Ch-14: Melody

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Rudransh Pov~

Today is the second audition day for our University's dance team. Despite the heavy rain since last night, classes have been suspended for the day. Nevertheless, I've come here, driven by an inexplicable urge to see her.

I park my car and enter the premises, the distant sound of music emanating from the nearby auditorium where the performances are taking place. I make my way to the auditorium, scanning the room for her, but she's nowhere to be found.

Frustrated, I head towards the library. Its gloomy yet cozy ambiance, filled with books and faint lighting, offers a sense of comfort. I search every corner for her, but she's not there.

Disheartened, I sink onto a bench near a small window overlooking the school's backyard. Perhaps she didn't come after all.

As the sky rumbles with thunder, I realize how foolish it was to expect her to brave such weather without reason. With a sigh of defeat, I drag my palm across my face, resigned to the idea that she may not have shown up.

After a few minutes, I gather the strength to leave. However, as I step out of the library, I realize the rain is too heavy to make it to my car without getting drenched. I decide to wait it out and distract myself with my phone, scrolling through a project my team will be working on.

As I aimlessly wander the empty corridors, I'm drawn by a soft melody coming from a nearby room. Curiosity piqued, I hesitate momentarily, wondering if it's a ghost beckoning me inside like in horror movies. But the sweetness of the melody persuades me otherwise.

With trembling steps, I approach the room and gently push the door open. And there she is—Aarvi. Sitting alone in the room, a gentle breeze playing through the window, she cradles her guitar, lost in her music.

Her fingers move with grace across the strings, conjuring melodies that fill the room with warmth. Her voice, soft and serene, adds depth to the music, captivating me entirely.

There's a certain vulnerability in her expression as she sings, baring her soul through the lyrics and the emotion in her voice. It's as if each note carries a piece of her heart, inviting him to feel and experience the depth of her emotions alongside her.

Her beauty radiates not just from her outward appearance, but from the sheer joy and authenticity she exudes while playing. Whether she's lost in concentration or caught up in the joy of the music, there's an undeniable allure in her presence that leaves him spellbound, longing to be drawn into her world of melody and harmony.

As she ends the song with a soft hum ;Unable to resist, I applaud softly, startling her.

Her eyes jerked open and she gives a startled yelp.

" Gosh! You scared me !"

She said patting her heart to calm down when she sees it's me.

"I'm sorry but I couldn't help but clap at the beautiful performance." I praised her.

" Really ? " She looked up at me as I got closer to her.

" Do you know how you sounded while playing this?"

" How?" She tilted her head to the side waiting for my reply.

My eyes remained stuck to hers as I said," like the pitter patter of soft rain on the roof on a stormy night. Like the nightangles cooing in the stark of peaceful and consuming darkness. Like the little hum of bottomless sea. Like the serene sound of nature. Like the peace in this chaotic world."

Some deep emotions passed her eyes and face as she continued to look into my eyes.

A thunder breaks the moment, bringing us back to reality. But as she looks away, I find myself unable to tear my gaze from her. There's a mystery about her, a depth I long to uncover.

I continued to look at her as she closed her eyes tightly and shook her head as if shaking the thoughts away that dared arise.
And it made me want to know every thought inside her head.

I wanted to know every small things related to her.

I wanted to know the smiling girl as well the girl hidden inside her somewhere.

She was like a dark book who no one wanted to read so it decided to remain in the farthest hidden shelf, hiding itself from the eyes of the world.

She was like a folklore calling me to intertwine my notes with her whimsical melodies.

She's like a hidden gem, waiting to be discovered. And in that moment, I vow to unravel every layer of Aarvi Rathore.

She clears her throat after a moment .
" Umm .. what are you doing here? I mean isn't it holiday today and the weather is also quite bad today, then why?"

" Honestly, I've no idea . I just got up and my heart said me to come to here and thus here I am. "

I said instead of ' my heart longed for the feeling it gets when you're around and my eyes craved for a glimpse of you , that's why I'm here.'

" I see. So you do everything your heart says?" She asked with a little smile while searching her bag for something.

" Yeah mostly. But recently this heart has been going a little crazy so I need to figure out a way it shut it out." I said smiling and she nodded smiling.

" Here." She forwarded a granola bar towards me while she held the other one .

" Oh it's okay I'm not hungry." I lied.

I was hungry indeed . I didn't even have my breakfast earlier.

" Hmm...but I'm pretty sure I heard your stomach rumble." She said teasingly.

My eyes widened and I shook my head while laughing it off as if she just cracked a very funny joke.

She rolled her eyes and as if on cue my stomach rumbled again making me embarassed.

I looked at her with a sheepish smile and she laughed at my expression forwarding the granola bar in my direction again.

I took it this time and we both started eating our respective granolas while chatting about random stuff and books and music .

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