Ch:26-First Little success

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Song: Saathiyaa

The next day dawned, and Aarvi stood before the staff room, nerves holding her in place like invisible shackles. As doubt crept in, a hand gently enveloped hers, sending a soothing wave of warmth through her body. She turned to find Rudransh by her side, his smile a beacon of reassurance. Their eyes locked, and he offered a supportive squeeze, emboldening her to take that crucial first step.

With a deep breath, Aarvi stepped into the staff room, Rudransh lingering just outside, a silent sentinel of encouragement.

"May I help you?" a teacher inquired. Aarvi expressed her desire to meet Palak ma'am, and the teacher gestured for her to approach.

"Ma'am, has the script for the skit been finalized?" Aarvi inquired, seeking confirmation.

"No, dear. We're still searching for one. It's quite stressful," her teacher replied, exchanging a glance with Sharma sir, her fellow organizer for the upcoming fest's drama performance.

"I've actually written something. It's not perfect, but I'd like to offer it for consideration," Aarvi revealed, surprising the teachers,   
because Aarvi was a student from the medical department of the university and she never participated in any cultural events.

She handed over her script, her heart pounding with anticipation. The teachers promised to review it and inform her of their decision.

"Thank you, ma'am," Aarvi said gratefully, exiting the staff room with a newfound sense of relief.

As she departed, her teachers exchanged intrigued glances, wasting no time in delving into her submission.

"Is it done?" Rudransh inquired as Aarvi emerged, standing before him.

Aarvi nodded, a smile spreading across her face as they continued on with their day, the weight of uncertainty lifted from her shoulders.


In the bustling canteen, Aarvi found herself engrossed in conversation with her friends, the usual banter filling the air. Suddenly, a girl approached, delivering a message that sent a ripple of nerves through Aarvi's being.

"Palak ma'am wants to see you in the staff room, Aarvi," the girl announced.

Aarvi's mind raced with apprehension as she made her way to the staff room, fingers fidgeting with worry. Standing outside, she felt a comforting presence behind her and turned to find her friends assembled, their supportive gazes reassuring her.

"Why are you all here?" Aarvi questioned, confusion knitting her brows.

"Do you really think supporting us is solely your responsibility?" Tanya chimed in, enveloping Aarvi in a side hug.

"Exactly. Today, you're taking your first step toward showcasing your talent. So, we're all here to support you," Ryan declared, his arm draped around her shoulder in a brotherly gesture.

"Now go, and don't worry, everything will be fine," Hardik assured, gently patting her head.

Overwhelmed by their unwavering support, Aarvi spread her arms, drawing her friends into a heartfelt group hug, laughter mingling with emotions.

"Go now," Sania nudged, gently urging her toward the staff room door.

Entering the room, Aarvi's eyes met Rudransh's, who leaned against the wall with a reassuring smile. Their silent exchange spoke volumes, easing Aarvi's nerves.

Taking her seat as instructed, Aarvi listened anxiously as Sharma sir and Palak ma'am began their evaluation of her script.

"And we have to say..." Palak ma'am trailed off, building suspense as Aarvi's nerves peaked.

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