where are you both? " He asked me

"I just entered the class. " I said

"You're early today. Ok we're coming. " He said and cut the call.

After 2-3 mins , Dev entered with Sania and Rahul following him. We fist bumped and they took their usual seat. Dev sat beside me whereas Rahul and Sania took the seat behind us.

"You're early today. " Rahul said to me.

I just shrugged saying, " I had to return some books to the library."

"And Tanya? " It's Sania asking

" Uh.. She said she doesn't have any important lectures so she didn't come..." . From the corner of my eyes I saw Dev's sad eyes. .

" .... Yet. She will come in the second half " I continued and Instantly Dev's eyes lit up.

Though Tanya and Dev literally argue everytime over every small thing but I know that Dev has a crush on Tanya no matter how hard he tries to hide it .I can read his eyes. Soon the  teacher came and as usual the day passed in a jiffy.


Later that night,  I was sitting in the balcony enjoying the soft drizzle with some peaceful music and hot chocolate. Tanya came and sat beside me keeping her head on my shoulder.

I knew she was nervous regarding her performance in the audition for the dance club. She's a great dancer but still she feels nervous thinking she's gonna mess it up.

I forwarded my hot chocolate towards her. She took it .

"You know what ? I know you're gonna do great at the auditions and there's no way you won't get in the dance club. So don't be nervous." I said to her softly moving my hands through her locks.

She sighed and sat upright looking at me "How do you always know what's going on in my mind? "

I smiled and ruffled her hair . " Maybe Because I've known you for more than six years. " She smiled.

I continued, " Now common tell what do you want me to do to lift up your mood ? "

She shrugged and said, " The usual ".I chuckled and said, " Let's go then. "

I went to my room to grab my guitar and she went to the kitchen . I came and sat on the slab in front of her. She started making red sauce pasta for me and white sauce pasta  for herself while I sat there playing guitar and singing her comfort song "Chal Ghar Chalein".

This is our thing. Whenever one of us is feeling down , we do this ;I sing and play whereas she cooks. We ate while chatting about random topics and soon went to our respective rooms to call it a day.

I laid on my bed and closed my eyes to sleep. I saw the same eyes that I saw this morning and soon his masked face came into my view. I opened my eyes and felt my increased heartbeat. I shook my head to remove his thoughts from my mind but in vain. It's as if his face got imprinted on my mind. I drank some water and again tried to sleep and luckily this time sleep engulfed me.

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