Ch-10: He's definitely cute

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Song- Gulaabi
( I just listened to this song while editing this chapter and I felt it was fun with the vibe of the chapter. You guys can try it too if you want . Enjoy)

Aarvi's Pov:~

I rushed up the stairs of my college towards the library. I was early as usual but today the reason for my early arrival is different.

I entered the library and found it all quiet and deserted. I looked around but no one was there.

I chuckled at my stupid act of coming early even when I knew that my first class was cancelled and slapped my forehead. Smilingly I moved towards my desk and started working on my pending work but every now and then my eyes would go towards the entrance hoping to see that special someone.

"Good morning Aarvi" Ms. Marine wished me cheerfully. I smiled and replied the same. She's the cutest lady I've met. She's totally a vibe. I finished my work and was about to leave when I heard his voice.

"Maam can i issue this book for a few days? "

I immediately turned back and saw him standing there talking to Ms. Marine.

He was clad in a simple baby blue shirt and denims, his backpack on his back , headphones around his neck and the mask in place as usual also along with the same hairstyle, the man bun. I came out of my reverie when I heard maam's voice.

"I'm sorry to say but you can't. Actually it's not yet on the borrow list of the school because it's one of the vintage copies. "

"Oh" Was all he said and kept the book back on maam's table.

"You can always come back here and read it. " Mam said . But he just shrugged saying, "it's alright. Bye mam."

He moved out of the library and I immediately followed him. Man !why does he have to be so fast ?

"Hey! " I called him from the top of the stairs .

But I think he didn't hear me so called once again " Rudransh! "

Hearing his name, he stopped and turned back .

I waved at him and actioned him to wait for me. I quickly descended the stairs and stood beside him .

"Good morning" I said with a smile and he wished me back.

"Going to class? " He asked walking with me.

"Nope I don't have a class until 10 and it's just 8:30 now. "

"Hmm... "

"You were in the library? Or you just came? " I casually asked.

"Oh I have been there since 7 "

"What?? Then how come I didn't see you when I was looking around? "

"For me? " He asked in a teasing voice.

"For books . " I lied and turned my face away flustered.

"Mm hmm. It might be because I was sitting in the farthest corner. "

"Ohhh" We talked about some random things while walking around.

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