Ch:30-college fest [I]

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Songs:  Bheegi si bhaagi si
               Fashion ka jalwa [ after the third 𝄞sign]

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the Trinity University campus, anticipation crackled in the air like electricity. Two weeks of meticulous planning and feverish preparations had led to this moment: the long-awaited college fest.

Every corner of the campus seemed to shimmer with a newfound vibrancy, adorned with strings of twinkling lights that danced in the gentle breeze. From the majestic entrance gates to the sprawling lawns, no inch was left untouched by the magic of celebration.

The central plaza, usually a hub of hurried footsteps and whispered conversations, had transformed into a bustling epicenter of activity. Stalls adorned with colorful banners and aromatic delicacies beckoned passersby, enticing them with promises of culinary delights from around the world.

Laughter echoed through the air as students, dressed in their finest attire, mingled and exchanged excited whispers about the night ahead. The scent of anticipation mingled with the fragrant blooms that adorned the pathways, creating an intoxicating atmosphere of joy and possibility.

As the evening descended, the campus came alive with the sound of music, each note weaving a tapestry of rhythm and melody that seemed to resonate with the beating hearts of all who gathered. And as the first stars appeared in the velvety sky, casting their gentle light upon the festivities below, it was clear that this night would be one to remember—a celebration of friendship, creativity, and the unbreakable spirit of Trinity University.

Amidst the flurry of final preparations for the upcoming show, Palak ma'am's voice cut through the bustling atmosphere like a beacon of calm.

"Is everything set, guys?" she inquired, her gaze sweeping over her students who had poured their hearts into preparing for the skit.

"Yes, ma'am," came the resounding chorus of replies, filled with a mix of nervousness and excitement.

Palak's brow furrowed slightly as she scanned the room, her keen eyes searching for one particular student. "Where is Aarvi?" she asked, a hint of concern lacing her voice.

"Ma'am, she's in the theatre room overseeing the final checkup of the set," Aarushi piped up, her voice tinged with admiration for her fellow classmate's dedication.

With a nod of acknowledgment, Palak made her way towards the theatre hall, her steps quickening with anticipation. As she stepped into the dimly lit space, her breath caught at the sight that greeted her—the stage, bathed in soft light, adorned with intricate decorations that spoke volumes of Aarvi's meticulous attention to detail.

"Aarvi?" Palak's voice echoed through the hall, drawing the attention of her star pupil who stood at the center of the stage, orchestrating the final touches with a grace that belied her age.

Upon hearing her teacher's call, Aarvi turned towards her, her eyes alight with a mixture of pride and anticipation. "Yes, ma'am?" she replied, her voice tinged with a touch of nervousness.

Palak approached her with a warm smile, her heart swelling with pride at the sight of Aarvi's hard work paying off. "Everything is so perfect, dear," she said, her voice filled with genuine admiration. "We saw the final rehearsal of the skit, and it's beautiful. You've done a perfect job. I couldn't have chosen anyone better than you for this job." Her words of praise hung in the air like a melody, wrapping Aarvi in a cocoon of validation and encouragement.

Aarvi's cheeks flushed with a mixture of pride and gratitude as she absorbed her teacher's words. "Thank you, ma'am," she murmured, her voice tinged with emotion. "I just wanted everything to be perfect for the show."

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